Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1245 Leaving the Mansion (2)

Du Wanqing softened her voice and said, "My mother has served me for so many days, and I can't bear to let her go. However, my life in this house will become more and more difficult in the future. My mother's loyalty alone is not enough. You must have courage and strategy, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will lose everything. When the time comes, not to mention that the glory and wealth I promised you are gone, even your old life will be beaten with the crime of aiding the evil. Kill, you have to decide what to do!"

Mrs. Zhang was frightened. She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said, "I will definitely not make the girl angry in the future. I will do whatever the girl says. By the way, girl, what should we do next?" Do?"

Du Wanqing sneered and said: "Help me find out where our young lady's village is? I will find an opportunity for someone to visit her!"


Mrs. Zhang had been completely conquered by her, and she got whatever she said. After Du Wanqing gave her instructions, she went out to inquire.

Caiwei only found out that Xiang Yun had left Duke Li's mansion a few days later, because she was busy with a major event these days and had no time to contact Xiang Yun.

She is busy with very meaningful things, related to the fate of thousands of palace ladies!

In ancient palaces, the palace maid has always been a tragic role.

Once they were selected and entered the palace, they lost all their freedom. Most of them had poor food and clothing, poor housing, hard labor for life, and could not see their parents. Cumbersome etiquette and strict hierarchy make it almost impossible to get ahead. In addition to completing all kinds of hard labor, they also often read books such as "Nu Xun" and "Female Filial Piety" under the guidance of female internal officials to distort their souls. Any palace maid who violates the rules will be punished with "locking", "bell lifting" and "boarding".

The palace maid was sick and left to die without medical treatment. This dynasty stipulates: "If the concubines below are ill, doctors are not allowed to come in to obtain medicine based on evidence." If the concubines are like this, it goes without saying that the maids. If the palace people are sick or old, they have to rely on their own vitality to survive, or wait for death, just like the guilty people. After the death of the palace maid, there was no burial place. After the body was burned, the ashes were filled into the dry well.

Not to mention, sometimes palace maids would be buried as sacrifices, so women among the common people were reluctant to enter the palace, and even tried their best to avoid being selected. For this reason, there were even marriage partners.

Caiwei accidentally learned of these things and was very emotional.

Life is not easy. How many young women were selected into the palace during the best years of their lives. From then on, they lived a life of darkness. They never got ahead. They had no chance to experience what a woman should do. After experiencing love and marriage, she never had the opportunity to experience the happiness and joy of having children as a woman. Her beautiful youth was gradually consumed and corroded in the palace, and finally she grew old and died. After her death, she didn’t even have a tomb. , were all turned into ashes and poured into the deep well.

If she were a palace maid, how desperate she would be living in this deep palace! And the system of treating maids in this palace is so dehumanizing!

Immediately, she called the chief steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and asked him about the roles of the maids. When she learned that there were as many as six thousand maids in the palace, she was shocked.

It is said that there are three thousand beauties in the harem. She always thought that there should be only three thousand maids in the harem, but she never thought that there are as many as 6,000. Now she is the only one in the harem and there is no need for so many maids. Instead of keeping them to increase the expenses , it is better to let them go out and live their own lives.

In the evening, she told Nangong Yi this idea.

When Nangong Yi heard this, he glanced at Caiwei thoughtfully, and unconsciously rubbed the tea cup in his hand with his fingers, and said: "These maids were selected several times during the reign of the Supreme Emperor. This dynasty has not released any maids yet." According to the rules, there are more and more maids. In the past dynasties, when the emperor died, a large number of maids would be buried with him, and some would be sent to nunneries. Therefore, there was a large reserve of maids in the palace. Be prepared for emergencies."

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