Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1156 Lovely Xiangyun (1)

In the evening, news came from outside the palace that brothers Sun Hu and Sun Bao had returned from escorting Lingbei!

When Caiwei heard the news, she hurriedly told Nangong Yi, changed into normal clothes, and took Huanqiu out of the palace.

She had already told the Sun brothers before that the escorts, regardless of their high or low status, must make a spectacular display. It would be best to have dozens of cars and show off around the capital.

The Sun brothers were very obedient and escorted back forty or fifty carloads of escorts with dignity. After returning to the capital, they paraded through the streets of the capital very hard, attracting the people of the capital to stop and watch, until Caiwei left the palace. , the Sun brothers’ parade is not over yet.

Outside the palace, Nangong Yi had an inconspicuous private residence, which Caiwei asked to use as his temporary warehouse to store the goods escorted back from Lingbei.

After the parade, the Sun brothers pulled dozens of carts of goods to the house designated by Caiwei. After unloading the carts, they received the thousand taels of silver rewarded by Caiwei and left happily!

Caiwei briefly looked at the goods. There were about one hundred and eighty young ginsengs, hundreds of skins, including fox skins, rex rabbit skins, snow wolf skins, mink skins, etc. In addition, there were three to four thousand yuan. Although the amount of glass is not a lot, compared to their escort team of only a hundred and a few people, it is not a small amount to be able to transport so much stuff back.

If these three to four thousand pieces of glass were sold in her glass shop, it would be sold out in three to five days. After all, she has not been to Lingbei for more than two months, so why not I'll go there tonight, bring back the glass that's been stored there, and take a look at the construction of the commercial street.

After making up her mind, she sent Huanqiu to find the shopkeeper of the glass shop to pull the glass. She quickly went into the space to catch up on her sleep. She had to stay up all night if she was on her way tonight. If she didn't take advantage of this moment, she would get some sleep tomorrow. It hurts!

Nangong Yi finished approving the book, took a bath early, ordered a banquet with Caiwei's favorite food, and ordered a pot of century-old sweet-scented osmanthus brew, preparing to repeat the same trick, and then try to get her drunk, tonight Enjoy it once again!

However, when Caiwei didn't come back until dark, Nangong Yi was a little worried, so he sent Zhuyue and a team of hidden guards to go out to search.

Less than an hour later, Zhuyue came back, but instead of bringing back Caiwei, she brought back Caiwei's maid Huanqiu.

"Master, the Queen has asked this servant to tell you that she will be out for a few days and will be back in a few days. Please don't worry about her!"

Nangong Yi's face instantly turned black.

She actually ran away, and she cut her off first, leaving him no chance to refuse. It was really too much to deal with!

Although he was angry in his heart, what he thought more about was where had she gone? Is it safe? Will you encounter danger? When are you coming back? As for his own shameful thoughts, they have long since disappeared.

In fact, Caiwei did not leave at the moment, but continued to sleep in the space. At this moment, the sky had just darkened, and the streets of the capital were full of people. She did not dare to ride around on a white-haired tiger. Run, it would be bad if someone sees you and scares the people.

It wasn't until late at night, when she was full from sleep, that she came out of the space, rode a white-haired tiger, and ran toward Lingbei at lightning speed...

It was already the end of September in the Gregorian calendar, and the temperature in the north had dropped significantly. The farther north it got, the colder it got. By the time they reached the territory of Bianzhou Prefecture, Caiwei could no longer bear the cold. She stopped the white-haired tiger and stepped in. I found a pair of robes and put them on, which made me feel a little better.

The speed of the white-haired tiger was limited. Even at the fastest speed, it could not run from the capital to the royal city in Lingbei overnight. Therefore, as dawn approached, Caiwei asked the white-haired tiger to stop in Qingyun Town.

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