Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1167 Don’t want his child (3)


I don't know who shouted out first and ran downstairs.

With his start, the other men in black also woke up from a dream, yelling and crawling downstairs one after another!

"Hey hey hey..."

Caiwei laughed, landed from mid-air, and used a little space spiritual power to successfully scare them half to death. It was still worth it!

"Changmei, follow them and see where they live? Who are they? What is their purpose?" Caiwei ordered while eating the purple fairy fruit in her mouth.

The parrot is not here, so the task of finding out the news has to temporarily fall on Changmei.

After eating the fruit, Caiwei returned to space and went to the fields to harvest the medicinal materials she had planted.

Among the people Nangong Yi sent her, there were two doctors, and she planned to open the medical clinic as soon as possible.

Meng slaves were ignorant and backward. When people got sick, they most often sought treatment from witch doctors. Many people were killed by witch doctors every year. With regular medical clinics, people could seek medical treatment and medicine in regular medical clinics and avoid being treated by witch doctors. Put to death!

While he was busy, Chang Mei replied.

"Master, I have tracked them to their residence, but I can't understand what they said. I don't know where they are from? I don't know their purpose of arresting you."

As soon as Caiwei arrived, she was followed by them. It can be seen that these people were waiting for her with a premeditated plan rather than a temporary act. Therefore, Caiwei will definitely pursue it to the end.

She left the space, walked to the window, opened it, and shouted: "White-haired tiger!"

There was a sudden sound!

The white-haired tiger flew out, landed on the ground, raised its huge head, and looked at Caiwei from the second-floor window.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Go, go to Changmei. Together with Changmei, we will torment those people who want to do harm to me. If you catch another one, I will personally interrogate him!"

"Yes, Master!"

The white-haired tiger agreed, jumped up, and disappeared into the night sky.

The white-haired tiger was very fast, and not long after, the sound of the white-haired tiger and the long eyebrows suddenly came from outside.

Caiwei went downstairs, opened the door and saw that the white-haired tiger and Changmei were back. The white-haired tiger still had a half-dead man in black in his mouth.

Changmei jumped down from the back of the white-haired tiger and said: "Master, all the others were injured and escaped. We only caught this one who ran slowly. Please judge him!"

The white-haired tiger is so huge that after barely entering through the main entrance on the first floor, it can't go to the second floor. There is a wooden floor built between the first and second floors. As soon as its golden head goes up, the floor is guaranteed to be accurate. Collapse, so after throwing the man in black into the middle of the ground on the first floor, he returned to the space!

Caiwei asked Changmei to close the door, took the powder that the old turtle gave her, which could temporarily control people's mental will, sprinkled it on the head of the man in black, and ordered Changmei to pinch him.

This group of people have strong bodies and extraordinary skills. They must all be loyal dead soldiers. I'm afraid they won't be able to get him to confess through torture. Caiwei didn't bother to beat him. The result was bloody and disgusting!

The man in black was awakened by his long eyebrows. He opened his eyes, his eyes were empty and blank, as if he had no soul.

Caiwei squatted down in front of him, looked into his eyes, and asked slowly: "Who are you? Why did you come to catch me? Who sent you here?"

The man in black said mechanically: "I am Hruda, and I have been ordered by the Great Khan to capture Mu Caiwei and take her back to Liaodan!"

Sweat profusely! Liao Dan!

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