Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1225 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete (6)

Empress Dowager Mo sneered: "You don't need to tell me these high-sounding principles. Since practicing Buddhism is so good, why don't I see you practicing? If you cut your hair and become a nun, I will believe that it is really good!"

Hearing this, Caiwei picked up the handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her lips, as if to wipe away her overflowing smile.

"Mother, I just said that 'cultivating Buddhism can gain great wisdom and generate compassion.' I already have these, and they are more than enough. There is no need to practice anymore. But Chaoyue is short of these, so the emperor Let her stay in the temple for a few years, nurture her temperament, develop a calm and quiet character, and develop a kind and peaceful heart. When she comes out in the future, she will be matched with a good man and be happy. Wouldn't it be great to live a life of peace? Otherwise, with her bad temper, she would still get into trouble if she stayed outside. Even if she married the consort, her life would not stop. So, you'd better be more open-minded. Let her stay in the temple quietly!"

Most parents can only see the advantages of their children, but they automatically ignore their children's shortcomings. In their eyes, their children are the best in the world. Therefore, when Caiwei said these words Later, Queen Mother Mo became angry.

"Hmph, I figured it out. Just because Chaoyue accidentally poisoned you once, you held on to her and wouldn't let her go. It's impossible for you to let Chaoyue go. Anyway, I won't follow her either. You're wasting your time, I went to the emperor and said, let's wait and see whether the emperor listens to you or me!"

After saying that, Queen Mother Mo stood up, angrily held Chen Shangxi's hand and left!

Queen Mother Mo left, and Caiwei hurriedly went to change clothes. She made an appointment with Xiangyun to arrive in the morning. It was almost noon, and she was really anxious.

Liu Xi knew yesterday that she was leaving the palace today, so he discussed with her yesterday and wanted her to wait for him to go out for a walk. Since he traveled here, he has been staying in the palace and has not had a chance to go outside. As for the outside world, thinking that he was her master in the previous life, Caiwei agreed without hesitation. After the two changed their clothes, they hurried out of the palace.

In the car, Caiwei said quietly: "Hey, tell me about you. You have been here for so long. How have you spent this time? Why is there no movement at all? According to your ability, you shouldn't be trapped in the palace." Isn’t it right to be an unknown little eunuch?"

Liu Xi waved his hand and said with a grimace: "Hey, don't mention it. When I first came here, this body happened to have just been castrated. I don't know if the original owner was in pain, was frightened to death, or died of excessive bleeding. In short, When I came over, I was lying on a broken bed covered in blood, which made me so excited that I almost put it back on again."

Caiwei glanced at his crotch, recalling the bloody scene at that time, she hugged her shoulders and shrank, and said, "Then what?"

"Then came the long recovery experience. You know, no one here treats eunuchs as human beings. All my wisdom was used to save this little life. I had to lie in bed for several months. I recovered, and as soon as I recovered from my injuries, I was assigned to the prince's palace, and then the prince rebelled and the whole family was executed. I also managed to escape with great effort!"

"Hey, it's true that we have the same people but different lives, and we traveled through the same time. How come you dress so well, and why am I so miserable!" Liu Xi shook his head and sighed, with a very miserable look on his face!

Caiwei patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be sad, you still have me. From now on, I will let you live a free and wealthy life, except that you can't have sex and have children." Besides, everything about you will be the best!"

Liu Xi glanced at her and laughed at herself: "In your words, I can't stand up to pee!"

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