Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1308 Nine pounds of marriage (3)

Being rejected again, Mo Zili let go of his hand, his eyes full of disappointment. He took a step back, looked at her stubborn face, and said softly: "I can go back alone, but have you ever thought about this?" What are the possible consequences of this matter? If you don’t go back, you will be considered guilty. At that time, if your grandparents give any orders, I will not be able to protect you.   "

Xiangyun wished that Duke Li had divorced her. After hearing what he said, she became even more insistent on her decision.

"It's up to you to do whatever you want. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep first..." After saying that, he didn't even look at Mo Zili and went back to the house.

Mo Zili looked at her back, shook the hands hanging on both sides, and slowly walked out the door...



As soon as it got dark, Caiwei washed herself white, lay down on the bed early, and took the initiative to get entangled with the man.

Under the dim candlelight, her porcelain-white and delicate skin, her long hair as smooth and silky as satin, her exquisite and impeccable facial features, coupled with her fire-like passion and soft and watery whisper, fascinated Nangong Yi. , for two or three hours, he enjoyed folding her soft body into various shapes, trying various postures on the picture Liu Xi presented, and he enjoyed the ecstasy so much Like a cloud, the more he fights, the braver he becomes, wishing he could tear her apart and eat him.


The dragon bed swayed, and Nangong Yi lay on Caiwei's body, kissing Caiwei's pink and delicate cheek, and said movedly: "Did the sun come out from the west today? Why are you so proactive, hiss." .....Well......"

Caiwei was lying flat on the couch, her long hair as soft and smooth as seaweed scattered casually beside the pillow. Like a smooth snake, she was tightly wrapped around Nangong Yi's body and hugged the man's neck. While panting, she said delicately: "Yi, I have something to ask...ah...please, you can't...ah...don't agree..." "


Not far from the dragon bed, Liu Xi, who was on duty, propped up his chin and listened to the movements in the dragon bed, wondering whether the emperor would agree to her or whether he would be fascinated by sex.

Just as I was thinking about it, the emperor's dissatisfied voice came from the couch: "Baby, what else do we want to ask for? Uh... just take whatever you want. The country is yours, and so am I... ...your......"

At this time, the delicate voice of his former subordinate came from the couch: "I want to go to the north later and will be back in three to five days."

"No!" The emperor refused boldly, "Last time you were away for seven or eight days, and I didn't even settle the accounts with you. I still wanted to run away and dream!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the swaying creak of the dragon couch suddenly stopped, and the emperor's voice sounded.

"Hey, why are you pushing me? It's not over yet...Hey, where are you going?"


The dragon tent was opened, Caiwei had a dark face, wrapped herself in a bright yellow nightgown and jumped off the couch. Ignoring the emperor's questioning, she walked barefoot outside and passed by Liu Xi. At this time, Liu Xi shrugged and made a look-alike gesture.

Caiwei rolled her eyes at him and continued to walk outside. The emperor jumped down from the couch, chased after her quickly, hugged her from behind, and coaxed in a low voice: "Be good, honey, we are not done yet. How can you fall out after saying that?"

"Be good, be obedient, let's go, let's go back and finish things first."

Caiwei had been busy all night, volunteering herself and catering to him in various ways, just so that he could agree to her going to the north. Now that she had been rejected by him, how could she be in the mood to help him complete his unfinished business? .

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