Caiwei said: "My mother must have said that, I can't do anything about it. Whatever happens, my mother can just say it!"

Empress Dowager Mo said: "I heard that the list of people who will accompany the emperor for two days of autumn hunting has been finalized, but there is no Yu'er. I think that even if Yu'er made a mistake, she is your biological sister after all. If Chao Gei and the others Those princesses can accompany them, but Yu'er is left in the palace. What will others think of her? How do you want her to behave? "

Qiu Shou's list was decided by Caiwei in the morning, and the people in the palaces had not been notified yet, but now it has reached the ears of Empress Dowager Mo. It seems that Empress Dowager Mo is really well informed.

She almost forgot that the palace servants in her palace were all personally selected by Queen Mother Mo. Naturally, they were all Queen Mother Mo's ears, eyes and confidants. Today, although Queen Mother Mo no longer has any rights, they still care about their master. , and dutifully passed on the news found in her to Yukun Palace.

Very good, it seems that she needs to change a group of palace people!

Caiwei smiled and said, "So that's it. My mother has wronged me. The reason why I didn't let Chao Yue go is not for personal revenge. If my mother thinks about it, Chao Yue went to the nunnery to practice in the name of praying for the country." , came out in just a few days, it would have aroused everyone's speculation. If she doesn't know how to avoid it anymore and shows off everywhere, wouldn't it be even more criticized? The concubine also did this for her own sake. If the queen mother feels that it is inappropriate OK, I will add her to the list when I get back."

After hearing this, Queen Mother Mo also felt that Mu Caiwei's words had some truth. She glanced at Nangong Yu. Nangong Yu quickly lowered his head and did not express his position. It seemed that he had decided to go. Empress Dowager Mo had no choice but to say: "Since the Queen has agreed, Chaoyue, thank the Queen quickly!"

Chaoyue bit her lip, took a step forward, lowered herself, and whispered, "Chaoyue thanks the Queen!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "You're welcome, this is nothing. If anything happens to Chao Yue in the future, you can come to me directly. There is no need to mobilize troops to come over and make it look like you are here to attack me!" "

Chao Yue's face turned red, she lowered her head and whispered softly: "Yes, Chao Yue has remembered it!"

When Nangong Yi saw that Chao Yue insisted on going, he was very unhappy. He had loved this sister for more than ten years, but he never expected that she would let him down so much in the end. Now in his heart, she is just a person with whom he has a blood relationship. They are just human beings. As for the love between brother and sister, she has long since exhausted it. "If the queen has nothing else to do, the son and the queen will take leave first. The autumn wind is getting colder, so the queen should go back and rest early!"

After saying that, he bowed, took Caiwei's hand and left, ignoring Nangong Yu from the beginning to the end.

Nangong Yu looked at the backs of her brother and Caiwei, holding back tears and said, "Mother, look at my brother, he didn't even look at me from the beginning to the end. He used to love me so much, but it's not like this..."

Empress Dowager Mo said helplessly: "Hey, you have forgotten your mother after marrying a daughter-in-law. Not only you, but even I can't compare to that woman in his heart now..."

The mother and daughter sighed and went back angrily.

Nangong Yi held Caiwei's hand and just walked to the door of the imperial study when he saw a parrot flying from a distance with fluttering wings.

Caiwei was overjoyed and asked hurriedly: "Parrot, how are you? Have you found it? Where is he?"

"Master, I found him. He is an acquaintance of yours. Oh, you must not have guessed who the prince of Qingluo Kingdom is?"

Caiwei said in surprise: "The only 22-year-old man I know well in the capital is Shopkeeper Situ. Could it be... that he is?"

The parrot squeaked: "Congratulations, you got the answer right, it's him!"

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