Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1071 Never accept a concubine in the Sixth Palace (4)

After that, he sighed and held Sister Liu's hand.

After walking out of the door, Mrs. Du quietly asked Huanqiu, "Has your lady been so hot these past two days?"

Huanqiu pursed his lips and nodded gently.

Sister-in-law Liu whispered in a low voice: "Madam, my lady is very abnormal these days. She gets angry at every turn. Let me tell you, has our lady encountered something dirty? Do you want a mage to come to the house? have a look?"

Du Shi sighed softly: "Hey, I don't know what's going on? This girl has never been so mean..."

The master and the servant were talking as they gradually went away. Caiwei was a martial artist with sharp ears and eyes, so she naturally heard what they said. While she was shocked, she couldn't help but think with frustration that she was so abnormal that she was caught. Have people mistakenly thought they were possessed by evil spirits?

Although she knew that she was abnormal and that she was now disgusting, she still couldn't control her emotions. No matter how she adjusted it, she just couldn't be happy...

In the evening, she sat in front of the dressing table, reflecting the dim light, and stared blankly at the person in the mirror.

The person in the mirror looked more haggard than before, his eyes were dull, his cheeks were pale and bloodless, and even his breathing was weak.

Huanqiu was combing her hair. She often couldn't sleep well these days. She had to comb her hair hundreds of times every day to allow the blood in her scalp to fully circulate, so that she could barely sleep.

The master and servant were facing each other quietly when the door curtain suddenly lifted and Nangong Yi walked in with his hands behind his back.

Huanqiu bent his knees, lowered his eyebrows and called out submissively: "Master!"

"Get down!"

Nangong Yi took the grate in her hand, waved his hand, and Huan Qiu quietly retreated.

In the mirror, Nangong Yi looked at the haggard girl and couldn't help but lean down lovingly and kiss her forehead gently.

"It's fine, what's going on?"

Caiwei moved, reluctantly tugged her lips, and gave a cruel smile: "I'm fine, but you, the queen has ascended the throne, what are you doing here today?"

Nangong Yi raised his arm, held the grate with his slender fingers to help her comb her hair, and said, "I heard that my mother-in-law is looking for a mage to exorcise evil spirits for my wife? If such a big thing happened, can my husband not come?"

Caiwei rubbed the sun and said tiredly: "It's nothing, it's just that my mood has been unstable recently, and my mother is too nervous!"

"Why are you emotionally unstable?"

"..." Caiwei refused to answer, but suddenly she felt a little sad in her heart. She looked at the person in the mirror silently for a while, then suddenly lowered her eyes, which became moist...

"Hey, you little heartless person, you can't always trust me..."

Nangong Yi sighed, stopped what he was doing, lowered his head and took out a yellow brocade from his sleeves. No, it was an imperial edict, and silently handed it to Caiwei.

"Hey, look at this. Can it cure your heart disease?"

The imperial edict is bright yellow and has a jade scroll, which is a brocade fabric made of fine silk. The pattern is auspicious clouds and auspicious cranes, which is magnificent. The two ends of the imperial edict are embroidered with flying silver dragons, which is very heavenly.

"What's this?"

Caiwei held the smooth satin shaft and looked at the man in the mirror doubtfully.

"Open it and take a look!"

The man said quietly and continued to comb her long black and beautiful hair.

Caiwei opened the imperial edict and read it from beginning to end. Then, there was silence for a while. After the silence, she suddenly laughed. Her smile was like flowers blooming after the rain, bright and bright, or like the dark clouds dispersing, shining brightly. .

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