Transmigration: First Class Immortal Husband

Chapter 544: The power of transcending the calamity

Yin Hua's intention was to forward this news to Master Xu through Gu Yao, especially knowing the role of Master Xu's Sword Demon and other peak transcending tribulation powers in the collapse of the Shuiyue Fragment, he knew that this news was only correct. These powers can act as vigilance.

Perhaps it is not necessary for him to say, these great powers have a feeling somewhere.

Liao Xu was still dealing with the remnants of the Shuiyue Fragment. When he received the message from Xu Chen, he raised his brows slightly, found Sword Demon and others in the void, and relayed the matter to them.

Gu Yao was able to find the essays left by the monks in the ruins of Xianzong. These great masters who have lived for an unknown number of years have a rich collection.

Fairy Bihen used to be famous in the spiritual world and was known for her beauty. However, one misfortune caused her appearance to be destroyed. Since then, she has many opportunities to restore her former appearance. Scar's face climbed to the peak of the spiritual world. Although the combat power is incomparable to monks like Xuhe Sword Demon, the first-hand water spell is also quite amazing.

Fairy Bihen has a very good reputation among female cultivators and has countless admirers. A book appeared in her hand, and she opened the page and said: "There is indeed such a strange beast in the fairyland, they come from the void, so they Named Void Beast or Void Immortal Beast, this Void Beast often appears in the fairy world, but there is no guarantee that it will not appear in our spiritual world, because hundreds of thousands of years ago, the spiritual world had encountered the invasion of some alien beasts, all kinds of evidence can be Prove that these alien beasts are Void Beasts."

Liao Xu and others all saw the portrait of this kind of Void Beast on the page. It was covered with thick scales and armor, so it was difficult for swords and spears to penetrate. No. makes them feel very tricky.

Fairy Bihen turned out the second book: "If my memory is not wrong, this book comes from the original Shuiyue fragment. This book records the Shuiyue Xianzong in the fairy world, which was destroyed in a void. In the beast invasion accident."

The sword demon grasped the sword in his hand, and his eyes were sharp: "If they dare to come, they will be beaten back!"

Fairy Bihen glanced at the fighting maniac helplessly: "It depends on how many Void Beasts invade the spiritual world. If there are too many, you and I can stop it? I didn't expect my spiritual world to be in a troubled autumn recently. Not long after the crisis of the invasion was resolved, the Void Beast came again."

They had a bad feeling in the first place, and when the news was sent, it was basically certain that it was the sense of crisis that this thing brought them.

Lixu folded his hands together, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said, "Perhaps this time is not the danger of my spiritual world. Do you think the devil world can escape?"

"What does the master mean?" Fairy Bihen's eyes showed surprise.

Liao Xu said: "After this matter, maybe I should go to the devil world."

"Alright, Master You Lao has worked hard." Fairy Bihen has always had a very good impression of Xu, and it's not that they want to rush ahead in everything, but they haven't soared yet. Influence, hard work for many years, all the way to the top is not easy, if at the last minute, if you miss a move, there is no place to regret it.

So I can only work hard as a laborer in the spiritual world, and run wherever there is danger.

Liao Xu squinted his eyes and smiled, and said: "Don't worry too much, according to the poor monk's calculation, we still have some time to prepare, and the water moon fragment was opened in time, and the spirit grass half fairy grass flowing out of the fragment As well as those semi-immortal artifacts and immortal artifacts, they will all come in handy, and Lingzhou has undergone another rectification."

He said and looked at the sky, Fairy Bihen and others also showed helplessness. Does this mean that Tiandao will give you a slap and give you a few sweet dates? Crisis is coming, so let's bring some benefits first? It really makes me cry.

Gu Yao cultivated when it was time to practice, and when it was time to concoct pills, it seemed that the news sent by his uncle did not have much impact on him.

In fact, I have experienced a lot of things, so what can I worry about? It's better to be prepared and be calm when the time comes. The interstellar world is like the invasion of the Zerg, and the world of comprehension is the same when it is faced with the invasion of alien beasts.

He sent the medicinal pills that he had researched to enhance the strength of the physical body to the Dan Alliance, but he also found that there were not many elders who were interested, very few. The simplified version of the soul refining method that came out.

Of course, this is not due to him alone. He discussed it with Xu Chen before, and then summed it up on the basis of the cultivation experience left by Dan Xian. Dan Xian also has a lot of experience in Soul Refinement. Gu Yao is learning to absorb the basics. In addition, he has also deepened his understanding of the soul refining method.

The simplified version of Soul Refinement is in the middle of Soul Refinement and Spiritual Alchemy, which greatly reduces the difficulty and threshold of Soul Refinement.

When Chi Changye left the customs, two more alchemy alliances were added to the spiritual world, and everything seemed so vibrant.

There are also good news coming from the outside world. As Xu Chen said before, the spiritual world has ushered in a wave of promotion, which cultivator has broken through the Heavenly Tribulation again, and which loose cultivator has successfully advanced.

Just when Gu Yao couldn't figure out the iron ball he brought out of the ruins, he and Chi Changye received a message at the same time, and the two looked at each other and checked at the same time.

"Yeah, it was sent by Leihu. His master is about to break through the calamity. He asked us if we wanted to go and watch it."

Chi Changye received the same message, and the two were not surprised at all. Originally, the alchemy alliance helped his master to refine a pot of elixir. Later, in the water and moon fragments, it was impossible for Fengleijianzhuang to have no harvest. External conditions, coupled with Master Lei Hu's own years of practice and accumulation, this step is a matter of course.

Chi Changye immediately replied, how could such an opportunity be missed, if not for a good relationship with Fenglei Jianzhuang, they would not be able to be invited here.

Gu Yao said to the elders in the Dan League, and went to Beizhou with Chi Changye, where he could also visit his uncle and Zhou Hu.

Gu Yao and Chi Changye left, and the elders in the Presbyterian Church looked at the direction of Beizhou with great envy in their hearts.

"Lei Broken Cloud has finally come this far. I don't know when we will have this opportunity."

When Lei Suiyun broke out due to an old injury, his cultivation base declined. At that time, all the monks in the spiritual world thought that he would never have the opportunity to advance to the Tribulation Transcendence in his life. Adding another Tribulation Sword Cultivator, the strength will increase greatly.

"Our luck is not bad. After all these years, everyone's cultivation has not been stagnant."

"That's right, let's discuss the alchemy technique we mentioned last time..."

The elders quickly put aside trivial matters and devoted themselves to alchemy.

Fenglei Jianzhuang was beaming with joy because the elder Lei Shaiyun was about to cross the tribulation. Jianzhuang was full of confidence from top to bottom. Fenglei Jianzhuang would soon add a new elder, so the disciples felt honored to walk in. All the way up the road.

When Gu Yao and Chi Changye arrived, Lei Hu personally came to pick them up. Lei Hu himself laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth and took them all the way to the place where they were preparing to cross the calamity. Basically the same as the North State.

When Gu Yao and Chi Changye arrived, the cultivators who arrived first greeted them one after another. The status of these two in Beizhou cannot be said to be more important. Chi Changye's swordsmanship and fighting strength are admired by Beizhou Jianxiu, while Gu Yao's Dan The technique is equally popular, and more importantly, Gu Yao's combat power in the Shuiyue Fragment is not bad, and such an alchemist will win their favor even more.

"Brother Chi, Alchemist Gu." Xia Yuanze came over to greet them. After everyone came out of the debris, they went back to their respective homes. They spent most of these years in seclusion. Now they meet again at Fengleijianzhuang. They are very happy, the most happy. What's more, everyone's cultivation base has risen a lot.

Gu Yao saw Jianxiu in the middle surrounded by layers of formations. Although he was sitting cross-legged, he felt like a sword, but the sword was erratic. Obviously, Leihu's master and his path were different. , is more windy.

The elder Taishang of Fengleijianzhuang personally protected Lei Suiyun. When the robbery cloud was condensed in the sky, Lei Suiyun stood up and looked up into the sky. Facing the terrifying power of heaven and earth, he was like a man in the wind. Like bamboo, despite the strong winds and rains, I stand still.

Thunder robbery roared, and like most sword cultivators, Lei Hu's master, Du Jie, also relied on a sword. The sword in Jian xiu's hand could slash the clouds of robbery up and the demons down.

The thunder robbery continued to blast for half a month before dissipating, and the sky was raining. Taking the place of the body and transcending a calamity by oneself becomes a calamity-transcending power, which means that it is one step closer to ascending to the Immortal Realm.

The goal of their cultivation is not to pursue longevity and ascend to the immortal world.

The master of Jianzhuang and the elder Taishang were also delighted to hear each other, and asked the disciples of Zhuangzhong to warmly entertain the guests.

Gu Yao found himself surrounded by enthusiastic monks. He felt that the eyes of these monks looked at him more than before the calamity.

When Leihu came over to clear their doubts, Leihu laughed: "I know those guys are envious of me, because I can make friends with you, the ancient alchemist, they thought I didn't know that they all looked at my master to death before. , I thought that my master could not become the great power of transcending the tribulation, but now my master has survived the calamity, and among them, Gu alchemist, you have the greatest contribution, so they also want to learn from my thunder tiger, haha."

Gu Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The medicine pill is only an external cause, and the self-cultivation is not enough, and it is useless to forcefully transcend the tribulation. From the performance of the senior when he crossed the calamity, we know that the senior has a profound cultivation base and becomes a calamity master sooner or later."

Lei Hu waved his hand, Gu Yao is too modest, although the medicinal pill is an external cause, it is an indispensable part for the master, without this link, nothing can be done: "By the way, my master Tell me before the calamity and let me stay with you for a while, Master wants to see you, especially Brother Chi."

"Okay, then thank you very much." Gu Yao was happy for Chi Changye. He was also a sword cultivator. Master Lei Hu's breakthrough experience was very precious to Chi Changye.

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