Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1103 The lady was beaten (5)

Caiwei got off Fenghu and smiled gently at everyone: "I was feeling a little unwell earlier, so I kept you ladies waiting for a long time. "

"The Queen is so polite, I am so ashamed of myself!"

All the ladies abided by their duties and answered in unison with their heads lowered. No one dared to look directly at the Queen's face, and they all lowered their eyebrows and actively moved away.

Caiwei walked slowly in front, followed by Huanqiu, Xiaozhi and others. Behind them, there were two teams of palace maids holding feather fans, fragrant beads, handkerchiefs and wash basins. They were all very elegant.

Seeing Caiwei's support and the momentum of the Queen of the Jin Dynasty, Princess Tuotuo became more determined to replace her and become the Queen of the Jin Dynasty. She raised her chin, smiled sinisterly, and followed the others into the gate of Shuntian Hall.

Li Ruizhu came here to worship with 10,000 grievances. She didn't want to come here to humiliate herself, but she hadn't seen Nangong Yi for a long time. The longing for her made her restless, and she couldn't care less about being reserved. Knowing that coming here would make her feel frustrated and humiliated, she must come to see him to relieve her lovesickness.

A throne has been set up in the Shuntian Hall, and Caiwei sat in front of the throne and accepted the worship of everyone again.

The first ones to come up were the princesses from various royal palaces. The Supreme Prince had few heirs, and the only ones who grew up were the Crown Prince, King Qin, King Jin and King Chu. However, King Jin was deprived of his imperial status due to the witchcraft case in the early years and is now He was imprisoned in his own palace; because the King of Chu was close to the prince, after the prince rebelled, he was also deprived of his royal status and sent to Bianzhou thousands of miles away. Therefore, the princesses who came to see Caiwei were all Many of the wives of the brothers and nephews of the Supreme Emperor are still octogenarian women. Although they are several decades older, ancient times were such a strict hierarchical society, and they would never disregard the etiquette of monarchs and ministers just because they were older.

At first, Caiwei felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the old princesses kowtowing to her, but when she saw that most of the ladies in the palace were old people over fifty years old, even if she couldn't bear it, she couldn't bear it, so she calmed down. Accepted!

After the princesses paid their respects, the princess, princess and county lords paid their respects.

The Supreme Emperor has five daughters. In addition to Nangong Yu who was born by the Queen, there are also three daughters born by Princess Chaogui who was raised under the knee of Concubine Jin and three other concubines with low status.

Princess Chaogui is sixteen years old this year. Her biological mother is a talented person with a low status. Because Concubine Jin blocked the Emperor's sword and injured her uterus, she was unable to have any more children. In order to fulfill her wish to have both children, the Emperor specially gave birth to a child. The daughter born by Cai Ren was brought to her to raise, and she was named Princess Chaogui. Like Princess Chaoyang, she enjoyed the treatment of the most noble princess.

After the prince's failed rebellion, Princess Chaogui's status plummeted. Although she was not deposed, she had learned to live a life of caution.

At this moment, she was kneeling on the ground side by side with Princess Chaoyue and several other princesses. In front were several eldest princesses, and behind were more than a dozen princesses and county heads. Everyone saluted Caiwei piously and respectfully.

"Greetings to the Queen, the Queen is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old----"

Caiwei said: "No courtesy, stay on your own --"

"Thank you, Queen——"

After the princesses of this dynasty paid their respects, it was the turn of the foreign princesses who came to pay their respects. He Lanxue and Princess Tuotuo stood together, each with their own thoughts.

Naturally, Princess Tuotuo would not kneel down and worship Caiwei like the princess of Dajin. He Lanxue had sinned against Caiwei before, and she was about to leave Dajin, so there was no need to please her, so just follow Tuotuo. Tuo Yi saluted her using the etiquette of his own country.

Caiwei had no feeling at all about He Lanxue's salute to her. Whether she kowtowed nine times or ignored Caiwei, it did not affect her mood at all.

After the princesses finished their salutes, the wives came to pay their respects. The ladies came to pay their respects one by one according to their rank. First, the first-grade ladies, then the second-grade ladies...

There were probably too many officials in the Jin Dynasty. It was already noon after receiving the audience from these ladies.

The director eunuch came over and said, "I would like to inform you that lunch has been set up in the Linshui Pavilion in the Imperial Garden. Please arrange it in the Imperial Garden!"


Caiwei stood up, held Meng Huaian's hand, and led everyone to the imperial garden.

Outside the palace, Caiwei sat on Fenghu, and the others followed behind on foot. The group went to the Imperial Garden in a mighty manner...

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