Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1132 If you don’t seek death, you won’t die (2)

Caiwei held her hand and said affirmatively: "Don't deny yourself easily. You are kind, cheerful, and optimistic. You are a rare good girl. It's just that he didn't realize how good you are. "

"He rarely talks to me. He is always polite to me, cold and distant, as if he were a stranger. We have been married for two months, and he has never even touched my hand... Also, you said The set of violet jade jewelry he bought was not bought for me at all, but probably for his sweetheart..."

Xiangyun complained, becoming more and more aggrieved as she spoke. Tears blurred her pale face, and she cried like a helpless child!

Caiwei was silent. If this kind of thing happened to her, it would be much simpler. She would take her own property and leave the man in style to find a life of her own.

However, Xiangyun is different. She has lived under feudal ethics since she was a child, and has been deeply poisoned by feudal ideas. She has no self at all in her ideology. The idea that a woman should follow a chicken and a dog when she marries a chicken has been deeply ingrained in her concept. He won't easily accept Caiwei's ideas.

Wanting to change her current situation and get the man to change her mind seems to be easier for her to accept than letting her leave the man and live her own life.

But who is the woman Mo Zili is raising outside? What kind of woman is she? Will Mo Zili change his mind easily? What are Xiangyun’s chances of winning? In other words, what kind of person is Mo Zili? Is it worth Xiangyun’s fight? Even if he wins, will Xiangyun be happy?

If it were Caiwei, this kind of mentality would hide the fact that another woman wants to marry her man. He is a complete scumbag. She will never fight for it. She has abandoned him like a worn out shoe a long time ago, but Xiangyun's The concept was different from hers, so she had to seek her opinion first and deal with it.

"Xiangyun, what do you think? Do you want to keep this marriage or give up and live your own life?"

"Live your own life?" Xiangyun repeated, his eyes a little confused, as if he didn't understand what Caiwei was talking about.

In her ideology, a woman obeys her father at home, her husband when she marries, and her son after her husband dies. How can a woman have the right to choose what kind of life she wants to live? Caiwei's words shocked her!

Caiwei said: "Yes, living your own life means being separated from men, relying on no one, living alone with your own hands, and living the life you want. Do you dare?"

Caiwei looked at Xiangyun's confused and slightly cute face calmly, and truly felt unworthy of her friend.

She is so innocent and lovely, and she deserves a good man to love and protect her wholeheartedly, instead of living a life of compromise based on people's faces.

Facing Caiwei's solemn eyes, Xiangyun seemed a little hesitant. Caiwei's concept was something she had never thought of. Although it sounded exciting and made her heart agitate, when she thought about the secular perspective, the expectations of her parents and family for her, the expectations of her mother-in-law and the old lady. Despite her pampering and tolerance, she still hesitated.

Seeing her hesitation, Caiwei said: "You don't have to answer me now. When you think about it, you can come to me at any time. Whether you want to stay and fight for it, or quit and live the life you want, I They will all choose to support you and help you unconditionally..."

Xiangyun nodded heavily and said gratefully: "Caiwei, thank you..."

Opposite the pavilion, on a rockery with jagged rocks, Wen'er and Wu'er were lying in ambush on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of the pavilion from a distance.

The two little guys haven't seen their eldest sister for several days, and they were feeling panicked. Today they finally saw their eldest sister back, and they were surrounded by everyone talking. They haven't kissed her until now. What a great opportunity!

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