Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1110 Thousand-year-old Ginseng (1)

Before Nangong Yu could speak, Nangong Yi had already made his attitude clear and stood firmly on his wife's side.

When Empress Mo heard this, she laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, what a man who forgets his mother after marrying a daughter-in-law. When he gets a woman, he completely ignores his mother and sister and allows us to be tortured by her." Death, if that's the case, why doesn't the Emperor issue an imperial edict to let us die, so that we won't be an eyesore to her in this palace."

These words were completely directed at Caiwei, and there was no intention to avoid taboos at all. Caiwei quit and said seriously: "Why did the queen say this? I have only been married for two days, and I have always abided by my duty as a queen. I have worked so hard and conscientiously, not daring to go beyond even half a step. Now my mother has put the charge of unfilial piety on my concubine. I, my concubine, will not be able to bear the consequences of death!"

Empress Dowager Mo sneered and said: "Mu Caiwei, don't pretend to be so knowledgeable and sensible. It's disgusting to me. I've seen clearly what you're capable of doing, and the son I've worked so hard to raise is now the only one you have." Yes, you must be happy in your heart. You contradict your mother-in-law in the morning and chastise your sister-in-law at night. How come you have such a vicious heart? Yu'er has an upright temperament. She accidentally said a few wrong words, which was too cruel. Because she is afraid of you and wants to please you, why are you dissatisfied? If you tell me, I will deal with her to vent your anger. But it is better for you to directly send a nun to her palace to let everyone think that Her poor upbringing has ruined her reputation. She is now at the age when Yunying is about to get married. If you do this, who will dare to ask to marry her?"

Hearing Queen Mother Mo's stern condemnation, Caiwei showed a sarcastic smile: "The Queen Mother thinks those words were made by her unintentionally?"

"That's natural, otherwise what would she do to you?"

Empress Dowager Mo could not find a reason for Nangong Yu to harm Cai Wei, so she was even more certain that Nangong Yu had made an unintentional mistake.

Caiwei sneered and said: "If she only said one sentence wrong, it might be understood as an unintentional mistake, but if she said the wrong thing repeatedly, people would have to doubt her intentions. Princess Chaoyue is already sixteen years old, and she is not How could a six-year-old girl make such a low-level mistake, unless she had ulterior motives and did it intentionally..."

Before Caiwei could finish speaking, Nangong Yu knelt down with a 'pop' sound and cried: "Empress, Chaoyue didn't mean it, it really wasn't. Although Chaoyue has offended you before, my brother has already beaten Chaoyue." That's a slap in the face, Chaoyue also married Saknu for you, please spare me..."

Nangong Yu cried hard, trembled, and looked frightened.

When Empress Dowager Mo saw her daughter being frightened like this by Caiwei, she was so distressed that her liver trembled. She walked over quickly, bent down and helped her daughter up herself, hugged her in her arms, and patted her back. She looked at Caiwei with her back and said loudly: "My son does not need to kneel to her, she is not worthy. You are the princess of the Jin Dynasty. I think back then, when you were living a noble life in the palace, she still didn't deserve it." You are herding sheep and collecting cow dung in the countryside, but you just relied on hooking up with your stupid brother who was blinded by lard. He has his tail raised and doesn't know who he is. You are a bitch, but you dare to take advantage of the queen in front of me. "My son, let me tell you, I didn't provoke her on purpose. Even if it was intentional, she has no right to deal with you based on your status."

At this moment, Empress Dowager Mo was angry and distressed. She was so angry with Caiwei that she didn't even want to save any face and started yelling at her.

Caiwei was also very angry by Queen Mother Mo's words. She sneered and said, "What the Queen Mother said is wrong. No matter whether I have herded sheep or picked up cow dung, my current status is here. I am now She is the Queen of the Jin Dynasty and the Lord of the Sixth Palace. She was ordered by the Emperor to assist in the management of the Sixth Palace. Since Nangongyu lives in the palace, I have the right to punish her. Not to mention her, it was the Queen Mother herself who did something wrong. I still have the right, authority, responsibility, and questions!"

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