Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1304 Rumors are spreading (6)

Caiwei smiled and said, "Then don't let them see it. What if they do? Is it possible that I'm still afraid of them?"

Aunt Dou stood aside and laughed and said: "Your Majesty, what you said is absolutely true. Madam, you are worrying too much. Our Queen is protected by the Emperor. No matter how hard those imperial ministers and ladies in the harem chew maggots, the Emperor is absolutely reluctant to blame the Empress." of!"

Du said: "I understand this, but there is no harm in being cautious. Now that you are at a high place, there may be many pairs of eyes staring at you, waiting to find your fault.  "

Caiwei sneered and said, "That's only if they have this ability! Okay, mother, I finally came back, so don't give me grand ideological and political lessons. Tell me, what are you doing?" What are you doing rummaging through the boxes and cabinets? Don't think about taking advantage of my father's absence to steal the furniture and run away."

The conversation made everyone laugh. Mrs. Du leaned on the red embroidered "Yunlong holding longevity" pillow, nodded her forehead and said with a smile: "You girl, you have become more dignified after becoming a queen, but you have become more and more naughty." Come on, you really should ask the emperor to ask a nun to teach you and detain you properly.  "

Caiwei also smiled and sat on the edge of the Kang.

It is now November, and the weather in Beijing is getting colder and colder. The bamboo mats have been removed from the Kang at home, and a new scarlet felt has been laid on it. There are bright red embroidered "Yunlong holding longevity" pillows, lead pillows, and black A fox-skin and black fox-skin burden was placed on it, and a white fox-skin mattress was placed on it.

Caiwei sat on the white fox fur mattress, looked at the boxes, red silks and other items piled on the floor, and said, "What are you doing, mother?"

Du said: "This is for your sister Lian'er. She has already been engaged to a British prince, and her son has been engaged. Mother is thinking that your third uncle's family is poor, and there will be many distinguished guests on the day of the engagement. If they are too shabby, my uncle will look down on them, so I want to send Lian'er's box gift in advance to help them keep their dignity."

Hearing that Cai Lian was actually engaged to Ji Wanfu, Cai Wei felt really depressed.

In my memory, although Sister Lian'er has been a little vain since she was a child, she is a gentle and kind-hearted girl who often pulls them together. She did not expect that she would become so paranoid and philistine in the end. The man she was going to marry was notorious in the capital. Yuanyang is known as the wolf of Zhongshan. How can he live a good life if he marries such a person?

Sister-in-law Liu presented the gift list and said, "Madam, the box gift for Miss Lian'er has been prepared according to your instructions. Do you want to see what else needs to be added?"

Caiwei took the list and saw it read: "Eight pieces of gold and gem-set head jewelry; four pieces of makeup pythons, four pieces of various colored silks and satins; four pieces of Sichuan brocade garments and shoes; eight pieces of Ding kiln vases and ornaments; Hunan silk There were two bed tents, and four large bags each of fine tea, fruits, wedding cakes, candies, etc., and two hundred taels of silver were sealed at the bottom of the box for the lotus picking.

No matter how much silver it is worth, such a rich additional box is more than enough to cater for the distinguished guests coming to the third uncle's house tomorrow. With these things, although the third uncle's family is poorer, they will not be looked down upon by others!

Mrs. Du personally checked it again, and then ordered Sister-in-law Liu to bring someone to deliver the things smoothly.

Caiwei said, "Sister-in-law Liu, when you arrive at the third uncle's house later, you can tell the third uncle and the third aunt that I will send the extra box gift to Cai Lian later."

Sister-in-law Liu said with a smile: "Miss Lian'er is really blessed to have a sister like my empress!"

Caiwei lowered her eyes and sighed in her heart. If she hadn't been greedy for vanity and longed for wealth, wouldn't it have been the blessing she gained from her previous life? It's a pity that if you don't seek death, you won't die. Now, she has run further and further on the road of seeking death. She sees that she can no longer pull back. She will spend her future life in pain and regret...

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