Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1056 Princess Chaoyue (4)

Mayfair said without fear: "Literally, I won't allow him to marry another woman. If he does, I will sever all ties with him and will never tolerate him."

After saying that, he ignored Nangong Yu's disgusted face and walked away.

Seeing her walking away, Luoxue came over and whispered to Nangong Yu: "Princess, what should I do?"

Luoxue is a martial arts practitioner with sharp ears and eyes. She heard everything Fei'er and Nangong Yu said just now.

Nangong Yu stood up, looked at the direction where Feier disappeared, rubbed her handkerchief and said, "I have been ruined. My eldest cousin is my only hope. I will never allow others to take him away..."


Caiwei put all the low-quality jade ornaments she had returned from Zhenbao Pavilion into Lingxi to prepare for experiments. A few days later, the results came out. All the jade she put into Lingxi was more beautiful than before. It is much moister and more transparent, and the impurities, strands, and cracks in the jade have become much lighter. Whether it is jade or jade, it looks like it has been improved by more than one level than before. Given time, these things will definitely become the essence of jade. Top grade!

She found another shortcut to make a fortune. Caiwei was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered the head escort Zhang to prepare a car. She was going to the jade shop, picked up jade of poor quality and bought a cart back. In time, those jade stones would be the source of her fortune. Baby, hehehehe...

The most famous "Shengzhanxuan Jade Store" in the capital is the largest jade shop with the most complete range of goods in the whole Jin Dynasty. It is located opposite the Bafu Dim Sum Shop and next to the most famous restaurant in the capital, Jufu. Jewelry in the capital Most of the jade in the shop is purchased here, and many jade shops in surrounding cities also purchase their goods here.

When you enter the jade shop, you will see a dazzling array of jades, including sapphire, white jade, topaz, black jade, purple jade, as well as jade, agate, turquoise, hibiscus, etc., carved into various shapes. Objects include vases, brush washers, ornaments, paperweights, etc., and some have been carved into daily necessities, such as jade bowls, jade spoons, jade basins, jade plates, and jade chopsticks. Of course, there are countless carvings into jewelry. So many, so many, so many...

When the waiter saw Caiwei dressed gorgeously, he thought she was here to buy valuable jade. He came over with a smile and wanted to invite Caiwei to the boutique area upstairs.

Caiwei waved her hand and rejected his kindness. She did not look at the high-end jade articles with better quality, but plunged into the low-end goods area, specializing in buying cheap things made of low-quality jade, regardless of life. Supplies or jewelry, as long as they seemed to be well-made, they were all picked up and handed into the hands of Huanqiu or Chunliu. After a while, Chunliu and Huanqiu couldn't take them out of their hands.

"First pay for all these and put them in the car for Head Guard Zhang to watch. Then you can come in and help me get them." Caiwei ordered, and then continued her shopping activity.

Huanqiu and Chunliu were speechless. They really couldn't understand why the young lady bought so many rags. There were several boxes of jewelry piled up at home. The prince alone sent four or five boxes as a betrothal gift. That alone was not included. After wearing it, what do you do with buying these rags? They didn't even take a fancy to these rags, so why did the young lady buy them so happily?

Caiwei was not satisfied with just buying some small items. She also bought a few large pieces of jade seeds. Of course, they were all inferior jade seeds and not worth much.

After buying it, she went directly upstairs and asked the jade carving master to help carve a few large objects.

The most famous master received her, but when he saw the seeds Caiwei brought, his face suddenly turned dark.

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