Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1054 Princess Chaoyue (2)

This low-key and luxurious outfit, coupled with her stunning appearance, makes it difficult not to cause a sensation.

As soon as Fei'er sat down, Miss Ruizhu from the General's Mansion smiled and said, "Miss Mu Er is so beautiful. I never thought there really is such a beautiful woman in the world!"

When Nangong Yu heard these words, she felt extremely unhappy. Li Ruizhu's words directly showed that none of them were as beautiful as Mu Caifeisheng.

Although this is a fact, she is unwilling to admit it. To be honest, she did not expect that Mu Caifei would be so good-looking. She looks like she was carved from the same mold as Mu Caiwei. Not only do they look similar, they even talk. Her voice was also very similar, and she looked like a shy and timid little daughter in every gesture. No wonder she fascinated cousin Ziqi and wanted to marry her home regardless of her age of only eleven years old.

Fei'er has a gentle and shy temperament. After realizing that Princess Chaoyue had been staring at her, she lowered her head and pretended to eat, feeling embarrassed to look up again.

While they were eating, Princess Chaoyue suddenly said, "I've finished eating and want to go shopping there. Miss Mu Er, would you like to accompany me for a walk?"


Fei'er raised her head in surprise and was a little confused. She and this princess were strangers, so why did she want to go out for a walk with her?

At this moment, the unfinished food in her mouth was still stuffed in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and her big clear and watery eyes looked a little dazed and cute, looking like a pine tree. Yes, extremely cute.

Everyone in the house was stunned. Shu Ya even exclaimed: "Fei'er, you are so good-looking!"

Nangong Yu turned her face away from that bright and lovely face and repeated, "I want to go for a walk in the garden. Miss Mu'er, are you willing to accompany me?"

Shu Ya put down her chopsticks and said, "Princess, I've finished eating. Why don't I accompany you? Fei'er hasn't finished eating yet, so let her continue."

Before she could finish speaking, Nangong Yu's displeased eyes had already killed her. Shu Ya was a child after all. When she saw Nangong Yu's cold eyes, she was so frightened that she shut up and lowered her head.

Fei'er didn't want Shu Ya to be embarrassed, so she hurriedly swallowed the food, stood up and said, "I've eaten too, princess, please!"

The two people left the table and walked towards the depths of the garden along the waterside pavilion. Li Ruizhu looked at their backs and prayed in her heart that it would be best for the two of them to fight to the death. In this way, Nangong Yi could follow Cai Cai. Wei argued!

Liuzhu and Liuli followed Fei'er not too far away. Princess Chaoyue's maid Luoxue and another maid also walked with Liuzhu Liuli. The maids were all at a distance from their masters for the convenience of the masters. Speak your own words.

After walking in silence for a while, we walked into an apricot forest. There was a stone table and several stone benches in the apricot forest. There were also chessboards and flags on the stone table. Nangong Yu said: "Miss Mu Er loves playing chess, why don't we two play a game?"

Fei'er said awkwardly: "Princess, a common girl...can't play chess."

Nangong Yu was a little surprised. His eldest cousin loved playing chess the most. It was incredible that the woman he admired didn't know how to play chess!

"Then let's sit down and chat!" Nangong Yu said, walking towards the stone table.

Feier had no choice but to follow her and sit down at the stone table.

After sitting down, Nangong Yu spoke straightforwardly, "Miss Fei'er, actually, I am the former Princess Chaoyang. Due to some unpleasant reasons, I had to change my current identity!"

Nangong Yu didn't beat around the bush and directly showed her trump card. Firstly, her identity as the legitimate princess could make the other party more afraid of her. Secondly, what she was going to say next also required her true identity.

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