Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1279 Xiangyun’s thoughts (3)

At this time, Duke Li Guo's mansion was bustling with activity. After Du Wanqing fell into coma, Mo Zili ordered her to be tied up and handed over to Yingtian Mansion for disposal. Wangcai colluded with gangsters and attempted to murder his mistress, which was an unforgivable crime and was directly executed with a stick. ; The servants involved in this incident were all given fifty canes and sold out after the beating; the two young men who beat Grandma Xie to death, Youke, could still struggle to stand up after the beating, but Mrs. Zhang could not. Because of his old age and fear in his heart, he died soon after being beaten with fifty sticks. Although Nongyu did not die, a delicate beauty was disabled after being beaten with fifty sticks. This I can't stand up for the rest of my life. After a person is sent to Yahang, no one is likely to be willing to pay for a slave who cannot stand up. What awaits her will be the most just judgment of fate!

Grandma Wang was exempted from criminal law because of her merits in exposing Du Wanqing, but she also participated in the surveillance of Qiu Shuangzhai, so she was also betrayed.

Mo Zili denounced everyone involved in the matter in one breath. Afterwards, he knelt in front of the old lady again and apologized solemnly: "My grandson is unfilial. He insulted the family tradition of our Mo family because of his confusion and caused the elders to do it for me." Worry, my wife was hurt by me and ran away from home, please ask grandma to punish her!"

The old lady said: "We old people, whether we are anxious or angry, are not as sad as your wife. If you sincerely apologize to me, just go and coax your wife back to me. It will be regarded as giving up the merit. If If you can't coax her back, you'll be punished for both the new and old crimes. "

Mo Zili said solemnly: "Even if grandma hadn't told her, my grandson would have gone looking for her. Don't worry grandma, my grandson promises you that he will definitely bring her back."

The old lady was very satisfied and said: "That's right. If you throw away such a good wife, I will be the first to say no if no one else tells her."

In the evening, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Bai left dozens of loyal guards behind, and left with thousands of instructions.

As soon as they left, Xiangyun's tense heart finally relaxed. Finally, no one forced her to go back to Duke Li's mansion, and no one forced her to live a good life with Mo Zili...

Her body suffered from the wind and cold last night and she was frightened. She was already very tired. Today, she was frightened by Mo Zili and she couldn't hold on for a long time. But she still gritted her teeth and held on in front of the two ladies. If she fell down, she would be forcibly taken back to Duke Li Guo's Mansion.

She didn't eat dinner. As soon as her mother and mother-in-law left, she lay down and fell asleep, exhausted both physically and mentally.

However, she slept very uneasily and kept having nightmares. One moment, she dreamed that the bandits came again, holding knives to kill her. The next moment, she dreamed that Mo Zili was pressing on her, taking off her clothes and bullying her. She was so frightened that she woke up twice and cried in her sleep.

"Don't...don't come here...let me go..."

She cried sadly, like a helpless child.

Vaguely, she felt someone wiping her tears with their hands. The hands were a little rough, but very gentle. They treated her like a delicate baby. She was dazed, as if she had returned to the world again. last night.

The mysterious man helped her take off her wet clothes, wiped her body, and carefully helped her dress one by one...

His hands were warm and gentle, making Xiangyun unforgettable.

who is he?

Why does it appear here?

Why did you save her and help her change her clothes?

Why did he disappear again after saving her and never show up again?

Xiangyun really wanted to know who he was. Apart from dealing with the two difficult ladies, he spent almost all the rest of the day thinking about him. Who was he? Will they ever have the chance to meet again? However, no matter who he is, in Xiangyun's heart, he is a good person, a hero who saves her life between life and death, a warrior who can fight one against ten, and a gentleman who is calm and calm.

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