Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1066 Mo Ziqi’s appointment (6)

Thinking of this, she shrank and suddenly heard a chirping in the yard.

In the courtyard, several second-class maids Yuanchun, Tanchun, Xichun and Yingchun gathered together, as well as a few newly bought little girls with no hair left, swaying the eldest maid Liuli, insisting that Liuli take them into the house. Just congratulate the girl.

On weekdays, there were Liuli and Liuzhu who were serving as personal attendants. Young maids were not allowed to enter the lady's boudoir casually. Liuli was pestered by them and had no choice but to think that today was a good day for Fei'er, so she agreed with a smile. .

Liuli took the lead, followed by seven or eight girls who entered the room, talking, laughing and praising each other.

"Congratulations, Miss Second."

"Second Miss is very happy."

"My second uncle is so handsome..."

"The betrothal gift is so generous, it shows that the second uncle values ​​the girl very much..."

Several maids congratulated her one after another. Fei'er was already a thin-skinned person, but her face turned red when they teased her like this. He quickly motioned to Liuzhu to give them a reward so that these narrow-minded ghosts could go out early.

While they were making a fuss, a little girl quietly threw a small paper ball onto Mayfair's table and winked at Mayfair.

Feier was startled for a moment, then as if she thought of something, she quickly pressed the ball of paper under the embroidery bandage, and continued to embroider as if nothing had happened.

After the little girls left, she took off the embroidery bandage and opened the ball of paper. On the ball of paper, she saw eight big characters written in gold and iron: If you go back on your word, you will be severely punished!

Familiar handwriting, domineering tone, there was no one else but him. This guy probably thought that she was hesitant, so he sent a special note to warn her. It was really scary...

Feier trembled and put the note away, preparing to burn it at night. At this time, Liuli suddenly said: "Madam, you are here..."

When I heard that my mother was here, Feier was startled. She immediately thought of what her mother was here for. She subconsciously looked outside, as if he was hiding in the dark and watching her, even if she didn't see anyone. , and also felt his malicious gaze, so scary!

"Mom, why are you here?"

Feier got up and helped her mother sit on the couch. Her mother was already more than five months pregnant and her belly was surprisingly big. Therefore, just a short walk from the flower hall to her boudoir made her tired. Panting and sweating.

Du sat down and wiped the sweat from her face with a handkerchief. She then freed her hand, took out the red flower note from her sleeve, and placed it next to Fei'er.

"It's not the Duke Li's residence yet, but today the day has come. Hey, it's really embarrassing for my mother!"

Fei'er blushed and picked up the red flower paper. On the flower paper, she saw the word "Apply for Appointment" written in flying colors. The handwriting was strong and powerful, and the gold hook and iron painting were exactly the same as the one on the previous note.

Open the letter and there are three dates written on it. The first is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month this year, commonly known as Laba; the second is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month next year, also known as the Shangyuan Festival; the third is the third day of March next year, also known as the Lantern Festival. Call it Shangsi Festival!

Du said: "Mom, I feel that you are still young and your family is still full of childishness. Even if you get married, you will not be able to spread your wings, so, Mom"

"So let's choose the last day!"

Fei'er intercepted her mother's words in time and stopped her from talking any more.

Du Shi looked at her daughter in astonishment. She never expected that her daughter would hate getting married so much. She is only eleven years old. Even next year, she will only be twelve years old!

Fei'er didn't dare to look into her mother's eyes, she just lowered her head and continued to embroider.

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