Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1001: Get rid of the scumbag (4)

Emperor Jin Ming said: "That's right. That girl is indeed blessed with great fortune. Last time she was poisoned by Chaoyang's Luo Anhua. The Luo Anhua is also called the Yama flower. Anyone who gets it will die. She actually gave it to her. I escaped, but this time I was caught by a tiger, and I narrowly escaped death. Is it possible that he is really destined to be blessed?"

Li Guoshi said: "I have never met this girl Mu, so I don't know what her fate is. If I get Kong, I will know something if I meet her and look at her face!"

"Well, what I said is exactly what I meant. With her powerful magic power, the Imperial Master will definitely be able to tell whether she is a destined phoenix star. If she is, I will ask the queen to stop..."

"Yes, I should share your Majesty's worries!"

Li Guoshi said.

…. *……*……

On the official road leading to the capital

Mu Bai sat on the carriage driver proudly. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was right to complain to the queen yesterday. If it hadn't been for the queen's scolding and beating yesterday, would this little hooves be able to lead her out to tailor clothes? I'm afraid he wouldn't even look at her!

Haha, I finally got her. This time I must clean her up and let her know that she is a grandma!

Li sat next to Mu Bai and squeezed Mu Bai's shoulders to please her. While squeezing, she discussed and said, "Mom, do you think we need to go to the jewelry shop to buy some jewelry? My wife will return one piece." There are no gold ones, and the jewelry of the second daughter-in-law is almost piled up..."

Mu Bai felt very comfortable being squeezed by her and was flattered by her. She said "hmm" and told Caiwei, "Girl Wei, when we arrive in the city later, let's go to the jewelry shop first. I want to Wear a pair of shrimp whisker bracelets. "

Caiwei laughed and said, "Okay!"

Mu Bai was very dissatisfied with Caiwei's attitude. Although it hurt her to ask for the bracelet, she shouldn't have taken the initiative and said enthusiastically, 'Grandma, what else do you want? Grandma, would you like to buy a few more pieces of jewelry that you like? 'Why do you look so perfunctory?

Thinking of this, she angrily lifted up her skirt, stretched her skinny old leg in front of Caiwei, and commanded confidently: "Wei girl, give grandma a squeeze on your leg, so grandma won't be able to walk later."

Caiwei sneered and said, "I've always been heavy-handed, and I'm afraid I might hurt you when I pinch you. I think I'd better forget it."

"It's okay, just be careful!"

Seeing Caiwei's refusal, Mu Bai became even more unhappy. Her old face dropped with a click, but she still stretched out her legs and insisted on letting Caiwei pinch her.

Mrs. Li also helped: "Sister Wei, you don't dislike your grandma and deliberately don't pinch her, right?"

Caiwei gritted her teeth and said with a smile: "How could it be possible? But as you all know, I am a martial arts practitioner and am very strong. I am afraid that if I accidentally crush the old lady, it would be a big sin!"

Mu Bai suddenly remembered Caiwei's martial arts training, and immediately became timid. She gave up the idea of ​​letting her pinch her legs, retracted her legs, and said unhappily: "Forget it, forget it, wait until you get home." Bring some of your girls over to me and let them pinch them. By the way, I think the one next to you named Qiu Yatou is good, so I’ll bring her and the six that your ex bought for me... ."

Caiweipi smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call you when we get back, hehehe..."

As he was talking, a parrot's cry suddenly came to his ears: "Master, those two skinny horses have entered the house of the old man and Mu Zhongli!"

When the fish was hooked, Caiwei was overjoyed and immediately exclaimed: "Oh, what's wrong, I came out in a hurry and forgot to bring my money!"

"What? You don't have any money?"

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