Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1063 Mo Ziqi’s appointment (3)

Everyone burst into laughter. Fei'er was so embarrassed that she couldn't sit still and ran out with a red face.

Cai Lian came with Uncle Mu Liu today and stayed with Fei'er. When she saw Fei'er going out, she followed her out.

When they got outside, Fei'er's face was still red. When she saw Cai Lian following her, she shyly complained to Cai Lian: "These people always like to make fun of others. I won't ignore them anymore..."

Cai Lian pursed her lips and said quietly: "Sister Fei'er, I really envy you and Sister Cai Wei. You sisters are so lucky!"

Fei'er said coquettishly: "What's so enviable? Didn't you just hear what those ladies said, that man is cold, bad-tempered, and loves to bully others? If you ask me, it would be a waste to marry him---- "

"Pour what?"

Cai Lian asked.

Cai Fei suddenly covered her mouth and looked at her uneasily. Cai Lian was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly looked back as if she was thinking of something. Not far away, a tall and straight man was looking towards her. Walking over here, a man with handsome features and impressive appearance was wearing a long summer coat of white soft silk with wide sleeves and orchid pattern with rolled back characters. The cuffs were embroidered with the character character pattern with silver thread, and there were green lotus and purple magnolia flowers bordered with silver. , with outstanding demeanor and impressive nobility.

Cai Lian was used to seeing those men who were businessmen and hawkers, and they were always willing to pay for every penny. How had she ever seen such a noble and elegant man? She thought she was in a dream, and was immediately confused...

Mo Ziqi ignored Cai Lian and walked over, exuding a cold aura. Seeing his unkind expression, Fei'er knew that he had heard his contemptuous words, so she asked with a guilty conscience: "Why did you come in?"

Mo Ziqi sighed softly: "How can a mere courtyard wall stop me?"

Fei'er shrank her shoulders and said, "Well, just take a stroll and look around. I have to go back to talk to the elders, haha!" After that, he turned around and left.

Mo Ziqi sneered coldly: "Want to run away? Are you afraid?"

Feier had already turned around. When she heard these words, she paused, turned back stiffly, and nodded tremblingly: "Am I wrong?"

The man did not easily forgive her because of her better attitude towards admitting her mistakes, "Tell me, where did you go wrong?"

"Uh...I shouldn't talk about you behind your back..."

"What did you say about me?"

"Uh... I said you are cold-tempered, have a... bad temper, and love to bully others..."

"What else?" Mo Ziqi's tone became several degrees colder.

Also, ‘Whoever marries you will be unlucky’!

However, Fei'er didn't dare to say these words, because the man's face was already very ugly at this moment. He squinted his eyes slightly and spoke in a bad tone. "I am angry" was clearly written on his face.

Feier swallowed her saliva, looked around, and suddenly found Cai Lian, who was still standing there in a daze. She hurriedly said loudly: "Sister Lian'er, let's go back quickly, everyone is waiting for us!"

When she shouted, Cai Lian woke up suddenly. Then she realized that it was inappropriate for her to just stare at the flirting behavior. She blushed, lowered her eyes and said quickly: "Well , let’s go!”

With that said, he turned around and left quickly.

Fei Er also wanted to follow her, but unexpectedly, Mo Ziqi's figure flashed out, and his tall body, like a mountain, blocked her way.

"Have you not finished what you just said?"

He looked down at her with a bad tone.

Faile failed to escape, so she had to raise her face and said pitifully: "I was just joking, why are you so serious?"

Mo Ziqi whispered, "How do I know if you are telling the truth?"

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