Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1154 Mo Zili’s thoughts (4)

After Wangcai came in, he looked at Du Wanqing sitting in the main room with undisguised pride on his face.

"Girl, you asked me to do something, and I have already done it for you!"

Du Wanqing was overjoyed and then said: "But there is a flaw left. How is he now?"

Wangcai said: "Don't worry, young lady. I'm always sure of what I do. What happened yesterday, the young master and a few other boys thought that the horse was frightened by the sparrow, and no one saw that it was the little boy who was sneaking around." Throwing stones hit the horse's eyes, hey hey hey..."

"You did well!"

Du Wanqing took out a one hundred tael silver note from her sleeve and handed it to her mother. Her mother went down and handed the bank note into Wangcai's hand.

"When I enter the government in the future, I will definitely promote you!"

When Wangcai took the banknote and took a look at it, he laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyesight. He stuffed the banknote into his arms and said solemnly: "Don't worry, miss. The young master fell hard this time and was hit by a horse again." If you step on a hoof, it is absolutely impossible to have a baby with the young lady within three to five months!"

Du Wanqing nodded with satisfaction and said, "Ask your sister to pay more attention to what's going on in the house. If anything happens, let me know as soon as possible. I won't let your brother and sister's help go in vain!"

"Yes, yes, girls are the most generous. I have already realized it. My sister is the second-class girl in that house. Nothing can escape her eyes. Don't worry!"

Wangcai touched the hiding place of the one hundred taels of silver notes and promised it with all his heart. It was so beautiful that big bubbles of snot bubbled up in his nose!

With this one hundred taels of silver, he can go to Chunxiang Tower and have a good time. I heard that a new girl has arrived there. The madam is looking for someone to groom her these days. With these one hundred taels, he will definitely come out on top...

After Wangcai left, Mrs. Wang said worriedly: "Qing'er, this Wangcai seems to be a frivolous thing. What if one day the fact that you plotted against Young Master Mo comes out?"

Du Wanqing said expressionlessly: "Of course my daughter can see that he is not reliable, but at present, there is no one available around her, so she can only rely on him. When my daughter becomes the leader in the future, this bane will not be eliminated." Will keep it!"

"That's good, I feel relieved!"

Mrs. Wang nodded approvingly, approving of her daughter's act of killing the donkey, and admired her scheming and decisiveness in killing.

Unexpectedly, this little daughter who has always been inconspicuous can be so powerful. It is a pity that the current emperor is deceived by Mu Caiwei's despicable fox. Otherwise, she would send her Qing'er to the palace. With her With his appearance and methods, he will definitely accomplish something!

Caiwei woke up at noon.

When she woke up, she was lying on the kang outside. At this moment, the man had returned from the court and was sitting at the kang table next to her to review the memorial.

"woke up?"

Seeing her waking up, the man raised his eyes and asked casually. His eyes glanced in front of her swollen breasts, then lowered his head and continued to review.

"When is this?"

Caiwei rubbed her eyes, glanced at the sun hanging in the middle of the sky through the glass window, and asked wistfully.

But when he opened his mouth, his voice was dumb.

She hurriedly covered her throat and said in surprise: "What's going on? Why am I mute?"

The man's eyes flashed, and he remembered her ecstatic screams, hums and moans last night. She screamed all night long. Can she not be dumb?

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