Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1306 Nine pounds of marriage (1)

After sending away the last injured person, it was already dark. Only then did Xiangyun remember that she had not eaten anything all day long. Not only her, Cui Wen, Cui Wei, two guards, and the coachman had all stayed with her the whole day. We haven't eaten anything for a day, so everyone must be starving.

Xiangyun looked at the sky outside and said tiredly: "Everyone, let's go have something to eat first, and then go back to Zhuangzi."

Cuixi said worriedly: "Young madam, it's already getting very late. You'd better go back first, otherwise, the young master will be... worried."

"Yes, young lady, it will be the same when we go back to eat." Cui Wen's face was covered, only his eyes and mouth were exposed.

The poor girl's face hit the ground first when she fell from the car. Fortunately, the stone road was smooth and her face was only scratched. Otherwise, if it were a brick street, she would have been scratched!

The two guards were also injured, although they were not seriously injured. One of them ducked his arm, and the other broke his head when he was knocked down. Although it was nothing serious, they were both really injured. Since the injuries were not serious, the two of them stayed upright and helped her work with empty stomachs all day long.

There was also the coachman who had two of his front teeth knocked out when he was thrown out of the car. Now he can hardly speak.

Xiangyun looked at everyone, couldn't bear it, and said: "It's better to eat before leaving. The village road is rugged, and it will be uncomfortable to bump around in the carriage with an empty stomach!"

When everyone saw the young lady saying this, they stopped responding, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Because they were all injured, Xiangyun did not take everyone far away, but simply had a meal at a small restaurant near Yishan Hall. After the meal, she ordered the coachman to hire two cars. She and Cuiwen Cuilu sat in One car, two guards and the driver sat in one car, and several people went to Zhuangzi under the moonlight.

As soon as they entered the village, Su Shi, the steward's daughter-in-law, greeted her and said in a low voice: "Young madam, you are finally back. The young master has been waiting for you in the yard for two hours. It's so scary..."

Just as he was talking, he caught sight of Cui Lu, whose arms were bound with splints, and saw Cui Wen, whose face was covered so that only her eyes and mouth were left. She said in surprise: "Oh, what's going on?"

Xiangyun said: "The horse was frightened and they were thrown off the carriage. Sister-in-law Su, you will take care of them from now on until their injuries are healed."

Su Shi said, "I'll spare it for you, slave." After saying that, she stepped forward to help Cuixi and carefully followed Xiangyun to the backyard.

When he entered the hospital, Mo Zili was still sitting under the pear tree, staring at Xiangyun who walked in with stern eyebrows, without moving or speaking, like a cold sculpture.

Xiangyun walked over and simply explained: "I encountered something in the city today, so I came back late." After that, he wanted to get past him and go back to his room.

However, as soon as he took a step, a cool voice came from behind: "That's all?"

Xiangyun paused, thought for a while, and added a few words: "The horse was frightened and hit someone on the street. I have been dealing with this matter before I finished it."

"Then what?" the man continued to ask, as if he had no intention of letting her go. Xiangyun said expressionlessly: "No more, we will come back after the matter is dealt with."


Mo Zili sneered and said, "Your girl was seriously injured and lost half her life. It shows how tragic the situation was at that time. You didn't send anyone back to tell me that such a big thing happened. When I asked him about it, , you are still playing tricks on me, Wu Xiangyun, do you think of me as your husband? Have you considered my feelings? "

Xiangyun closed his eyes, took a deep breath, held back the truth that could easily cause him to explode, and said: "You are injured, I don't want to trouble you, and it's not a big deal. I can handle it alone." Got it."

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