After dinner, another wave of people came to see Wang Wenyuan's family.

Among the villagers, several of them smoked dry cigarettes. Yaoyao and Dashuang and Xiaoshuang couldn't stand the smell of cigarette leaves, so the three siblings went outside to play.

Han Mingxiu also didn't like the smell of dry smoke lingering in the room, and wanted to go out for a few breaths of fresh air, but everyone came to see them on purpose. If she didn't look good, she had to bite the bullet and stay .

At this moment, it was getting dark, and the three siblings didn't go far, just wandered around the village, looking at the old house of this family for a while, and the fence gate of that family for a while, it was really boring. span

"Hey, it's so boring!" Yaoyao kicked Xuekela under her foot and sighed, "The countryside is really bad, there is no entertainment at all at night, not even a movie theater, and it's not dark yet, just So lifeless, you can't suffocate someone to death when it's dark—"

Da Shuang said, "That's what the countryside is like, otherwise you would expect a movie theater and karaoke room in the countryside? If that's the case, who would come to the city? They should all live in the countryside."

Xiaoyao shrugged and said, "Fortunately, I wasn't born in the countryside, otherwise I'd have to suffocate me to death."

The two sisters were talking when suddenly a tall and strong rural boy appeared out of nowhere. The boy had dark skin and tattered clothes, but he was quite handsome.

He stood a little nervously in front of the three of them, and stammered, "Don't...don't think about the countryside...the countryside also has a lot of good...interesting things, I'll take you to play with the dog. Sledge, okay?"

When such a person suddenly appeared, the three brothers and sisters were all startled. Dashuang and Xiaoshuang stood in front of their sister, like two bodyguards, ready to go.

"Hey, who are you? Why did you invite us to play?" Dashuang looked at each other vigilantly and asked coldly.

Although he is more than a head shorter than others, his innate and powerful aura should not be underestimated.

When the boy heard Da Shuang's words, he quickly said, "My name is Si Lei, you can just call me Lei Zi, my family belongs to this Sijia Wazi village. In the past, Uncle Jianfeng and my dad were fine, right? , My father's name is Si Shuangxi, and his nickname is Xizi..."

"Yeah, so your dad is Xizi. My dad was talking about going to the dam with your dad to steal fish when I was a kid on the way!"

When Xiaoshuang heard that he was the son of his father's old friend, the weather turned sunny, and there was a friendly smile on his slightly baby-fat face. My brother Dashuang, this is my sister Huo Yao, by the way, where is the dog sledge you said? Is it fun? How to play? "

Leizi glanced at Yaoyao excitedly and said, "It's at my house, you wait for me, I'll go get it for you..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the brothers and sisters to say anything, he ran west, probably running home to get the dog sledge.

Looking at the back that disappeared quickly, Da Shuang complained to Xiao Shuang, "You know that Lei Zi is a good person and a bad person, so just set up with someone else, what if he is a bad person?"

Xiaoshuang grinned indifferently, clenched his chubby fists, shook it in front of his brother's eyes, and said arrogantly, "It doesn't matter if he is a good person or a bad person, it's better to be a bad person, it just so happens that we haven't had a good time for a long time. After a fight, if he is the bad guy, the three of us will just take the opportunity to evacuate our muscles..."

Da Shuang also made sense when he heard it. Although the boy looked tall and strong just now, it was not easy to deal with, but the current skills of their siblings were enough to subdue him.

Therefore, he did not continue to complain about Xiaoshuang, but looked forward to the dog sledge that Leizi said...

About five or six minutes later, Leizi ran over with big strides. From a distance, he saw the little fairy standing there waiting for him with her hands in her pockets. Leizi's happy heart was filled with flowers, and her footsteps changed. faster.

When he got there, Xiaoshuang asked first, "Hey, where's the dog sledge? I just saw the dog, what about the sledge? Isn't it the board under your elbow?"

Leizi smiled, took out the board under his armpit and turned it over, only to see two iron bars in parallel at the bottom edge of the board.

He pointed to the two iron bars and said, "This is a sledge, and it slides very fast on the ice."

Da Shuang said, "Isn't this a low-profile sled?"

Leizi has seen his friends play sleds, but his family is poor and can't afford a sled, so he can only do it himself.

Hearing what Da Shuang said, he nodded and said, "Yes, yes, this is a simple sled. Tie the sled to a rope, and then put it on the dog's body. The dog pulls it and runs in front, it is a dog sledge."

"Is this okay?" Xiaoshuang looked suspiciously at the things in Leizi's hands. Although he was still a little uneasy, he could see that he was excited and wanted to try this simple sled.

"Okay, of course, let's go, I'll take you to the dam to play!" Leizi explained while panting slightly.

Upon receiving Leizi's invitation, Dashuang and Xiaoshuang looked at their sister in unison, as if waiting for her decision.

Yaoyao was very interested in this simple dog sledge, and she didn't want to go back to the house to accompany the old ladies and aunties, so she waved her small hand and said imposingly, "Go, go, go."

When Leizi saw that Yaoyao was willing to follow him, he was very moved, and hurriedly accelerated his pace to lead the way in front.

The dam is located between Sijiawazitun and Xiaodongshantun. The distance between the two villages is not far. They walked for more than ten minutes.

Along the way, Lei Zi kept peeking at the figure with his eyes. The more he looked at him, the more he felt good-looking, and the more he looked at his young heart, the more he fell...

When we got to the dam, it was getting darker and darker. Rao was like this, and there were still a few Amoy boys playing slippery games on the dam.

Seeing Leizi coming, several children greeted him obediently, "Hello Leizi..."

It seems that Leizi has a high prestige among these children.

Leizi nodded and said to them, "I have a few friends who want to play dog ​​sledges, you all hide, don't hit Huang Mao, and don't let Huang Mao hit you..."

"Understood, Brother Leizi, it just so happens that I have to go home for dinner, so I'll go first." A thin and tall half-eldest said first.

"By the way, I also have to go home to feed the pigs, or it's too late my mother should scold me..." The other child also made excuses and left.

I don't know if I was afraid of Lei Zi or what, after Lei Zi said that, several children ran away, and there were only four of them left on the huge reservoir.

Leizi waved at his big yellow dog, "Yellow hair, come here, pull the dog sledge!"

The big yellow dog ran over obediently, and Lei Zi quickly put the "sled" on the dog's body, then looked at Xiao Yao and said, "You guys, who will go up and play first?"

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