Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1201: Scratching the face (5)

Du Wanqing covered her face and bit her lips tightly.

After giving birth to a son, she was just trying to be a concubine. What if she gave birth to a daughter? Besides, being an aunt was definitely not her goal. She was the legitimate daughter of Duke An Guo and should be Mo Zili's wife. But the premise of all this is that Mo Zili can support her with all his strength. Her face is ruined, will Mo Zili still love her as before? He fell in love with her just because of her face!

The imperial doctor followed the old woman in. After putting down the medicine box, he said to Du Wanqing in a friendly manner: "Madam, please extend your arm, and I will check your pulse. Is your fetal pressure stable?"

Du Wanqing raised her head and said excitedly: "Don't feel the pulse for now. Doctor, could you please take a look at my face to see if these scars will leave scars? Is there any good medicine to treat them?"

Doctor Zhang rubbed his eyes, looked at the scratched little face for a while, and sighed: "Girl, your wound is very deep, I'm afraid it will leave a scar!"

Du Wanqing cried out uncontrollably: "No, doctor, I can't leave scars on my face. Please give me a magic medicine to remove scars. It doesn't matter how much money you have. As long as this scar is gone, I will thank you profusely..." "

Doctor Zhang said: "There is no magic medicine to remove scars, but as people say, medicine is three parts poison. Your fetal image is already unstable. If you use this medicine to remove scars again, the baby in your belly will be damaged." In all likelihood, it won’t be saved, so why not wait until you finish giving birth before using it!"

"Is it still too late?" Du Wanqing asked carefully, her eyes full of hope.

Dr. Zhang said: "The best time to remove scars is within three months of the injury. The later the time is, the worse the scar removal effect will be. However, poor results does not mean that there are no scars. For scars like yours, wait until after childbirth. Although aging can’t guarantee that your face will return to normal, at least the scars will be much lighter and won’t be as ugly as they are now!”

"What if I remove the scar now? Will my face return to normal, as smooth as new?"

Doctor Zhang nodded: "Logically speaking, it should be possible, but even if it can be done, you can't remove it because it will be harmful to your fetus. Therefore, you can only make sacrifices for the sake of your child!"

With that said, he sat down on the pillar in front of Du Wanqing's couch and said, "I'd better take your pulse first. The child is important!"

Du Wanqing's eyes flashed, she lowered her head, and obediently stretched out her arms...

After a while, Doctor Zhang withdrew his hand, stroking his gray beard and said: "Girl, you are born with deficiencies and are very weak. You were frightened again today, so the fetal image has been unstable. I suggest that you stay in bed in the near future. Don't get angry or anything, don't do strenuous exercise, don't eat spicy food, be careful to prevent any unexpected events, and when the fetus is three months old, everything can go back to normal!"

When the imperial doctor told her not to get angry or do any strenuous exercise, Mo Zili happened to come in. When he saw Du Wanqing with a blossoming face, he was startled and said: "Why are you like this?" How are you?"

When Du Wanqing saw Mo Zili, she burst into tears and cried aggrievedly. While crying, she said, "They are all Wangcai's slaves. They are used to being domineering outside. He won't listen to me when I tell him. He has to talk to the Huo family's aunt." After fighting against each other, not only did I get hurt, but my brother Zili was also scolded by the elders in the house..."

Mo Zili said: "That servant has been sent to Zhuangzi. He will no longer need to serve here."

Du Wanqing sobbed and said: "Sending him to Zhuangzi is an advantage for such a bad slave. If you ask me, he should be beaten to death with a stick!"

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