Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1136 The fate of the bad guys (1)

Nangong Yi didn't let Caiwei wait too long. As soon as she lay down, others came.

It was different from the past. In the past, when he came, he always had a faint smell of ambergris. This time, he had a strong smell of alcohol.

"you've been drinking?"

After the man came over, Caiwei sat up, raised her head, and looked at him inquiringly with her clear eyes.

Nangong Yi said 'hmm', sat down next to her, took off his boots and got on the couch.

Caiwei smelled the strong smell of alcohol on the man's body and raised her legs to get off the ground: "I'll get you a cup of tea to relieve your hangover."

As soon as he put a leg down, he was already pulled into the man's arms.

"Don't leave!"

Nangong Yi stopped her, hugged her and sat on his lap, burying his face in the crook of her neck, his voice was deep, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

It was rare for him to show his emotions like this. It was probably because his mother and sister had plotted against him, and he felt uncomfortable. Caiwei guessed this, and sat obediently in his arms, motionless, and hugged him quietly. With.

The moonlight from the window shines into the room, soft and light, coating the two people with a soft halo of color. The scene is really beautiful!

After an unknown amount of time, the man finally spoke: "It's all taken care of!"


Caiwei knew what he was referring to, so she agreed, and the man continued speaking.

"The Queen Mother is ill. From now on, she will no longer interfere with the affairs of the harem and the previous dynasty. From now on, you will be responsible for all the affairs of the harem. But fortunately, you will be the only one in the harem in the years to come, so there will be nothing to worry about." In order to pray for the Queen Mother, Chaoyue voluntarily went to Jingci Temple to lead a spiritual practice for three years; Li Ruizhu participated in the poisoning of Princess Tuotuo. According to theory, the nine tribes should be killed immediately with a stick, but she thought that General Li had made great contributions in quelling the chaos. , pardoned her crime, but she was infected by lice and was already worse than dead..."

The man's words are not exaggerated at all. Li Ruizhu is indeed more uncomfortable than death now. She is infected with lice, and her whole body is covered with dense blisters. It is very itchy, and wherever she scratches, there will be dense lice swarming around. Climb out, fall to the ground, and jump on people. It's scary to watch...

Nangong Yi was afraid that lice would spread in the palace, so he had already ordered her to be sent back to the General's Mansion. Now that her life and death were unknown, Nangong Yi didn't bother to ask!

Princess Tuotuo was taken into a secret room and interrogated strictly by the hidden guards, who asked her how to solve the Yunyu Gu. However, until now, it has been determined that the Yunyu Gu cannot be solved at all.

According to Princess Tuotuo, a man and a woman who have been poisoned by Zhongyun Yugu will love each other until death. There will never be a third person between them. Even if one of them is disabled, useless, old or ugly, the other will In people's hearts, he (she) is always the best and cannot be replaced by anyone.

Of course, this Yun Yu Gu also has disadvantages. If one of the two people who are infected by the poison has a relationship with another person of the opposite sex, the poison will attack and die. The worst thing is that if one of the two people dies, the other I can no longer live, and I will die...

"Weier, I am afraid that I will die before you in the future, but I will have to drag you to die with me. You are ten years younger than me, so you can live at least ten more years..."

Nangong Yi's voice was low, as if he was tired and a little guilty.

The man was in a bad mood. Caiwei always thought that he was sad because he was being plotted by her mother and sister. Unexpectedly, it turned out that he was worried about her future. She also knew that she would live longer than him. From a scientific perspective: women inherently live longer than men, and since she is ten years younger than men, it is almost certain that men will die before her in the future.

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