No one knows when the Void Beast will truly recede. The innate talent of this race is to be able to walk freely in the void, but that is where most monks stop. long time.

One or two years is enough. For ten or eight years, it is impossible for Gu Yao to stay in Pill Immortal City and continue to refine pills, so when he receives an order for help, when there are not enough people, he will bring people to catch up. He helped him in the past, and gradually, his yin-yang mirror became famous, and he played with a blue and a black flame in a lot of tricks, and the power became more and more powerful.

Even if he doesn't need to exercise combat power, the Moyu and the cubs around him also need it. The Void Beast is strong, but the power of the soul is very weak. It is difficult for ordinary monks to penetrate the solid outer skin and attack its soul. Black cat cubs The black dark flames can ignore this barrier.

This also made the spiritual world cultivator more and more shocked. It turned out that Gu Yao was famous in the entire spiritual world for his alchemy skills. It turned out that he was not only good at alchemy skills, but also not weak in cultivation and combat power.

Of course, not to mention Chi Changye. When he alone defeated the first-level Void Beast, and finally slaughtered it under the sword, the spirit world was full of ye, and the photo stones with the battle scenes were sold all over the spirit world. very well.

The limelight of the husband and wife is getting stronger and stronger. Of course, it is not only them. In the battle with the Void Beast, more and more outstanding monks have emerged from the spiritual world, and they have successively boarded the larger stage of the spiritual world.

The alchemy alliance also took this opportunity to spread all over the spiritual world to speed up the cultivation of alchemy masters in various places, because it is too late to supply the needs of elixirs in all places by relying on Danxiancheng alone. In just a few decades, the overall level of alchemy in the spiritual world has , faster than in the past few hundred years.

Wen Fan and Geng Yan were watching the scene in the photo stone. What was playing was Gu Yao's use of the Yin-Yang Mirror to fight the Void Beast. When they saw the blue and black flames twisting together, they released a more violent aura. A Void Beast was killed, and their eyes lit up.

Geng Yan said: "I really underestimate the monks in this place. Although it is a low-level space, there are still a lot of good things. There are two different kinds of strange fires on a little spiritual world monk, which is really a waste. "

Wen Fan touched his chin and said, "Have you seen the origin of that black flame?"

Geng Yan nodded: "It's the black nightmare, right, I saw it, it's the cultivator's pet, because of the contract, so this cultivator

Warriors can use the power of beast pets to fight, and black nightmare beasts are rare even in the fairy world. "

The cultivator Zhao next to him saw the opportunity and said, "The two immortal envoys are interested in the strange fire?"

Wen Fan and Geng Yan looked at each other, interested? Of course, there is. The things that the monks they despise have made them jealous. How can they feel comfortable in their hearts, especially Geng Yan, he is a fire-type monk, and he covets these two kinds of strange fires even more. If he gets it, his strength will definitely be improved to a higher level.

It's just that the two guys from Changqimen made it clear that they were on that side, so they wouldn't be able to **** it openly, but when others were vying to give it to them, they didn't need to push it out.

So Wen Fan laughed: "Different fire is also a rare thing in the fairy world, and we are so envious. The ancient leader of the Dan League is really lucky, and he will do a lot in the future."

After cultivator Zhao and the others left, Wen Fan and Geng Yan smiled at each other, and they didn't hesitate to take advantage of these people.

Gu Yao, who had just ended a battle, suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Chi Changye disassembled all the parts of the Void Beast that could be disassembled and used, put it in a special storage ring, came over and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Gu Yao shook his head, it was just a sense without warning, and he couldn't tell the real feeling. Just as he was about to say something, the two's transmitters rang at the same time, and the two looked down: "It's Brother Tian and they found a group of people over there. The hidden Void Beast, they can't hold it anymore, let's go!"

Decades have passed, those Void Beasts beyond their capabilities have been eliminated by Bigo and the others, and the rest are left to themselves. Although many monks have died under the claws of Void Beasts over the years, one after another. A wave of outstanding monks has emerged, and the spiritual world will not weaken because of this, but there is another kind of flourishing.

There have been no new Void Beasts for five or six years in a row, but the spirit world is too big, and those Void Beasts who have flowed into the spirit world have fought a guerrilla war with the monks, and they need to be pulled out one by one, otherwise they will be destroyed. Depending on the way they eat, once given time and space, they will quickly grow again.

Chi Changye asked the other monks who came out together to rush over as soon as possible. He and Gu Yao took a step first, and they disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye. After the other monks cleaned the battle field, they quickly followed.

In recent years, they have been fighting everywhere. Not to mention their husband and wife, they are Tian Feirong and Fatty, Yin Hua and Zhou Hu. Because of the constant stimulation of battle, their strength has also risen very quickly, and they have also made a lot of breakthroughs in the spiritual world. Fame, Qing Yan, who was once coveted by others, has now become Tian Feirong's logo and is very popular.

Chi Changye, who was flying with Gu Yao in the air, stopped abruptly and looked at the sky with a cold expression. Gu Yao was also vigilant, because he also felt that the surrounding space was blocked, and someone was blocking them in the middle of the road. , Is this the induction he gave birth to before?

With the rise of Chi Changye's breath, the purple Thunder Dragon wandering around him is also full of fighting spirit. Today's Thunder Dragon, even his eyes are so realistic, but even a tentacle is due to the sword intent of Chi Changye. Condensation, the more harmless it looks, the more dangerous it is.

"Come out!" Chi Changye shouted, "You don't need to hide in a hurry!"

Those who dare to rob them in the middle of the road must be very clear about their identities, and they can block the space from their perception, and their strength is definitely not under them. Gu Yao tried to send a message out, and sure enough, he couldn't send it out. Now, his eyes narrowed, and the years of battle have made him a little more energetic.

This is clearly aimed at them, maybe the situation on Brother Tian's side has been arranged in advance, just to lead them into this trap.

In Gu Yao's mind immediately appeared the figures of Wen Fan and Geng Yan, and the spiritual monks who followed them. The reason why they frequently came out to fight these years was also because they didn't want to get involved in those smoky affairs. Yan and the two really destroyed his perception of immortals. What they saw in these two people were the words insatiable greed, and the monks around them were like a raccoon dog.

It doesn't count if you avoided Danxian City, but was chased out by these people?

"Hmph, those who are sensible will hand over everything on your body. Seeing that your cultivation is not easy, I will spare you a small life, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to do it yourself!"

Voices came from all directions, but he didn't show up. Gu Yao sneered in his heart, but he still made up their minds. It's not that there have been strange deaths of monks in these years, and these monks often entered the water and moon fragments. Those who have obtained good things from it, Rao is the Xu and the others have warned that it has not played a big role, and they have attracted many people's disgust by relying on the immortal envoy behind them.

"Brother Ye, do it directly!" Gu Yao was worried that something was wrong with Tian Feirong. He was anxious to get rid of the guy who didn't dare to show his face. As he spoke, he shattered a sword talisman, and a sharp sword qi went straight to a certain direction. .

"This is... a bastard!" The cultivator hiding in the dark didn't expect that Gu Yao didn't even mean to test, and directly used the sword

The sword talisman that the devil once gave them, what annoyed him the most was that Gu Yao actually found out where he was hiding. How did he find out?

Chi Changye has a sense of urgency. Facing Wen Fan and Geng Yan, who are mainly anti-customers, Gu Yao also has a sense of urgency. He did not pin all his hopes on Bigo Jianyong, who is a check and balance between these two. Who knows Bigo and Jane Will Yong finally change his mind and take a stand with Wen Fan and the others?

Therefore, the strength of the two of them has improved very quickly over the years. After the Shuiyue Fragment, Gu Yao obtained a lot of spirit grass and half immortal grass, and most of the top-grade pills that were made went into the space and turned into a special aura in the space. This is comparable to taking it directly. Medicine pills have no negative impact on the cultivation, and away from the sight of the two immortal envoys, the two are either fighting or practicing.

As the cultivation level rises, the power of the soul is also further strengthened, and with the help of the cubs, it can be said that although Gu Yao did not transcend the tribulation, the power of the soul is no less than that of a transcended calamity, so the pervasive divine consciousness Strength, and soon found out the location of the owner of the voice.

The one who knew Gu Yao best was Chi Changye, so as soon as Gu Yao started, Chi Changye launched the strongest attack without hesitation. .

The cultivator who was hiding in the dark found that the space blockade he had set up was broken by these two juniors.

The strong jealousy and jealousy made the latter slap the palm of his hand and rushed over to the two of them, but he still did not show up.

It was the other party's scruples that made Chi Changye and Gu Yao more open to fight. Just when the giant palm in the air was about to hit the two of them, suddenly a layer of light appeared on the two of them, and the halo collided with the giant palm. , Under the violent roar, the aperture shattered, and the giant palm collapsed in the air.

Gu Yao looked at the cracked Buddha bead on his wrist, his eyes were even colder, and he didn't need to communicate with Chi Changye, so he attacked again with a coherent heart, a completely fatal style of play.

Xu Chen, who was also unwilling to stay in Pill Immortal City, noticed that Xu's face had a strange color, and before he could ask a question, he rolled up and left, and explained: "One of the Buddha beads I left to Xiaoyao and the others was broken. "

The Buddha beads he left have his breath on them. As long as they don't leave the spiritual world, they can sense the changes in the beads. He knows that the two of them will not use the beads until the last resort.

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