Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1123 Conspiracy (4)

Chen Shangxi said: "When I got back to the Queen Mother, the emperor did not summon the imperial doctor. According to the servant's guess, the emperor was probably upset. Today, the governor of Qingzhou sent an urgent note, saying that on the Cangwu Mountain in Yuanning County, Qingzhou, a bird appeared when it rained." The monster's skull is as big as a car, with two horns growing on it, and there are also sharp horns at the tip of its nose. Those who see it often call it a dragon's skull.  "

"Dragon skull?"

Empress Dowager Mo was shocked, "How could there be a dragon's skull in the clear sky? What did the courtiers say?"

Chen Shangxi said: "I heard that all the ministers thought that since the dragon bones appeared in Cangmang Mountain, there must be dragon veins. As a precaution, they all asked the Holy Lord to kill all the people within a hundred miles to prevent the birth of dragons in the future. Woe!"

Empress Dowager Mo listened and nodded in approval: "What you ministers said is true. For the eternal stability of the Jin Dynasty, and for the sake of the people of the world to avoid being shaken by the change of dynasties, the only thing we can do is to wrong these people. Uh, by the way, Your Majesty." Has the order been issued?"

Chen Shangxi said "Hi" and said with a sad face: "No, the ministers tried hard to accept the advice, but the Emperor refused. He only said that he would transport the skull to the capital and look at it carefully before making a decision. !"

"Your Majesty is confused----"

Empress Dowager Mo said in a long tone, patting the case with hatred, "There must be monsters. How can he be allowed to hesitate about such a big matter? When did he become so kind to a woman?" ? If we wait for the skull to be transported to the capital, I'm afraid that all the people around will be gone. Where can we catch people? Really, alas!"

Tuo Tuo interrupted and said: "Don't be anxious, Queen Mother. Although the Emperor is unwilling to issue an order to kill people, it is not difficult to get him to issue a decree of imprisonment. Just let him issue an order and not allow people within a hundred miles of radius to leave at will. Otherwise, it will be violated." If the skull is delivered to the capital, and everyone investigates and understands it, if it is indeed the dragon head, it will not be too late to kill all the people!"

After hearing this, Empress Dowager Mo was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Tuo Tuo is worthy of being a princess of a country. She really thinks things through."

"Thank you, Queen Mother, for the compliment!"

Tuo Tuo said humbly and with a very good attitude. Before she poisoned the emperor, she had to pretend to be well-behaved to avoid any mishaps.

"Queen Mother, what should we do now?"

Luoxue looked at Empress Dowager Mo anxiously, fearing that she would be disturbed by the dragon skull matter and give up her original plan. Fortunately, Empress Dowager Mo thought about it for a while, stood up and ordered: "Pack the food and follow me to take care of it." Qiangong, I am going to Chengqiangong to visit the emperor and have dinner with the emperor."


The palace people agreed and went to prepare.

Queen Mother Mo turned around and said to Tuotuo and Luoxue, "You two wait here for now. I will call you over later."


Tuo Tuo and Luo Xue answered softly. Princess Tuo Tuo also imitated the etiquette of women from the Jin Dynasty and blessed her body with Queen Mother Mo.

Empress Dowager Mo was sitting on a shoulder carriage, leading the maids and eunuchs, and came straight to Chengqian Palace. At this time, Nangong Yi was sitting on the kang in front of the window, wearing a purple half-breasted uniform, in front of the kang table. After approving the memorial, seeing the Queen Mother coming in person, she hurriedly got off the kang to see the ceremony.

Empress Dowager Mo helped her son up and said distressedly: "It's already noon, and you're still busy criticizing the food and refusing to eat. Although government affairs are important, your body cannot be despised either."

Nangong Yi looked at the hourglass and said, "It's still early, so it will be done later."

Empress Dowager Mo said: "It's still early? What time is it? If you don't eat, it will be almost noon. The imperial doctor once said that meals should be regular and every meal should be on time. Speaking of which, everyone around you should be careful and considerate. Take care of your child, it would be great if there is someone around you who understands pain and heat!"

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