Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1227 Situ Changge (2)

As he spoke, he told Caiwei what happened in the morning in a rapid-fire manner, and at the end he said: "Do you think this kind of person who only cares about money and has no sympathy deserves to be called a talented person?" "

Caiwei understood Situ Changge's personality and knew that there must be a misunderstanding, so she smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Situ, what do you say? Don't you defend yourself?"

Situ Changge said: "If I go back to my employer, I will be wronged. If I really saved lives and healed the wounded, I would not be so ruthless. But that man didn't really want to use ginseng to save people, but came to our ginseng to cheat." , the subordinates have long seen through his tricks, but we are open to do business, and we don’t want to offend anyone, for fear of causing trouble to our boss, so we didn’t expose him, we just wanted to get rid of him. I never thought that Mrs. Mo would be so frank, If she insists on buying ginseng for him, my subordinates can’t stop her, so I have no choice but to let her!"

Xiang Yun said angrily: "Sophistry! It's obvious that you are stingy with money and will not save me, but you dare to accuse me, you are a hypocritical, evil-hearted and cold-hearted bad guy!"

Situ Changge was scolded by Xiang Yun. He shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Mrs. Mo, that man is dressed as a poor man, but when it comes to taking money, his palms don't even have calluses. He doesn't look like he's working." A poor person? Furthermore, although he cried pitifully, his eyes kept blinking when he cried. He must have put too much chili pepper on his sleeves..."

Hearing this, Xiangyun carefully recalled the scene just now. Hey, it seemed like what shopkeeper Situ said. The man kept blinking and his expression was very painful, as if he was trying to squeeze out his eyeballs.

Xiangyun was confused. Could it be that what Shopkeeper Situ said was that the man was a liar? Taking advantage of her sympathy to deceive? If so, that would be so wicked! He defrauded not only money, but also Xiangyun's overflowing sympathy and a lot of tears. Xiangyun clenched his fists and said angrily: "If he is really a liar, I, I, I will beat him to death." of......"


Seeing Xiangyun clenching her little fists and looking filled with indignation, everyone in the room laughed. Caiwei patted her on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "Okay, okay, don't be angry. You can hit someone if you want to." You have to have a full stomach to have strength, let’s go, let’s go eat!"

After saying that, he glanced at Situ Changge and said, "Shopkeeper Situ, please come too. This can be regarded as compensation for you being wrongly accused."

Just as Situ Changge was about to refuse, the guard who had been following Caiwei suddenly said, "Well, let's go eat kebabs. I haven't had one in a long time."

Caiwei said without thinking, "Okay!"

Situ Changge was startled for a moment. He didn't expect that his boss would be so kind to the little guard, so he couldn't help but look at the little guard.

This guard looked to be only thirteen or fourteen or fourteen or fifteen years old. He was as thin and yellow as a bean sprout. His eyes were just smarter than ordinary people, but he was not necessarily outstanding. He shook his head. Looking here and there, a pair of eyes were chattering in their sockets, showing no trace of the caution or humility of a servant.

But for such an unruly man, the Queen actually kept him by her side and seemed to be very indulgent towards him. Why was this?

Out of curiosity about the guards, Situ Changge did not refuse Caiwei's invitation and went out with them.

When they got outside, Caiwei got on Xiangyun's carriage. Aunt Xie knew that they had something to say, so she took the initiative to sit on the shaft of the carriage. The four nurses walked with the carriage; Situ Changge and Liu Xi sat on the carriage In the carriage that Caiwei was riding in when she arrived, a large group of people went straight to the Bafu Restaurant.

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