Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1169 Don’t want his child (5)

Hey, it's all her fault, that's too reckless!

"Uh, um, I'm sorry, I thought, uh, are you injured? Where is the injury? Do you want me to call the doctor..." She hesitated.

Mo Zili slowly turned his head, his pale face full of evil spirits: "Wu, Xiang, Yun!"

He said word by word: "Come here and help me up!"

Xiangyun hurriedly got off the ground, not even bothering to pull his shoes, and tried his best to help Mo Zili up, in an attempt to offset the merit!

At this time, Mo Zili had no strength at all, and the whole weight of his body was pressed on Xiangyun's weak shoulders, making Xiangyun panting, his legs weak, and he almost fell down several times.

It was easy to send him back to the couch, and after helping him lie down, Xiangyun said carefully again: "Haha, does it hurt anymore? Oh, by the way, I didn't mean to hit you just now, I'm sorry... …"

Mo Zili held his ribs and calmed down for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "You didn't do it on purpose. Are you sleepwalking?"

Xiangyun made a bitter face and said aggrievedly: "Who let you get so close to me? I thought you wanted it, you wanted..." Halfway through her words, she suddenly realized that she had made a mistake, her ears turned red, and she hurriedly He closed his mouth and lowered his head in a dazed manner!

Mo Zili was startled and said, "Don't you want me to do something to you? If I really do something to you, maybe you will have a child, and your position as young lady will be more stable!"

Hearing this, Xiangyun raised his head, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "You must be thirsty. Your lips are peeling. I'll get you a cup of tea."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the round table where the teacups were placed.

Mo Zili looked at her back with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

When she looked up at him just now, he clearly saw a touch of disdain and ridicule in her eyes. Although it was only a short moment, he saw it very clearly. She was ---- despising him and laughing at him. !

Why is this happening? Is she crazy? A woman regards her husband as her first priority. Doesn’t she hope to be favored by her husband and give birth to a son so that she can establish a firm foothold in the palace? What was she thinking?

Xiangyun poured the tea and came back with the cup in hand. When he approached the couch, he saw Mo Zili staring at her closely, which made her tremble.

"Hehe, the tea is here. Do you want to get up and drink it, or should I feed it to you with a spoon?"

Mo Zili did not answer, but looked at her intently. After a while, he suddenly said: "What I said before still stands. When I get better, I will give you a child!"

Xiangyun was shocked and raised her head sharply. Seeing him staring at her with piercing eyes, she quickly lowered her head, avoiding his probing eyes, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about this later, drink tea first!" "

Mo Zili was not interested in drinking tea. Seeing that she was not overjoyed, but instead looked perfunctory, he became more sure of his thoughts. He asked coldly: "You don't want to have children?"

Being told what was on her mind, a trace of panic flashed in Xiangyun's eyes. She lowered her head in shame and said with a guilty conscience: "Drink tea!"


Mo Zili smiled. Now, he was 100% clear about her thoughts!

He spent a lot of effort and did a lot of psychological construction, and finally decided to give her a child, but she didn't want it. It was so ironic!

He took the tea and said coldly: "Think about it, if you don't want it when I want to give it to you, I may not be willing to give it to you when you want it. Okay, it's daybreak. You can go wash up. I'll do it later." The man and his wife are here, just ask the two girls to come in and serve!"

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