Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1008 Tianding Phoenix Star (2)

He walked to the couch, lifted up his robe, knelt on the ground, and said to Queen Mo: "My son, please give me a meal!"

Queen Mo didn't say a word or open her eyes, she just lay there motionless.

Nangong Yi waited for a while, and when he saw no response from Queen Mo, he winked at Zhui Feng behind him. Zhui Feng retreated, and Nangong Yi knelt here temporarily.

The mother and son were in a stalemate, she lay there unable to eat, he knelt here and refused to get up, no one spoke, but no one would give in!


Caiwei sat in her boudoir, waiting from dusk until dark, but Nangong Yi still didn't come. She was a little worried, so she sent Yingge to find out the news.

The parrot is a mythical beast. What it is best at is looking for things. It only took three to five minutes to find Nangong Yi. After finding it, it stopped outside Queen Mo's bedroom. While stretching its head to peek, it took a look at what it saw. Report back.

"Master, King Qin seems to have been punished by Queen Mo, and is kneeling in front of Queen Mo's bed to reflect on himself!"

Hearing that the man was punished, Caiwei subconsciously felt that the matter had something to do with her, and couldn't help but become alert, "Listen carefully, what did they say?"

The parrot tilted his head and listened for a long time, then said disappointedly: "They didn't say anything. They just lay down and knelt. No one paid attention to the other. Uh... someone is coming!"

Zhu Zhong, the chief eunuch, walked in, followed by the expressionless Zhui Feng.

"Hehehe, Queen!"

Zhu Zhong's fat face was smiling, and he was holding a food box himself, "This is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake the emperor gave you last time. It's newly made. Get up and try it!"

If Queen Mo refused the gift given by the emperor, it would be a treasonous crime of deceiving the emperor. Nangong Yi used this trick to deal with Queen Mo, which really made Queen Mo angry!

Not only did this traitor not repent, but he also used the emperor to suppress her. What was even more despicable was that the emperor's Qian'er clearly promised to help her persuade him, but now instead of persuading him, she actually wanted to help this traitor deal with her. She was so angry. Next, Queen Mo didn't care whether she was guilty of deceiving the emperor or not. She just closed her eyes and remained motionless and silent.

Zhu Zhong glanced at the King of Qin who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "Hey, look at my memory, the Holy Master was coughing so hard just now, and I was still thinking about asking King Qin to attend to his illness, why did I forget it now?" , Fortunately, I saw King Qin and remembered it."

After hearing this, Nangong Yi kowtowed to the couch and said, "Mother, my son will go to see his father first, and I will come back to see you later!"

Queen Mo remained silent. Nangong Yi had no choice but to get up and leave slowly.

Seeing King Qin walking away, Zhu Zhong accompanied Xiao'er and said to Queen Mu: "Your Majesty, please don't be angry. The Emperor has said that he will ask Li Guoshi to see the face of Miss Mu tomorrow. If she does not have the appearance of the mother of the country, the Emperor will I personally ordered the dissolution of their engagement, but if she is really the princess destined by King Qin and the reincarnation of Feng Xing, the emperor advises you to just drop this matter!"

Queen Mo finally opened her eyes, but her eyes were cold and her voice was even colder.

"Is Your Majesty treating your concubine like a three-year-old child? Who doesn't know that Master Li is a member of the King of Qin, so he will naturally speak for that woman!"

Zhu Zhong said: "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. If Li Guoshi wants to determine whether Miss Mu is a destined phoenix star, he will naturally provide convincing evidence. If not, even the emperor will not believe it, let alone you. So, Your Majesty, just relax!"

Hearing this, Queen Mo's eyes narrowed and she sneered: "Okay, you go and tell Li Guoshi that if I find out that he is causing trouble, I will never let him go."

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