After the man went down, the room became lively, and the gangsters screamed and screamed one after another: "Oh my arm...oh my nose..."

"Ouch, good man, we have realized our mistake, we don't dare to do it anymore... Ouch..."

"...Hero, spare your life..."

It has been raining outside for a long time, getting heavier and heavier. Xiangyun has been soaked to the skin. It is almost November now, and the late autumn rain is chilling to the bones. She hugs her knees and shudders in the wind and rain. My teeth are about to collapse.

Why hasn't that person come back? Has he forgotten her? Xiangyun waited painfully for a long time. Just when she was about to faint, the black shadow jumped up again and landed on the opposite side of Xiangyun. He said softly: "Okay, everything is packed up. I will take you down." !"


When Xiangyun saw the man, he cried with joy. He clenched his teeth and stretched out his hand, sniffling and saying, "I forgot about me...wuwuwu." ...."

Seeing her childish look, the man couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand and said, "I'm here, right?" As soon as he touched her body, the man's smile disappeared. He frowned and looked down at her. Said: "You have a fever?"

Xiangyun shook his head and smiled reluctantly: "I... didn't..."

Before she could say the word 'thing', she tilted her head and fainted in the man's arms...

The man hurriedly caught her, quickly jumped down from the roof, and ducked into the house.

In the yard, sixteen gangsters were tied tightly like sixteen rice dumplings and thrown into the rain. They screamed loudly. Some lost their arms, some had broken legs, and some had no injuries. The blood from the wound kept pouring out, mixed with the rain, and soon dyed the whole yard red...

The man put the unconscious Xiangyun on the kang and went outside to find her maid. Unfortunately, the maid had been knocked unconscious. When he went to other rooms, the servants inside also passed out after they had been drugged by unknown drugs. .

He walked around but couldn't find anyone who was awake. He returned to Xiangyun's room and put his hand on Xiangyun's forehead. He found that she was even hotter than before, her body was still shivering, and her teeth were shaking. Shivering.

If she didn't take off her cold, wet clothes, she would get even worse. The man struggled hard for a while, and finally made up his mind. He picked up Xiangyun, went to the couch in the east room, took off his clothes and pressed them against hers. He found a dry towel to dry her body, and helped her put on a pair of clean clothes...

In her confusion, Xiangyun did not sleep well. She felt someone was taking off her clothes, wiping her body, and putting her into dry clothes. She hummed a few times and was tucked into the bed. In the warm quilt...


The next day, Xiangyun woke up with a splitting headache.

When she opened her eyes, the sun outside was already high. She rubbed her eyebrows and suddenly remembered what happened last night. She sat up suddenly and felt dizzy. Xiangyun closed her eyes and rested for a while. What happened last night Those things appeared in her mind like rewinding.

Last night, there were gangsters in Zhuangzi, and she was surrounded by bad guys. At the critical moment when she was about to be insulted, a man rescued her and took her to the roof. Then, she was soaked by the rain and fell into a coma...

In her confusion, it seemed that he had changed her clothes and wiped her body...

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