Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1068: Never accept a concubine in the Sixth Palace (1)

The wedding day is getting closer and closer. Empress Mo sent a nun to teach Caiwei the many etiquettes at the ceremony and became familiar with the rules and affairs of the palace. Caiwei was also busy preparing for herself. With a rich dowry, I was very busy every day, so the trip to Lingbei had to be put on hold for the time being.

She didn't know that at this time in Lingbei, there was a prairie wolf waiting there with eager eyes, ready to capture her!

In order to get rid of the crime, Butler Daru found out the details of Caiwei very clearly. Not only did he know her development plan in Lingbei, but he also knew her regular visits to Lingbei. This news was passed to Saknu, who made a quick decision and took the road directly from Shengjing to Lingbei, waiting for the enemy!

When General Li's messenger arrived in Shengjing, Saknu had already gone to Lingbei. The messenger missed the message, and he did not dare to hand over the general's letter to others without authorization, so he had to go to Lingbei to chase the person himself...

Li Ruizhu didn't know about the messenger's failure. She looked forward to it every day, hoping that Saknu would come soon and get rid of the dead woman who had taken her man and status away. However, seeing the wedding day approaching day by day, But there was no news at all from Saknu. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She couldn't eat or sleep well. She was full of anxiety and there was a bubble at the corner of her mouth...

At this time, as anxious as she was, there was Mu Caiwei, who was about to become the Queen of the Jin Dynasty!

Xu Shi really has pre-marital syndrome. The closer the wedding is, the more anxious Caiwei becomes. A few days ago, it was better when the nuns in the palace were restraining her to learn etiquette and rules. In the last few days, it was better Nothing happened anymore, she calmed down, her heart was like frying in a frying pan, there was no moment of peace.

For a moment, she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She felt that she was still a little lolita who had just entered junior high school. She had not yet had haircuts, but she wanted to get married. It was like wasting the flowers of the motherland. Why hadn't she been cruel at that time? What about living in a boudoir for the past two years?

For a moment, she felt that it was easy to fall in love but difficult to stay together, so they fell in love with each other. Before actually entering the marriage hall, everyone's heart would probably feel a little pounding, worrying about gains and losses. Although she believed in Nangong Yi deeply, she couldn't help but feel uneasy at this time, thinking of Just in case.

Time is so long, what if Nangong Yi changes his mind when she gets old and loses her beauty? Queen Mo hates her so much, what if they don't get along well after marriage? What if she doesn’t give birth to a daughter in the future or only has a daughter? What if the ministers insist on letting Nangong Yi accept the concubine?

In the past, she always felt that premarital phobia was only suffered by people who were not strong enough in psychological endurance and lacked self-confidence. She had money, good looks, and space. She was simply a superwoman. How could she get this?

But only now did I realize that she seemed to have no sense of security in her marriage. She was restless, anxious and anxious.

Her family also noticed something strange about her body, and everyone was cautious. Even Wu'er, whom she loved most, looked timid when he saw her, fearing to avoid her, for fear of making her sister angry.

On this day, Caiwei was sitting on the Babu bed with her eyes closed and concentrating. Dr. Dou carefully pressed her shoulders and forehead. Suddenly, she heard a low laughter outside the window, and then the sound of picking lotus came from the window.

"Is sister Caiwei in the house?"

Hearing Cai Lian's voice, Cai Wei felt even more anxious and irritable.

Since Aunt Mu Six returned last time, Cai Lian not only did not restrain herself, but also came to the house from time to time to talk to her and Fei'er. When she came here in the past, Cai Wei could still treat her with the same attitude as when she was a child, but since then After knowing her thoughts, I always felt that her purpose of coming here was impure. It was probably because she and Fei'er had good luck after hearing that they were attracted by the prince and Mr. Mo, so they often came to the house. I want to try my luck and see if I can meet a member of the aristocratic family here!

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