Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1106 Punishing Nangong Yu (3)

Princess Chaoyue's words sounded like she was speaking for Queen Mu and going against Princess Tuotuo, but if you listen carefully, you will find the hidden meaning in her words.

Empress Mu had been betrothed to Saknu by the Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager Mo before, so before marrying Nangong Yi, her previous identity had been erased. This time she married Nangong Yi as the daughter of the editor of the Hanlin Academy and became the queen. , although everyone was well aware of this, they all kept their mouths shut and chose to forget, and no one dared to take the initiative to mention it.

Princess Pian Chaoyue mentioned her previous identity again and again. First she mentioned her dancing that day, and then she mentioned her identity as a businesswoman. Dancing was said by her to be done by people from three religions and nine schools. The queen is now noble and can no longer dance, but when she was a businesswoman, she did what those people of other religions did.

Repeatedly exposing the Queen's old background and touching the Queen's bottom line made everyone present anxious about Chaoyue's stupidity. Mrs. Li Guogong was also very angry with this stupid and cunning granddaughter. Besides, the idiot among them had no time to cover up the shortcomings of his own family. How could he take the initiative to publicize it in front of outsiders like her?

In desperation, the old lady rushed to say: "Since the queen's phoenix body is against the rules, why don't we try some elegant ways to have fun."

Mrs. Jian'an Hou agreed: "The old lady's idea is very good. Why don't we all write poems together? The scenery of the Imperial Garden is so beautiful, and it is the grace of the Queen to entertain us all. This situation and scene are the most suitable for poems and poems." Please ask the Queen to make a decision."

Caiwei knew very well that the two ladies were trying to save her. She also loved poems and songs the most, but the fortune-telling ladies here today were mixed. If it was poetry, there would be some who thought that a woman's lack of talent was a virtue. As an illiterate person, it would be embarrassing for her to read poetry in her turn, and it would also hurt her face. Therefore, this suggestion was not adopted by her.

She smiled gently and said: "Since Princess Tuotuo just said that she wants to see singing, dancing, circus, tricks and acrobatics, I can't dance for everyone, so I will perform an acrobatic for everyone."

After finishing speaking, he glanced in the direction of Nangong Yu and said meaningfully: "Whether they are dancers, acrobats, or jugglers, they all rely on their own labor and their own hands to earn a living. , they are worthy of respect from others, and others have no reason to look down on them. I feel that compared with these so-called 'three religions and nine streams', those who are superior, useless, and get something for nothing are shameful!"

Everyone knew who the Queen was speaking to, and they all agreed with the Queen.

"What the Queen said is absolutely true..."

"The empress is precious, I have learned a lesson..."

Chao Yun blushed and lowered his head in silence. Although he hated Caiwei for reprimanding her in public, he was a little happy in his heart. The fact that he was reprimanded by Mu Caiwei in public would definitely be reported to the Queen Mother. When the time comes, the Queen Mother would definitely Even more resentful of Mu Caiwei...

Princess Tuotuo calmed down when she heard that Queen Mu was willing to perform in public, which gave her enough face.

Although she was still regretting that she couldn't see "Flying Dance" with her own eyes, she thought again that when the emperor was infected by her cloud and rain Gu and she was the only one who was going to die, she would let this pretentious woman act as a dancer for her. Just kidding, when the time comes, she will definitely let this woman dance "Flying Dance" for everyone to watch from morning to night every day, to see if she still dares to outshine Giotto?

When all the ladies saw that the queen was about to perform a trick, they all became interested and looked at her with interest.

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