Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1221 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete (2)

"Shopkeeper, please save my wife. Please give me the ginseng on credit first. When I have money later, I will pay it back to you. I can sign and pledge it. Please..."

Situ Changge chuckled and lowered his head. He slowly picked up the abacus in his hand and said, "This brother has found the wrong place. This is a medical institution, not a relief home or a nursing home. If everyone Patients who can't afford ginseng come here and kneel down and kowtow, and we throw away the ginseng. Do we still want to do business? Aren't we going to have to lose our lives?"

"But my wife is about to die. Shopkeeper, I beg you. If my wife dies, my three children will become motherless children. You will have pity on our family. Just give it to me on credit first, woo woo woo..."

As the man spoke, he kowtowed to Situ Changge, making a loud banging sound!

Situ Changge frowned and said coldly: "Don't you understand what I'm saying? This is not a workhouse. It's useless even if you smash your head. Why don't you leave quickly!"

When the man saw Situ Changge lowering his face and his eyes were cold, he slowly got up and walked out while wiping his tears. He also murmured: "Daughter-in-law, am I right?" Come on, I'm useless, I can't find ginseng..."

Behind the screen, Xiangyun clung to the gap in the screen. She had long been moved by the man's sincerity towards his wife, especially when she saw the dignified seven-foot man kneeling on the ground for his wife. When she was kowtowing to others, she was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes and she almost cried. When she saw the man being scolded and driven away by Shopkeeper Situ, a force of justice spurted out of her body and she rushed away. When I went out, I didn't even take my hood with me.

"Wait a moment!"

Xiangyun walked out excitedly, walked quickly to the man, and said with red eyes: "Brother, I will buy your ginseng for you. For the sake of your deep love for your wife, you I'll pay for the ginseng!"

As he said that, before the man could react, he walked to the counter in a few steps, slapped a twenty-tael banknote on the counter, and said in a cold voice: "Shopkeeper, enough for two of them." "Good ginseng"

Situ Changge looked at Xiangyun's angry little face and whispered: "Mrs. Mo, people's hearts are sinister, you'd better not believe it easily!"

Xiangyun sneered and said: "What the shopkeeper said is so good. Yes, people's hearts are sinister. People who look polite and sanctimonious can actually ignore people's lives for a mere 12 or 8 taels of silver. No wonder the world's people They all say that no businessman is a traitor!"

Being regarded as a profiteer, Situ Changge expressed his innocence. He shook his head and was about to open his mouth to defend himself when he saw a nanny snatching the hat curtain from behind the screen and running to Mrs. Mo's side in a few steps. The gauze hat was placed on Mrs. Mo's head, and she pulled her and whispered: "Sister-in-law, why do you come out to talk to men so casually? How can you let others see your face?"

Xiangyun froze. Just now she was so busy being angry and seeking justice that she forgot that she had not put on her gauze hat yet, so she rushed out to argue with others! Oh, what a shame!

Situ Changge looked at the expressive little face covered by the gauze hat and calmly withdrew his gaze and said: "Since Madam insists on helping him pay the money, I would rather obey my order respectfully!"

The man on the other side saw that shopkeeper Situ actually ordered someone to bring him two good ginsengs. He was immediately moved and offered his hands to Xiangyun: "Madam, you are really the compassionate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. I mean, please do it for my wife and us." The whole family has thanked you from top to bottom. You are a good person and you will definitely be rewarded with good things in the future..."

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