Xiangyun couldn't see her husband, so she had to hide in another room.

Mrs. Zhang lowered the bed curtains and put a thin silk handkerchief on Du Wanqing's wrist before letting the imperial doctor come in for treatment.

After the imperial doctor came in, he put his hand on Du Wanqing's wrist and examined it for a while. He shook his head and said to Mo Zili: "The child in this lady's belly can no longer be saved. Now the adult's physical condition is also worrying. Judging from the pulse, this The lady is in danger of a hemorrhage. I will prescribe a prescription for you. Please get the medicine boiled as soon as possible, so as to avoid any further harm to you..."

There was an uproar in Qiushuangzhai, but today the old lady took the eldest lady and the second lady into the palace. Now only Mo Zijing's wife Yang is at home, and Yang is just a cousin, so she doesn't want to interfere too much in the affairs of her brother-in-law's house. She only sent someone to deliver some supplements, saying they were for Miss Du's health. of.At the same time, he sent someone to the palace to report the news to see if the old lady could make arrangements for the second bedroom earlier!

When the letter arrived, the old lady and her two daughters-in-law were in Yukun Palace to persuade Queen Mother Mo.

In the morning, Empress Dowager Mo was exhausted at Caiwei's house. She was angry and resentful, so she sent people to Duke Li's Mansion to invite the old lady and her two sisters-in-law into the palace to talk. Firstly, she wanted to relieve her boredom and relax her mood. Secondly, She knew that her son had always respected the old lady and the two aunts, so she wanted her mother and two sisters-in-law to speak to her son in front of her, asking him not to listen to Mu Caiwei in everything and to release Chaoyue as soon as possible.

The old lady and the other two ladies had already learned about Empress Dowager Mo and Nangong Yu's previous attempt to bewitch Nangong Yi, and they all felt that their mother and daughter had gone too far. Therefore, when Empress Dowager Mo proposed to let them be lobbyists, Not only did the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law not agree to help, they all persuaded Queen Mother Mo to stop making trouble and let the young couple live their own lives lovingly, while she could quietly be a queen mother who doesn't mind her own business. Wouldn't it be a great joy? ? Why do you have to interfere in the couple's affairs? Not only can you not control them, but you also make them dislike you?

As for Chaoyue, this girl is really shameless. There is no reason to unite with others to plot against her brother. Even if she is allowed to temper her temper in the Buddhist hall, if she has to be forced to be released, sooner or later she will cause trouble!

Empress Dowager Mo did not expect that her mother and sister-in-law would not help her, but instead spoke for Mu Caiwei. She was very unhappy and was about to send them away. A young eunuch happened to come in to report something that had happened to the Duke's mansion. The old lady said Listen, the Queen Mother hurriedly stood up to say goodbye, and hurried back home with her two ladies!

Although the old lady didn't care about Du Wanqing, she still cared about the child in Du Wanqing's belly. Her three grandchildren were all adults, the oldest was nearly thirty years old, but she didn't even have a great-grandson. Therefore, after learning that When Du Wanqing was pregnant, her first thought was to keep the child. As for leaving the mother and keeping the child, that was all a matter for later!

When they arrived outside the palace, the old lady and the two ladies called the housekeeper who had reported the news, and kept asking what was going on. The housekeeper didn't know much. He only heard intermittently that there was a quarrel between the young lady and Miss Du. He Hehe pushed Miss Du in anger, causing Miss Du to miscarry!

When the old lady and Mrs. Bai learned that Du Wanqing had aborted the child, they felt very distressed. However, the child was already lost and could not be recovered, so they both had a sullen face and stopped talking angrily.

Madam Wu felt that the matter was not that simple. Xiangyun was her biological niece and the child she had watched grow up. She knew Xiangyun's temperament and would never push or beat a pregnant woman. There must be something fishy inside.

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