Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1010 Tianding Phoenix Star (4)

Caiwei watched the scenery along the way contentedly, and said with a low smile: "Do you think these people carrying the carriages and those following behind them are all dead people? Can they allow you to go out and report the news?"

Huanqiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Miss, don't worry too much, I have my own ideas."


Caiwei laughed, and the old god waved the fan in his hand and said, "No, I'm fine. The queen is in menopause now, so she looks like she has bad intentions, so don't pay attention to her."

"Younger? What is menopause?" Huanqiu didn't quite understand the new word coming out of Caiwei's mouth.

Caiwei thought for a while and said simply: "It's a common disease that women have when they get old. It needs to be cured!"

Huanqiu looked at the back of Empress Mo's shiny black head in front of her, and then at her upright sitting posture. He couldn't figure out what kind of disease she had. He kept thinking about Qixia Palace, but he couldn't figure it out. Understand why.

Qixia Palace was built on a small island in the lake and was the place where Emperor Ming of Jin Dynasty practiced cultivation. The scenery is beautiful, poetic and picturesque. The palace is surrounded by green lakes, with tender green lotus leaves floating on the lakes and mountains, and pink flowers emerging from the middle. The ones in full bloom, like Pingting girls, stand gracefully; the ones in bud are waiting to bloom. , like a shy virgin, in different forms, a gust of wind blows, and the blue lotus face is covered with clear waves, which is charming and becomes a poem.

The shoulder carriage carried the pick of weeds along the small bridge leading to Qixia Palace and landed at the gate of the palace.

Zhu Zhong was standing guard at the door. When he saw the Queen's Feng Chu coming, he hurriedly greeted her with a smile and invited the Queen into the palace. He also glanced at Caiwei, who was quite far away from the Queen, and gave her a kind smile.

Caiwei nodded slightly and greeted him, then held Huanqiu's hand and followed him into the palace.

In the palace, Emperor Jin Ming, who was dressed in a homely purple robe, was half lying on a chaise longue with a pale face. When Caiwei came in, he only raised his eyelids slightly, then closed his eyes tiredly and went to rest.

Behind him, Master Li was wearing a yellow Taoist robe, holding a fly whisk in his hand, with a stern look on his face.

Queen Mo first saluted Emperor Jin Ming, and then coldly called Caiwei and asked her to go and see the emperor.

Caiwei held Huanqiu's hand, walked slowly to the emperor, knelt on the ground, and worshiped: "Caiwei has met the emperor, long live the emperor!"

"Get up."

Emperor Jin Ming was weak when he spoke. He raised his eyelids and glanced at Caiwei who was approaching, feeling very unhappy. Caiwei's beauty is so beautiful that it can be said that the beauty of the three thousand beauties in his harem is combined into one body, and it is difficult for them to compete with her.

However, throughout the ages, any woman who is too beautiful has been regarded as a disaster and a sign of ruin for the country, such as Daji, Meixi, Baosi and others, who are all extremely beautiful women. Therefore, when selecting concubines in the harem, the criteria for selecting concubines are dignified appearance and honest appearance, and voluptuous and beautiful ones are rarely chosen. Once the emperor dotes on a beautiful concubine, then he will not be far away from the country's destruction...

Looking at the woman in front of her, her beauty would never be inferior to that of Daji, Meixi and Baosi. With her stunning face and her enchanting and pure temperament, most men would be fascinated by her. No wonder he is calm. A prudent son would give up his country for her.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jin Ming's drooping eyes revealed a faint murderous aura.

If this woman surnamed Mu is not a destined phoenix star, for the sake of the ancestor's century-old inheritance and the future of the Jin Kingdom, he will have to do something that will dishearten his son.

"Master Li, please take a look at her face!" Emperor Jin Ming said in a deep voice.


Li Guoshi responded, walked slowly to Caiwei, asked, "Miss Mu, I'm sorry!"

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