Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1081 Wait until I catch you (1)

After eating, Caiwei put everything into a small space and made tooth sacrifices for the parrots and Changmei. The rest she ordered to spread blessings to the maids and eunuchs of Chengqian Palace.

According to the rules in the palace, if there is any leftover food from the emperor, queen, or even princesses and princes, they must be buried and re-cooked for the next meal. No one is allowed to contaminate it. However, Caiwei felt that it was a pity to bury so many good things, so it was better to let the palace maids and eunuchs eat them, which would improve their food, make the best use of the things, and avoid wasting them.

When the maids and eunuchs of Chengqian Palace received the Queen's order, they all started to eat and feast...

Jade Kun Palace

Many concubines, including Concubine Li, Concubine Yao and Concubine Huo, were chatting and having fun with Queen Mother Mo. Although Queen Mother Mo was making peace with everyone on the surface, she was already extremely angry in her heart.

When the emperor and the queen went to Qixia Palace to meet the Supreme Emperor, the concubines were already waiting for her, wanting to meet the new queen. However, they heard from the eunuch that after they came out of Qixia Palace, they went directly back to their Chengqian. palace.

They didn't come to Yukun Palace to pay a visit. Instead, they went back to Chengqian Palace and stayed there for an hour. They simply didn't take her seriously. How abominable!

Concubine Yao accompanied her carefully and said: "Your Majesty must be exhausted today. He got up right after hearing the second watch. He has been tossing and tossing for so long that even his iron-clad body can't stand it anymore. He must go back to rest for a while before coming to see you again." The Queen Mother's!"

Concubine Huo also said: "If the Emperor comes to see the Queen Mother when he is exhausted both physically and mentally, the Queen Mother will definitely feel distressed when he sees her. The Emperor must not be able to bear the Queen Mother's worries, so he took a short rest and came to see him again..."

After hearing the words of the two concubines, Empress Dowager Mo became less angry. Concubine Li gently shook her folding fan and said with a smile: "Sister Huo underestimates our Majesty. Your Majesty has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He has been struggling like this." After three days and three nights, I won't be exhausted both physically and mentally. Let me check with you. The young couple must be in their prime of life. I couldn't bear it for a moment. I heard that yesterday the female official went to Mu's Mansion to examine the Queen's body and was found guilty. The queen has rushed out, and it’s time for the emperor to inspect it himself, haha..."

When Empress Dowager Mo heard this, she immediately lowered her face, glanced at Concubine Li displeased, and said, "Does Concubine Li mean that the Emperor and the Empress ignored etiquette and showed off their prostitution in broad daylight in the palace?"

Concubine Li laughed "hehehe" and said, "Whether it is yes or no, can't the Queen Mother send someone to Chengqian Palace to have a look? Why should we make blind guesses here?"

Concubine Li was originally a sarcastic person. Because she was born too high, she had always been feared, guarded against, and suppressed by Concubine Jin. In addition, she had a mean mouth and an unpleasant temperament, so she had not been favored for so many years. She had no heirs, and it was precisely because of this that she had to join the queen's camp and join forces with the queen to resist the oppression of Concubine Jin.

Nowadays, Concubine Jin is dead, and the country has changed hands. She has been suffering in the harem for half her life. Before her dream of being able to respond to everyone in the palace has been realized, she has become a concubine. Disappointed, she gave up everything All her hopes were pinned on her niece. What she had not been able to do in her life, how much she hoped her niece could do it!

Concubine Li was born in a noble family, but she was suppressed by Concubine Jin who was born in a humble family for half her life. Naturally, she felt a thousand or ten thousand dissatisfactions in her heart, so she deeply hated those women who came from a humble family but were favored. Today's new queen not only came from a humble family but was favored, but also She also snatched the throne of queen that should belong to her niece. Therefore, now she regards Caiwei as the person she hates the most in her heart. As long as she seizes the opportunity, she will spare no effort to attack her.

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