Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1052 Xiangyun Wedding (9)

His expression was always calm, he walked quietly with his hands behind his back, without any embarrassment or anger at being humiliated, as if he was not the one who had just been ridiculed and expelled from the palace.

Nangong Shi seemed to be affected by his calmness. He walked for a while, clenched his fists and said, "Okay, just bear with me!"


After Caiwei and Changmei planted the medicine, they went to make wine. She picked many overripe fruits and many flowers that were about to bloom, and prepared to make more wine. When they went to fetch water from Lingxi River, they unexpectedly saw I picked up a white jade hairpin in Lingxi River.

The jade quality of the hairpin was translucent and as delicate as mutton fat, but the workmanship of the hairpin was really unflattering. She held the hairpin and imagined some deceitful jade carving master who wasted such a rare piece in vain. Good jade.

Suddenly, she felt that the hairpin looked familiar. When she thought about it carefully, she remembered that when she was eating roast duck in Qingxian County, Goudaner had bought her a hairpin with the same shape from a street stall, except that the hairpin was The material used was very poor. It was the kind of jade that had strands, cracks, and many impurities. It could barely be called jade. It was completely different from the hairpin she was holding now.

Because the rough thing was the child's thought, she reluctantly wore it for a few days, but later it was thrown away somewhere.

She put the hairpin she picked up in front of her eyes, looked at it carefully for a while, and finally confirmed that it was the one Goudan'er bought her. Obviously, this hairpin was accidentally dropped into Lingxi and was caught by Lingxi. The water evolved and turned into a shiny, white and fine jade!

Lingxi actually has such a function!

Caiwei was simply amazed by the omnipotent ability of space.

She immediately stood up and left the space. She didn't even bother brewing the wine. She directly ordered the car to be prepared and went straight to her Zhenbao Pavilion!

Shopkeeper Feng saw his boss coming and hurriedly came over with a smile on his face.

"Master, you are here!"

Caiwei said "Hmm" and walked around in front of the counter for lower-class women on the first floor. She pointed at the cheap jade with impurities and said, "Wrap these for me. I want to take them with me." Walk!"

Shopkeeper Feng was stunned for a moment and couldn't figure out what his boss wanted these rags for, but he couldn't inquire about his boss's affairs. Therefore, after a moment of confusion, he hurriedly called the female waiter to come over and help his boss pack them.

Caiwei left with the jade and planned to put the broken jade into Lingxi. If Lingxi really had the ability to turn impurity jade into fine jade, she would have to open another shop. Already...

Not long after we walked out of Zhenbao Pavilion and got into the car, we heard the sound of parrots talking while eating.

"Master, is it so lively here? There are a lot of delicious food."

At this moment, it was sitting at Nangong Yi's table, eating and drinking. Nangong Yi was chatting with the people at the same table, while feeding the parrot carefully.

Also present at the table were the Empress Dowager Ji’s grandnephew Ji Gongzi, the eldest son Li Gongzi from the General’s Palace, Mo Zijing and Mo Ziqi from the Liguo Palace, Han Zhicai, the director of the Hanlin Academy, Zhao Hongwang, the governor of Yingtian Mansion, and Mu Zhong Qing and Prince Nangong Yi etc...

After drinking for three rounds, Han Zhicai said to Mu Zhongqing with a smile: "Zhongqing, how have you considered the matter that Brother Yu mentioned to you last time?"

What he said was to ask Mu Zhongqing to go through the Hanlin Academy to do the editing and editing of the Hanlin Academy. But Mu Zhongqing said in embarrassment: "Thank you, Mr. Han, for your kindness. I have already considered this matter. Zhongqing is just a scholar with no fame. I am afraid he is not worthy of serving in the Hanlin Academy!"

"Hey, look what Zhongqing said!"

Zhaofu Yin said with a smile: "Since ancient times, heroes have no regard for their origins. It is said that the prime minister of our founding Jin Dynasty was a carpenter, and he didn't even pass the exam. Brother Zhongqing's status is much higher than that of our founding prime minister!"

Master Han glanced at the prince, then stole a glance at Mo Ziqi, and then said to Mu Zhongqing with a smile: "That's right, Zhongqing, don't refuse, come to the Hanlin Academy tomorrow to report, so that you can help Brother Yu!" "

The prince rested his elbow on the table, as if he didn't hear what they said, and fed the parrot lazily. The parrot was really good at eating a sea bass that was bigger than it, and he ate it in just a few mouthfuls. I really don’t know where it ate the fish, and it actually knew how to drink, and even put the bird’s head into the prince’s wine glass to drink.

However, the prince didn't seem to blame him. Instead, he looked at the bird with a funny expression, looking lazy and casual.

Mu Zhongqing was persuaded by Mr. Zhao and Mr. Han in turn. He didn't know whether it was because of his thoughts or something, but he neither refused nor agreed. He only said to go back and think about it.

Mo Ziqi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Master Zhao is right. He is a hero regardless of his origin. Since a carpenter can be a prime minister, what's the point of a dignified scholar being an editor of a small Hanlin Academy?" What about the unworthy ones?"

The younger son-in-law spoke up for his father-in-law. Naturally, the eldest son-in-law couldn't be compared. He immediately said: "There are a few stewards in my house who are good at business. Tomorrow I will send one of them to the Bafu Restaurant as a shopkeeper. Since my father-in-law has read It would be a pity to waste half a lifetime of books, so just go to the Hanlin Academy and serve!"

Hey, he called his father-in-law before they got married. Several people at the table expressed surprise. Prince Dian and Mu Xiucai were very calm, as if they had been calling him this in private for a long time.

Mo Zijing smiled and said: "Haha, if my uncle goes to the Hanlin Academy to serve, and the prince gets married next month, the prince's concubine will be an official from a family appointed by the imperial court."

This sentence successfully moved Mu Zhongqing's wavering heart.

Of course he wanted to give his daughter the most respectable status. Since ancient times, businessmen, farmers, industry and commerce have been the lowest and the lowest level of society. Although he doesn't mind what his status is, he can't help but mind what his status brings to his children. Impact.

The future crown princess, born into a merchant family, will be looked down upon by others, and will also be personally attacked by those who are interested in her. There may even be a woman of noble status who wants to replace her.

Although he did not doubt Nangong Yi's character, he still did not want anything to happen in his daughter's marriage that would make her unhappy. Therefore, after Mo Zijing said these words, he decisively agreed to Master Han's request. , agreed to go to the Imperial Academy early tomorrow morning to report and serve.

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