Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1182 Nangong Yi’s Three Obediences and Four Virtues (2)

He didn't wash his hair, and there was a purple gold crown on his black hair, but when the hair got wet, it hung down against his fair forehead, black and white, contrasting with his delicate and sculptured facial features. , like a painting, if beauty can be said to be like a hibiscus emerging from water, this man has just come out of the bath, but he can also be said to have turned all living beings upside down, captivated the country and conquered the city. He is really a soul-stirring evildoer!

Caiwei lowered her eyes, concealing the admiration and obsession in her eyes, and said softly: "The bed has been made, and the emperor will quickly come and place it!"

Nangong Yi said "Yeah" and walked over arrogantly. When he passed by Caiwei, he didn't even look at her. He didn't even give her a look, which made Caiwei almost laugh out loud.

"You go and take a bath quickly, I have to go to court early tomorrow!" The man entered the bed tent, lowered the curtain, and ordered Caiwei through the curtain.

Caiwei suppressed her laughter and said, "I already washed it when I came back. Since the Emperor has to attend court early tomorrow, let's go to bed quickly."

After saying that, he walked towards the room with a fire pit built inside. Hearing her footsteps gradually walking away, Nangong Yi realized something was wrong. He quickly lifted the bed curtain and asked, "Where are you going?"

Caiwei said: "Didn't the Emperor say that he likes to sleep alone? If I stay here, I will seduce the Emperor and delay the Emperor's maintenance of the dragon body. Why don't we separate. You sleep on your dragon couch while I sleep on the kang outside."

Now, Nangong Yi couldn't bear it anymore. With a dark face, he squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Mu, Cai, Wei!"

With that said, he strode to the bed and walked quickly to Caiwei. Before Caiwei could run away, she was picked up and thrown onto the couch.

Looking at the suppressed man, Caiwei didn't struggle. She just pouted her red lips and said strangely: "Huh? Didn't the emperor sleep alone just now? There are so many benefits, why is it so special now?" Do you want to drag me to sleep with you?"

Nangong Yi gritted his teeth and said, "You did it on purpose? Do you have to force me to admit that I can't live without you? It seems that if I don't show my strength again, I will be bullied by you sooner or later!"

As he said that, he turned Caiwei over and hugged him on his lap, patted the raised little buttocks a few times, and asked with gritted teeth: "Do you still dare to leave home privately? Running around?"

Caiwei sensed this and knew that her opportunity had come, so she stopped moving. Nangong Yi seemed to be aroused by her. He planned to show off his power first and suppress this woman who ran away from home without permission. However, his body's instinct refused to agree. He pulled her down hastily and pressed her down. Down.

At this moment, his body, which was only wearing a piece of obscene clothing, was on fire, and it was slightly wet. Just pressing her like this, his breath hit her face. There was no messy fragrance, it was very clean. But it has a very aggressive masculine smell, the smell of hormones!

Caiwei sniffed her nose twice and sniffed the pleasant smell, then curled her lips, pretending to be completely aggrieved, and said, "Nangong Yi, you hit me? We have only been married for less than a month. , are you starting to bully me?" As he said that, his eye circles turned red in amusement.

This aggrieved and pitiful little look immediately softened Nangong Yi's ambition to win his husband.

In the past few days, he couldn't sleep or eat well thinking about her, and he was angry that she ran away without permission. During the night when he thought about her so much that he was scratching his head, he also thought about waiting for her to come back and deal with her, but when he saw her... He looked like he was about to cry, and with the little manliness he had left, he ran to Java in an instant.

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