Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1281 Xiangyun’s thoughts (5)

Mo Zili narrowed his eyes slightly and said pointedly: "Just because I treat you badly, you want to reconcile with me? So you have found a way out? By the way, I haven't yet I asked you, what is your future? It can’t be a man!"

His tone was weird, as if he was yin and yang. Xiangyun had never heard him speak in this tone, but he felt the danger behind this tone.

She said angrily: "I am a decent person and not as shameless as you, so don't treat me like you. It doesn't matter if I tell you my future. I want to do business with Caiwei and make a lot of money. Even if I am punished in the future, If you spoil your concubine and destroy your wife, I won't be left helpless. Just go and have children with whomever you like. I can still live my life without you."

"Is this your way out?" Mo Zili raised his eyebrows, a little unconvinced.

Xiangyun stared at him and said without compromise: "So what if it is? So what if it's not? It has nothing to do with you. You killed my nanny. Don't think I will forgive you. I will make peace with you sooner or later!"

Hearing that she had not given up on Heli, Mo Zili chuckled and said, "Have you not forgotten Heli yet? I thought you would reflect on yourself after what happened this morning, but I didn't expect that you still haven't learned the lesson. "

"A lesson? What you mean by a lesson is to insult me ​​like a fan?" Xiangyun said sarcastically, thinking about how unreasonable he was to her that morning, and her eyes turned red, matching her pale face. Son, he looks very pitiful.

Seeing this, Mo Zili tightened his hands behind his back slightly and said, "You are going to make peace with me, why should I treat you as my wife? If you weren't making trouble, how could I treat you like this?" "

Xiangyun's tears fell silently, but she looked at him and said slowly: "I married you because I originally wanted to live a good life with you, but how did you treat me? As long as you treat me better, I It's not like I want to do such an unconventional thing as reconciliation. It was you who forced me to have the idea of ​​reconciliation, and I proposed reconciliation, and you came to blame me again. Are you still being reasonable?"

After saying that, she covered her mouth, turned her head and cried in grievance.

When Mo Zili saw her crying, he couldn't bear it. He wanted to put down his body to comfort her, but he still couldn't let go of what he had just done. He coughed and said, "Just rest, I'll go get you some food." Come." He said and walked out.

When Xiangyun came to Zhuangzi, Mo Zili was afraid that Xiangyun wouldn't be used to the poor food in Zhuangzi, so he sent two cooks to Xiangyun in the name of the old lady. Both of them were arranged by him to take care of Xiangyun. Yun is also his spy, very trustworthy.

After coming out, Mo Zili's expression became grim. He went directly to the courtyard where the servants lived, called out two cooks, and asked them if any men were interacting with Xiangyun.

However, the answer finally obtained was not at all doubtful.

Except for last night when they were knocked unconscious by the group of bandits, the two of them took turns monitoring the young lady at night. The young lady was absolutely fine.

After hearing this, most of Mo Zili's doubts disappeared. He understood Xiangyun's character. She was a simple and scheming silly girl who would not do something scandalous like Hongxing cheating on her. Thinking of this, he felt relieved and asked the cook to deliver dinner to Xiangyun, while he returned to Xiangyun's house first.

When he came back, Xiangyun had already gotten up from the kang and was being served by Cuilu to wash his hands and face. She was wearing a white side-breasted blouse with dark embroidery of Tuanfu characters, and an ivory floor-length cotton silk skirt. Her long black hair fell to her hips, and she was bending over to wash her hands.

Seeing him come in again, Xiangyun threw the handkerchief into the basin and shouted, "Why are you here again? Get out!"

The doubts in Mo Zili's heart were gone, and all that was left was his apology and pity for Xiangyun. Faced with Xiangyun's noisy, he whispered: "Xiangyun, let's stop making trouble, why don't I admit defeat?"

"You admit defeat? How do you admit defeat? What do you mean by admitting defeat?"

Xiangyun was confused by what he said, tilting his head and looking at him intently.

Mo Zili sat down opposite her and said seriously: "As long as you don't mention Heli anymore, if you want to fight, make trouble, act, or take out your anger on me, it's up to you, but there's only one thing you can't do." If you mention the word 'harmony', I will be angry, Xiangyun, please don't touch my bottom line, otherwise, you won't be able to bear the consequences."

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