Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1046 Xiangyun Wedding (3)

The name 'Cuihua' was the name he used to call her when he fell in love with her. He hadn't called her it for more than ten years, and Mrs. Mo had already forgotten it. Now that he suddenly called her out, not only did she not feel the slightest touch, but it actually It reminded her of all the beastly behaviors he had done before, and the resentment she had accumulated in her heart suddenly burst out.

"Shopkeeper Ma, it has nothing to do with you whether I'm here or not. We've accepted the things you donated. If nothing happens, please do it yourself. I won't accompany you!" Mrs. Mo said angrily, turned around and left. Walk.

Shopkeeper Ma gave away so much rice and noodles just to please Mrs. Mo and coax her to change her mind. Now that she was about to leave without even saying a word to him, he was so anxious that he didn't care much and ran forward in a few steps. He grabbed her.

"Cuihua, don't leave, listen to me, this time I am..."

"Let go!" Mrs. Mo threw away his hand angrily, and said angrily: "Men and women are not allowed to be intimate. Shopkeeper Ma, don't think that just by giving a little charity, you can act arrogantly in our nursing home. If you are so rude, , I called someone to beat you out!"

Shopkeeper Ma looked at Mrs. Mo's expressionless eyes and listened to her harsh words, and suddenly felt flustered.

His ex-wife was different from before. She was no longer the sickly woman who obeyed him in everything.

Once, he thought that as long as he changed his mind, he would just move his fingers and Mrs. Mo would eagerly come back to him. Therefore, even if the person he sent to deliver things to their mother and daughter was kicked out, he thought that That's what Mo Liancheng's unfilial son is doing. As long as he sees Mo alone and expresses his sincerity to her, she will definitely forgive him. As a woman, she can only marry once in her life. How can she let it go? Leave him!

But now, his original confidence suddenly collapsed. Mrs. Mo's unfamiliar, resistant, cold eyes and ruthless words pierced him like countless fine needles, making him feel heartbroken and panicked.

"Cuihua, I..."

He let go of his hand nonchalantly and opened his mouth to explain. However, as soon as he let go, Mrs. Mo left without looking back, leaving only the cold word "see you off" behind her!

Shopkeeper Ma was sent out in despair, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

In his subconscious mind, Mrs. Mo is his woman. Even if he divorces her, she has lived with her for most of her life. As long as he is willing to look back, she should be happy and go back with him gratefully. However, the fact is that Obviously it didn't develop as he imagined. Mrs. Mo has no intention of reconciling with him, and she still holds a grudge against him, fearing that she will not forgive him easily.

Men all have a mischievous mentality, that is, the less they can get, the more they cherish it.

At this moment, Mrs. Mo rejected him, and all her benefits were recalled by him. Fragments of the past life of a family of three appeared in his mind, making him fall into memories of the past.

At that time, Mr. Mo was gentle and virtuous, and obeyed his advice. His son Mo Liancheng, no, his name was Ma Liancheng at that time, was smart and motivated, and he was very well-read. His masters said that he was a good young man who would definitely achieve great things in due course.

If he had not divorced his wife, his son would most likely have passed the examination to be a scholar by now, and Mrs. Mo would still greet him as before and be obedient, and everything would be fine...

Just as I was thinking about it in despair, a carriage stopped at the entrance of the nursing home.

The car curtain was opened, and a plain-looking woman jumped out of the car, then stretched out her hand towards the car.

"Miss, let me help you get out of the car!"

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