Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1158 Lovely Xiangyun (3)

"Yes, but he has been sent back by us!"

Caiwei was also wondering about the current situation of Dafang's family, when Aunt Zhou mentioned it, and she listened with interest.

Aunt Zhou curled her lips and spoke sarcastically while wearing the meat skewers.

"As soon as your uncle came back, he kept blowing the whistle and said that your family has become prosperous. You want to marry into the palace and become the queen, and Fei'er wants to marry into a place called Fu'er as a young lady."

"Li Guo Gongfu!"

Uncle Zhou added something while circling around.

"Yes, yes, it's Li Guogong's Mansion, that's what it's called!"

Aunt Zhou said: "As soon as this family came back, they put on a show of being royal relatives and showed off their power. They also brought two pretty girls with them, saying that you respected them and bought them to serve them. However, as far as I can see, , those two girls bewitched Qiao Qiao, they were more charming than the girls in the brothel, and they didn’t look like girls from good families. They attracted the idle men from the surrounding villages to hang around the house all day long. I think, maybe Sooner or later, something will happen..."

Caiwei asked: "Did they go back to the old house in Mujiacun?"

Dafang's old house in Mujia Village had a big crack in the fight between her and Tianjizi. It had become a dilapidated house and could no longer be inhabited. How could Dafang and his family dare to go back to their old house if they cherished their lives so much? ?

"What! The first thing they did when they came back was to build a house, a big brick house with tiles. It was the only big house with two entrances in the whole village. It was very grand. Now their family is temporarily living in Mu Laosan's house. Mu Laosan's family moved out, and the house was vacant, so they just happened to move in!"

"What about Mrs. Lu? I heard that they are rich. Didn't Mrs. Lu go to trouble them?"

Aunt Zhou said: "Hey, the Lu family has been completely ruined. Originally, the Lu family still had some wealth, which was enough for Mrs. Lu to eat and drink. Unfortunately, her unsatisfactory brother got swept away. Now Mrs. Lu lives alone." In a small house donated by Mrs. An, there is only an old woman and a boy waiting on you, how can you still find trouble for others?"

"That's it!"

Caiwei felt a little regretful, but after thinking about it again, she didn't feel any regret. Since ancient times, the most troublesome people have been wealth and sex. Dafang got a windfall, but he didn't know how to be low-key and restrained, and blindly flaunted his wealth. , will definitely attract people's attention; and those two prostitutes, with their charming demeanor, may seduce many idle bachelors, and they may cause trouble at some point!

"The nursing home is also very good now. All the old and young are well fed and clothed warmly. Your Brother Jiujin and I go there every now and then to visit. Mrs. An and Miss Ziyi also always go there to visit. Just don't worry. !"

Speaking of An Ziyi, Caiwei's face became more scrutinized and she whispered: "Sister Ziyi is okay, I haven't seen her for several months!"

When Caiwei mentioned An Ziyi, Aunt Zhou smiled all over her face and said repeatedly: "Okay, that's great. In two months, Ziyi will be our daughter-in-law. , Wei Yatou, you have to come back for the wedding banquet!"

"Very good!"

Caiwei turned around happily, looked at Jiujin who was immersed in cutting meat, and said with a smile: "Brother Jiujin, congratulations!"

Jiu Jin twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

The reason why he is willing to marry An Ziyi is not because he has forgotten Caiwei, whom he has loved since childhood, but because he has seen that the gap between him and Wei'er is getting wider and wider, and he is indeed not worthy of her. Secondly, when he went to Caiwei's house to clean up, he accidentally saw a portrait of a man painted by Caiwei. He had seen that man once at Mrs. An's birthday party. It was said that he was a young man from a wealthy family. She is handsome, elegant, and many times better than him! Come to think of it, he must be Miss Wei'er's crush, and they really match each other!

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