Zhu Zhishan asked Wang Shouren to persuade him, and he became very interested in the book editor. In this world, there are talented scholars who love to write novels and operas. They may gather so many words such as fine gold and beautiful jade, so that a talented person like him is convinced by an author, and someone like Wang Shouren can be called to help him. Not mundane.
He originally wanted to meet Wang Shouren this time and go back to Suzhou, but now he doesn't want to leave. He stood up and said, "I wish I will live in the Guild Hall for the past two days and will not leave Beijing for the time being. When will the book editor want to meet? I, ask Brother Wang to send someone to call me."
Wang Shouren thought for a while, and said: "Since Brother Zhu is interested, it is better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day. Although my brother is not at home at this time, he has a garden that does not lock the door day and night, but sometimes two disciples of his family With the neighbor who taught them martial arts. That one has something to do with the painting book, we just waited in the past."
What kind of character is this, even the neighbor who taught his disciple martial arts is a talent? Or... Then the neighbor has the stunning martial art of flying over the wall in the Jinyiwei comic strip, and the painter they hired to paint according to that person?
Zhu Zhishan had already flown into that garden early. In addition to wanting to meet the book editor, he also wanted to see the terrifying warrior.
He did not expect that the painting was indeed painted according to the person, not according to his martial arts, but according to his appearance.
It's a pity that his glasses can only be used as a magnifying glass, so they can see clearly if they are close to people. When he saw people, he couldn't stick it up and look at it, so he didn't recognize the martial artist in the garden wearing ordinary white cotton stickers and light green protection. The charm of the five senses and the hero of the soul in the Jinyiwei painting have six or seven points. similar.
Fortunately, there is Wang Shouren beside him.
Seeing that Xie Ying and the two uncles were indeed there, Wang Shouren took the initiative to introduce him: "Brother Zhu, these two are the current uncles of the country. Jin Yiwei is the chief governor of Jin Yiwei, the chief executive of Zhang Shixian Kunzhong, and this is Master Xie Ying Xie of Jin Yiwei Town. The two uncles and Master Xie, this is Zhu Yunming and Zhu Juren I met when I was taking the exam in Jiangnan."
Xie Zhenfu! Xie Qingtian, who appeared most often in the Jinyiwei series, and broke countless unjust cases!
He actually taught the two uncles... he, he is the editor behind Jin Yiwei? No wonder those dramas and comics write him so well!
No, it’s not right, I almost forgot, what Shou Renxian said just now was Mr. Wu Xue who was the disciple of the book editor, so the book editor was actually not him, but the teachers of these two uncles... He should have heard Who is the teacher of Uncle Guo? He often listens to it. Why is the name stuck in my heart when Xie Zhenfu is so excited?
Zhu Zhishan swept through the three people in the courtyard, one high and two low, thinking in his mind, he almost forgot to salute in confusion.
Brother Zhang Heling also looked at this seemingly ordinary middle-aged man carefully, and exchanged glances: Why did Wang Shishu go home like a human? Could it be that there is something special about this person, or is he carrying a huge case?
After Xie Ying saw the ceremony, she looked at Zhu Zhishan deeply, and noted the appearance of the future four talents.
But he quickly picked up his curiosity, only when Wang Shouren attracted an ordinary talent, and pointed to Xiaolou with a smile: "Wang Xian and Zhu Zhu are going to read a book? Then I will take the two uncles back to Xie Mansion first. Cui Xian I couldn't come back for a while, I went back and asked my family to prepare some refreshments to bring."
Wang Shouren said hurriedly: "Don't bother, I just brought Brother Zhu over to sit down, and I will go to Cui's house later. We are guests, so it's not good to bother Master Xie and Uncle Guo to practice martial arts."
Xie Ying naturally knew what Cui Xie asked Zhu Zhishan to do. He looked at him more and shook his head with a smile: "No need. Brother Wang Xian, you scholars have to talk about scholars. We listened outside, and both were uncomfortable. The Xie’s family also has other yards where you can practice martial arts. I will take my two uncles home first."
The two uncles did not have much interest in the nameless scholars like Zhu Zhishan, and did not want to listen to them reading stories, and honestly left with Xie Ying.
I also missed the opportunity to talk to the author in person about how to write more wisely.
Zhu Zhishan didn't know that the two uncles he had just met were the prototypes of the characters he was about to write, but was deeply immersed in the shock of seeing Jin Yiwei Xie Zhenfu himself, and asked Wang Shouren to pull into the building for a while before returning. God.
Then he suddenly remembered that both Wang Shouren and Xie Ying mentioned a person when they spoke.
A surnamed Cui, Xie Zhenfu's neighbor, and two teachers of the uncles of the country, can find a true talent in the world... There is such a Cui Hanlin in the Jin Yiwei comic book that often appears on the scene, how can he never remember it!
Zhu Zhishan almost squeezed the book in his hand, and his voice trembled slightly, pressing on the back of Wang Shouren's hand and asked: "The thing that Brother Wang Xian wants me to see is the same examiner in the examination room of the Poetry Scriptures in Chenghua. Cui Zhuangyuan who is in the first place and Da Kui's world?!"
When he was in Jiangnan, he also studied the unspeakable relationship between Cui Zhuangyuan and Cui Meiren, and was refuted by Wang Shouren face to face. Now he wants to meet the real person... Zhu Zhishanrao is a genius who is accustomed to big scenes. He remembered the one he had made up. The story is so fragrant, the old face is hot.
However, the more afraid of meeting people, the sooner this person will come.
Before Xie's dim sum was finished, Cui Xie had returned from the Hanlin Academy. As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw the steward of Xie's house reporting to him at the door, saying that Wang Shouren had brought Zhu Yunming to him and waited to see him in the small garden building.
Cui Xie was overjoyed, and hurriedly changed into a fashionable jade-colored waisted gown, put on a veil, and walked directly into the library without a servant, and saw Zhu Zhishan, who had seen countless times in TV and movies. .
Although the face is not familiar, but the identity is familiar, and the look of myopia patients is also familiar with squinting their eyes!
He suppressed the surprise in his heart, and greeted with a smile: "Shou benevolent brother, Yu brother is coming back late, is this the Wuzhong celebrity Zhujuren?"
Zhu Zhishan's heart jumped and followed Wang Shouren to stand up to the salute, and squinted at the person outside the door. Cui Xie didn't wait for anyone to greet him. He walked into the house and bowed his hands to Zhu Zhishan: "I heard that Mr. Zhu's poetry and book Guan Shilin is only famous for Jiangnan. I want to see you for a long time, but I don't want to meet today."
The two were only two or three feet away, and Zhu Zhishan could almost see him clearly. The short essay "Cui Zhuangyuan and Cui Meiren must have an affair" has not been deleted from his mind. He called this handsome enough to overwhelm the famous Jiangnan prostitute's face, and reminded him of this dark history. .
Zhu Zhishan was ashamed and took two steps backwards. Choi Xie pressed forward step by step, shook his hand and said, "Brother Shouren Hyun came back from his hometown last year and praised your talent with me, and let me watch the poems and inks he brought. The mountain is like a phoenix and grass, and I have been obsessed with it since then. Today I asked my brother Renxian to invite me, just for an article."
With a few words of effort, he forced Zhu Zhishan to the wall, unavoidable, he could only lower his head and say: "Ashamed..."
"Who will be ashamed of Zhishan's talent?"
Cui Xie is not very young, but he is also a house teacher. He has heard hundreds of jinshi calling "mentor", and he has cultivated a famous teacher aura. He held the hand of Zhu Zhishan, who was not the first son, and said kindly: "I was referred to by your majesty as the same examiner in this subject. I have some knowledge of tasting articles. I think Zhishan's writings can stand the world's people. It’s just that the fortune hasn’t arrived, and it still owes a bit of time on the court."
Zhu Zhishan's shame didn't disappear, and he told him to be fainted with praise. Without paying attention to his few words, Zhu Juren and Mr. Zhu changed his name to Zhishan.
Although Cui Xie treats people kindly, the literati generation rules are actually very strict. Given the distance between the imperial son and the Hanlin attendant, Zhu Zhishan can only call himself a "waiter" and ask Master Cui: "Dare Is it necessary for the waiter to also write the Jinyiwei painting book? If this is the case, the waiter dare not make any other requests. I only wish to ask my husband to lead me to make friends with other authors.
This... Cui Xie took a peek at Wang Shouren from the corner of his eye.
Saint Wang also stood stubbornly in the room, wanting to hear the names of those mysterious authors.
can not say.
In order to protect Wang Zhuangyuan’s glorious image in front of his son, Cui Xie shook his head in tears and rejected his contributor: “It’s not that I don’t want to introduce talents for Zhishan, but I made a decision at the beginning when I was looking for someone for Juanzhai. Rules, never reveal the identity of any author. Any author who does not want to disclose his identity will not be able to say a word during his lifetime."
His phrase "Any author who does not want to disclose his identity will live forever" did not break the sentence, and he played a side ball, leaving himself with a retreat for the author to write memoirs and suicide notes after his death, and to announce the identity of the bigwigs.
Wang Shouren shook his head regretfully, but Zhu Zhishan was a little unwilling, and asked: "Zhu is not afraid to disclose his identity. Isn't it that among the literati driven by Master Cui, is there no one who is also willing to meet other people?"
To be honest, the authors of the Hanlin Academy knew each other, and they just had to hide it from the newcomers.
Cui Xie's expression remained unchanged, and he still said lovingly: "I should respect everyone's meaning on this matter. They are willing to disclose their identities, and they are free to disclose, but there must not be a word from my mouth. Otherwise, those who are willing to do it for me in the future Write a book, but don’t want to use the name of the person, how to believe me! What's more, Zhishan wants to sing with other authors, so why must I choose those people, and then find a few acquaintances for me to write this Jinyiwei story? Not better?"
"Ruzhishan, you, with Wuzhong, Tang Yin, Wen Zhengming... and other celebrities, in the future, apart from singing and singing poems, I will write a few series of brocade clothes and guards, and publish them all over the world, and spread the name of your Suzhou talented person to the world. How many people are you looking for?"
It's famous all over the world...
After all, the mentality of the gifted scholar and the prime minister is different. Zhu Zhi Yamamoto is a fanatic literati, and he has to say that the four words "famous in the world" are quite attractive to him. Now Ju'anzhai has opened from Beijing to Nanjing, and Jin Yiwei's comic strips and dramas have spread throughout the Ming Dynasty along with booksellers and scholars.
If his name can be printed on the comic book page, then the name of this talented Wuzhong should be changed to Zhu Zhishan, a talented person in the world.
Cui Xie deeply looked at his eyes that were particularly deep because of high myopia and astigmatism, and said with affection: "Zhishan, your eyes hurt your eyes because of reading too much, can't you be farsighted? Nowadays most of the mirrors on the market are for the elderly. , You used to be afraid that it would be inappropriate, just because you want to write the story of the young Jinyiwei for me, you have to stay in Beijing for a while, and I will find someone to match you with a pair that can stand on your face."
Zhu Zhishan's first resignation made him "ashamed of the kindness of the adults", and then he asked again: "Why is it young Jinyiwei? Yunming heard in Beijing that the next movie should be Jinyiwei Yangbo going to sea to destroy the Japanese country..."
Ah, didn't the author of that book just submitted the manuscript?
Cui Xie glanced at Wang Shouren subconsciously and explained: "The original story of Jin Yiwei is still written by the old writers of Longquan Hermit and Yuzhou Sheng. Now it is about to open the young Jin Yiwei based on the two national uncles who wisely capture and **** **** Li Guang. "
The impeachment of Li Guang by the two uncles was not very clear to outsiders, and they didn't even know the harm of Li Guang. Zhu Zhishan had just met the country's uncle, but he didn't say a few words, didn't understand it, and didn't like it much. It was a little bit difficult.
Cui Xie dragged Wang Shouren to testify and urged him to write a script for "Jin Yiwei": "The story of Jin Yiwei is now known to everyone. How can well-known authors write new ideas? It's better to start anew and rewrite a new one. Story. Although the two uncles were young, they knew the laws of the country well, were loyal and honest, and dedicated to serving the country. At a young age, they could discern the ambitions of the treacherous eunuchs to manipulate the inner powers and confuse the emperor. Purging the inner court, Shouren can testify for me!"
Wang Shouren nodded and told the truth: "The **** Li wanted to bribe the two state uncles and told the uncles to expose them. Afterwards, the town governor found out several serious crimes such as deceiving the emperor, embezzling bribes, and befriending foreign ministers. The big case that shocked the government and the opposition."
However, it mainly shocked the imperial court, and it did not spread to the people. Jiangnan scholars have not heard of it.
Only then did Zhu Zhishan know that the two uncles who hadn't thanked Zhen to stroke their noses were rare loyalists, and they had really dealt with big cases. They didn't violate their conscience when they wrote them, and the color of resistance on their faces was reduced.
Cui Xie struck the iron while it was hot, holding the glasses in his hand, and complimented him more vigorously than Kuaguo's uncles: "I Guan Zhishan is agile and free and easy to write. It is just right to write the charm of the young uncles who are abroad!"
Zhu Zhicong.
Zhu Zhishan really did.
They are famous in the south of the Yangtze River, and they are not afraid of being famous. So Cui Xie asked the two uncles and Xie Zhen to caress, and asked the author to have a chat with the original characters, so as to deepen their understanding, and write more accurately in the future.
Wang Shouren also stayed for a banquet and drank until the curfew before hurried home. When he arrived at home, the drunkenness still remained, so his father blocked him from the door and brought him to the study for questioning.
Although he was still sober after drinking, he did not confess to his father that Cui Xie was the editor-in-chief of a comic strip. He only said: "Today I saw Zhu Zhishan, a Suzhou elder who I recognized during the township examination. I heard that he wanted to give Juan Zhai wrote the manuscript of the new comic book "Young Jinyiwei", and I had a drink with him and a few friends to celebrate."
Wang Zhuangyuan asked subconsciously: "Young Jinyiwei?"
Wang Shouren looked around for a week, approached his father, lowered his voice like a thief, and said, "Father, don’t tell others that the new writing is the two state uncles named Jinyiwei Dudu. Because they are young, they It's called "Young Jinyiwei"."
Wang Huagang was so angry that his son was drunk and laughed. Suddenly he heard the news that Cui Xie had started a new series, and said, "He actually..."
After only saying these three words, Wang Zhuangyuan realized that it was wrong, and quickly swallowed the words that followed, stood up and said coldly: "It's getting late, you have drunk, go to sleep."
Wang Shouren stood up to confess the crime, and walked away from his father, but his mind was echoing with the worrying "he actually..."
Who is he? Why did my father say the word "you" when he heard of "Junior Jinyiwei"?
Wang Shouren ate a lot of wine at night, his thoughts were delayed and numb, he was not as flexible as usual, and he could not think of the answers to these questions in his mind. But when he retreated to the door and turned upside down to go out, his eyes fell in front of Wang Hua's desk, and a scene from a long time ago suddenly flashed before him.
On the blue brick in front of the desk, there used to be a few embroidered pictures of Jin Yiwei comics.
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