When Mrs. Zhang who was following Du Wanqing saw this, she cried out in despair: "Oh, girl, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me—"

Xiangyun was also dumbfounded, what's going on? She just pulled the food box, but why did Du Wanqing fall down? This, this... was something wrong? Aunt Xie was also startled, and the wine on her body was sober. She took Xiangyun's hand and whispered: "Young madam, it's not good, she is going to use the child in her belly to pull you down." !"

"Girl, please be careful. Oops, the girl has fainted. Doctor, where is the doctor? Go and ask the doctor quickly——"

Mrs. Zhang was crying and howling. Xiangyun woke up from a dream and shouted loudly: "Yingyu, go and ask the imperial doctor to come here——"

As soon as she finished calling, she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere. When she turned around, she saw Mo Zili standing at the door, staring at her sinisterly!

"Wu Xiangyun, you are so cruel!"

The man glanced at Xiangyun and ignored her. He walked to Du Wanqing, bent down, and regardless of the severe pain in his ribs, picked up Du Wanqing who was unconscious on the ground and strode towards the house.

"Young Madam, look, look -"

Grandma Xie pointed to the place where Du Wanqing had just fallen and screamed in panic. Xiangyun followed Nanny Xie's finger and saw a pool of bright red blood at the place where Du Wanqing fell, which was extremely dazzling in the sun!

not good!

Xiangyun's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly led Nanny Xie in. As soon as she walked into the inner room, she heard Mrs. Zhang's scream of despair.

"Sir, the girl is bleeding a lot. The child...is useless!"

Mo Zili was silent for a long time before he said in a deep voice: "I know..."

His voice was low, but filled with unspeakable pain, as if there were thousands of feelings in his heart. Just as he was talking, Xiangyun had already walked in. Mo Zili raised his eyes and said with cold eyes: "You can't tolerate her so much? Are you not even willing to let go of the child in her belly?"

Xiangyun bit her lip and said, "I know you don't believe it, but I must say that I didn't push her, I just..."


Mo Zili shouted coldly and interrupted her: "I only believe what I saw. Now she is lying there, and our child...is gone! Are you satisfied?"

"Sir, you have wronged Madam Du. It was Mrs. Du herself..."

Seeing that Mo Zili wanted to blame Xiangyun for murdering his son, Grandma Xie felt anxious, so she forgot her identity and rushed to defend Xiangyun, but was interrupted by Mo Zili's loud shout. .

"Shut up, you old pig who relies on human power, how can you interrupt what the master is saying? Didn't you think I didn't hear what you were saying in the yard just now? When did it become your slave's turn to act arrogantly in our government? Get out of here if you don't want to!"

Grandma Xie had no choice but to shut up after being shouted at. She glanced at Xiangyun worriedly, lowered her head and retreated silently.

Xiangyun knew that Mo Zili's angry rebuke to Aunt Xie was for her to see. He couldn't scold her, so he vented his anger on Aunt Xie to beat her and express his dissatisfaction with her.

Xiangyun pursed his lips, looked at Mo Zili calmly, and said, "You think I pushed her and deliberately caused her miscarriage, right?"

Her eyes were as clear as water, just like how she felt to others, so clean and transparent. Looking at her magnanimous eyes, Mo Zili's heart suddenly softened. Just as he was about to speak, Du Wanqing on the couch suddenly opened her eyes. , groaned weakly.

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