Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1248 Leaving the Mansion (5)

Recently, Nangong Yi got a book of erotic pictures from somewhere. There were dozens of realistic moves on it. When the man saw it, he felt like he had found a treasure. He had to drag Caiwei to try them one by one, causing Caiwei to beg for mercy every night. Stack up, and I get up with my waist in my arms every day.

"No, this doesn't count!" She protested, but the protest was ineffective. The man lied and said, "If you don't comply, I will also overturn what I said before!"

For the sake of these poor palace ladies, Caiwei weighed it again and again, decided to sacrifice her life for justice, and gritted her teeth and agreed to the man's request.

Nangong Yi thought that he could have fun tinkering all night, and he was very excited. This thing can not only benefit women all over the world and accumulate good fortune; it can also make Xiao Nizi appreciate her and worship him; it can also win an unparalleled and wonderful sexual life for herself. It is simply killing three birds with one stone!

Very good!

However, at night, he felt bad!

Because, when the two of them were so intimate that they were as close as arrows, his Queen’s letter—— came!

Seeing the man with a dark face going to the clean room to take a cold shower, Caiwei couldn't help but roll around and burst out laughing.

Liu Xi curled her lips and said, "Don't laugh, be careful when extreme joy brings sorrow. Your aunt is not here forever. When she leaves, let's see if your man doesn't break your waist!"

Caiwei's laughter suddenly stopped. Although Liu Xi's words were not pleasant to listen to, they were rough and unreasonable. Nangong Yi must be holding back his anger at the moment. When his aunt leaves in a few days, he will appoint Get it back with profit.

This man seems to be aboveboard, but in fact he is petty!

Caiwei lay on the couch, thinking about what might happen in a few days, her whole body felt bad. She is a modern person, has a very open attitude towards sex, and enjoys what sex brings to her. However, her fourteen-year-old little body has not yet fully opened up, and she really can't stand the ferocity of a man who has just discovered the taste of meat, so she often starts with excitement and ends with begging for mercy.

As her personal eunuch, Liu Xi naturally heard the interaction between them, so he often teased Caiwei behind her back.

Caiwei was currently using him to prepare a hotpot restaurant and didn't dare to offend him, so she would only be embarrassed if she was laughed at.

"Stop laughing, how are the preparations for the hotpot restaurant going?"

Liu Xi made an 'OK' gesture and said coquettishly: "My father-in-law is here to take action. Of course everything is OK. The house has been found. I have designed the store decoration and other things. I will give it to you when you have time." Look at the drawings and the budget for opening the store."


Caiwei lay on the couch, wrapped in her nightgown, and said to Liu Xi with a smile: "I am absolutely assured of your ability. In the past, you governed a country as big as our country A in an orderly manner. A small hot pot restaurant has It doesn’t matter, just go ahead and do it without telling me. Oh, yes, this hot pot restaurant is jointly opened by me and the young lady Wu of Duke Li’s Mansion. You can go to Duke Li’s Mansion tomorrow. , tell her about the budget and decoration!"

Liu Xidao: "If you open a small hot pot restaurant after becoming a powerful country, do you still need to open it with others?"

Caiwei said: "Honestly, this hot pot restaurant is only opened for her. She wants to be independent, not attached to her husband's family and her natal family, and wants to do her own business, but she has no way out. As her good friend, I , naturally I had to help, so I thought of opening a hotpot restaurant in partnership with her!"

After hearing this, Liu Xi said with some emotion: "You are always so generous!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "So, among your dozen bodyguards, I am the only one who has traveled through time. However, fortunately, I am well-dressed. If I were dressed like you, I would... Haha..."

After Liu Xi heard this, he gritted his teeth and glanced at her and said, "Originally, I planned to say a few words of gratitude, saying that you died for me in my last life, and I will pay you back in this life. However, since I have been squeezed out by you, Now that it’s like this, I won’t talk nonsense anymore, and I’d better cheer up and draw another more exciting erotic picture for the emperor!”


Caiwei sat up suddenly and said with an angry look, "You mean, you are the one who drew the erotic pictures in his hand!"


Liu Xi nodded and walked out quickly.

Caiwei jumped down and shouted: "Liu Xi, get back what you gave me!"

Liu Xi had already rushed out of the door and said to the bedroom: "I'm going to see your best friend at Duke Li's Mansion..."

It was already night now, so of course Liu Xi would not really go to Xiangyun. Early the next morning, he rushed to Duke Li's Mansion and specified that he wanted to see Xiangyun under the banner of the queen.

Because he was sent by the Queen, Duke Liguo's office did not dare to slack off, so Bai received him personally.

"My father-in-law, I'm sorry. My daughter-in-law went to stay in the village a few days ago. She won't be back for a few days. If anything happens to my mother-in-law, how about I send someone to send my father-in-law there?"

Liu Xidao: "That's a good relationship, I'm sorry to have you madam!"

Immediately, the Bai family sent the housekeeper of the mansion to personally take Liu Xi to Zhuangzi where Xiangyun was located.

On the way, Liu Xi opened the car curtain with great interest and looked around. He had been in this world for almost a year, and he had spent most of his time in the palace. He finally had time to go outside. He had to Enjoy watching it all!

When passing by Mu Ji Shenxing, he happened to see Situ Changge standing by the window on the second floor of Shenxing, looking out with his hands behind his hands.

He wore a sky-blue round-neck robe, and a white jade crown inlaid with sapphires on his head, which set off his fair and handsome, picturesque face. He was like a handsome young man walking out of a book, so focused. Standing there, it made the young girls and young wives passing by on the street stop and take a peek, their faces all flushed, and they looked shy and pregnant.

Liu Xi was unhappy when he saw such a good-looking person of his kind, no, his former kind. He raised his head and said with a sour smile: "Shopkeeper Situ, you are looking at the street. There are indeed many beauties on the street. They are worth seeing." …"

Situ Changge had already seen Liu Xi, smiled lightly and said gracefully: "Eunuch Liu is joking, why are you so free today and are you out of the palace?"

Liu Xidao: "The Zajia family is not as leisurely as you. You have time to look at beauties and laugh at the same time. The Zajia family is ordered to go out to do business. This trip has to cover dozens of miles!"

Situ Changge said with a smile: "My father-in-law is tired. Why don't we wait for him to come back and sit here, and I will order some delicious dishes at Fengming Tower for noon and let's have a few drinks. How about"

When Liu Xi heard this, he immediately became happy: "This is a good idea, I like it!"

Xiangyun's dowry village is located in the eastern suburbs of the capital, fifteen or six miles away from the capital, and Liu Xi arrived in less than half an hour.

When he arrived at Zhuangzi, he was surprised to see white flowers hanging on the gate of Zhuangzi outside Zhuangzi. The servants coming in and out also had black gauze on their arms. Liu Xi was startled and hurried into the yard.

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