Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1035 Agree to ascend the throne (6)

The man with a ferocious face who got up after his injured shoulder saw that the last brother had also fallen down. He gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain in his shoulder. You didn't give up and wanted to catch Caiwei, but Caiwei gently stopped him. Flashed past.

Caiwei held a gun in her hand and used the gun as a weapon. She wheeled around and hit his wound hard. Because of the injury, the man's movements were not as agile as usual. He couldn't dodge and was hit in the wound. He groaned in pain. , cold sweat was shed...


Caiwei called out, and the driver, who had been hiding beside the car and was shivering, poked his head out.


Looking at his appearance, Caiwei rolled her eyelids unconsciously and said, "Tie them up for me and send them back to the county government office for strict interrogation later to find out who sent them here and what their purpose was." ?"


The driver's legs were trembling, and he looked at Caiwei pitifully, but he didn't dare to step forward.

When Caiwei saw it, she took out a silver ingot weighing about two or three taels from her arms, weighed it in her hands, and signaled: "Go quickly!"

When the coachman saw the money, he responded to the saying, "A man is a hero, money is a man of courage." He immediately gritted his teeth and found some ropes from several government servants lying on the ground. He dared to tie them up with four Liaodan people. .

During the binding process, Caiwei watched coldly with a gun, silently warning them that several of the men were injured. Seeing that she was forcing them with concealed weapons, they knew they were no match for her, so they all gave up resistance. He was captured obediently.

After tying up the people, Caiwei threw the money to the coachman and got into the car leisurely. After sitting down, she opened the car curtain and smiled at Tian Captou who fell on the ground: "I'm going to do something. I'd like to trouble Mr. Tian to try to bring these people back for interrogation. I'll go back in a few days to hear the results!"

After saying that, he smiled meaningfully and said, "I know Tian Baotou can do it, Tian Baotou won't let me down!"

After saying that, without waiting for Captain Tian to answer, he lowered the curtain and ordered the coachman to drive the car away.

Tian Baotou stood up from the ground with a red face. In fact, his injuries were not serious. It was just that he fell to the ground and did not get up again because he knew that he could not defeat a few Liaodan people. His expression was a bit exaggerated. …

When we arrived at Zhuangzi, the sun had already set to the west. Caiwei's arrival was warmly welcomed by everyone in Zhuangzi. The old and young people in the nursing home were a little timid at first when they saw Caiwei coming, but later they discovered that Caiwei was coming. There was no airs at all. He personally gave them snacks and greeted them before letting go of his courage and joking and chatting with Caiwei.

Goudan'er, Xiniu, Zhaodi and other little children happily gathered around Caiwei, sharing the maltose that Caiwei bought for them. When the sweet candy came into their mouths, the little ones happily The children all narrowed their eyes happily, looking like they were content!

Caiwei's candy was not given for free. She checked the homework of the children in the nursing home. Those who memorized the books well were rewarded with a piece of maltose. Those who memorized poorly could only watch others eat them.

Although a piece of maltose is not worth a lot of money, Caiwei has clear rewards and punishments, and is not indulgent at all. The children who have not memorized the book gnaw their fingers and stare at Caiwei with tears in their eyes, but Caiwei is not soft-hearted at all, because she hopes that her children We have developed a strong and motivated temperament since childhood. A child who does not have a strong will and is too lazy to memorize books is destined to have no great future. This is not what she hopes for!

Xiniuniang has a very good temperament and teaches the children to obey the rules. A few of the older children have already begun to draw red. Caiwei specifically read the words of these children and checked the articles they were sent to. Of course, those with excellent grades will receive their due rewards.

And those who didn't get the reward were all stimulated this time, and they secretly made up their minds and decided to study hard. When their sister comes back to see them next time, they must fight for this breath!

After dinner, when it was already dark, Caiwei and Sanchun went to Zhuangzi's yard to chat.

Sanchun was now in her prime. Although she had married once, Magistrate Li's unsatisfactory son was ill at the time and could not have sex with Sanchun. Therefore, in Caiwei's heart, Sanchun is still an unmarried girl with a bright future waiting for her.

Although Zhuangzi's life was comfortable and peaceful, where could she find her marriage in this remote and isolated place?

However, Sanchun did not take her worries about Caiwei seriously. The experience of getting married made her still have lingering fears about marriage. Although she was still very young, her heart was already full of confusion. In her mind, as long as she could be like this forever Now, as long as she doesn't have to worry about eating or drinking every day, she can live a peaceful and peaceful life with her mother and sister. As for marriage and love, she has already given up thinking about that aspect.

People's thoughts and concepts are not formed all at once, and ideas cannot be changed all at once. Although Caiwei disagrees with Miharu's thoughts, it is not easy to change her thoughts, and it requires a long process. Caiwei thought about it and decided to let her live a peaceful life for a while. She is not very old anyway. When her mentality is slowly smoothed by time, it will not be too late to find a way for her to accept a new life. .

At night, everything in the village was silent. While everyone was sleeping, Caiwei left a letter to Sanchun, quietly left the village and went straight to Lingbei...

At night, Nangong Yi left the Prince's Mansion and ran for dozens of miles to sleep in Cai Wei's room in Zhuangzi. Although thinking about her made his whole body hurt, as long as he stayed in her place and had her smell, Only with her traces can his troubled and anxious heart feel a little calmer...

Lingbei Royal City is not far from Qingxian County. It takes more than an hour to reach the Karen Mountain that stretches for dozens of miles.

When Caiwei arrived, it was not yet four o'clock in the morning.

She entered the space and had a good sleep. She didn't wake up until dawn.

At this time, the people of Mengnu have gotten up, cooking, and grazing, and a new day has begun again.

Caiwei couldn't get used to the Mengnu people's diet. They ate with their hands and didn't pay much attention to hygiene when making food. Therefore, Caiwei deliberately broke off a few tender ears of corn in the cornfield in space. After cooking, eat it for breakfast, and then take it out after you are full.

Before Tuoba Kui came to Beijing, he handed over the glass-making matters to his brother Tuoba Liang and asked him to supervise the work of the glass-burning craftsmen.

Tuoba Liang is an extremely serious person with strong management skills.

After Tuoba Kui left, he personally supervised these craftsmen every day and randomly tested the quality of the glass they produced. Craftsmen who completed the job were rewarded and those who cut corners and shoddy products were punished. He also established strict rules. Management system, layer-by-layer management, each piece of glass is numbered, and can be implemented on the individual's head!

Therefore, the quality of this batch of glass is excellent. When Caiwei inspected it, she was very satisfied!

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