Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1310 Nine pounds of marriage (5)

Behind her, the sound of the trumpet and suona was still ringing. Caiwei had nowhere to go, so she planned to buy some snacks, candies, rice, noodles, vegetables, etc., hire a car, and go to the nursing home. .

While I was shopping on the street, I suddenly heard a tentative call: "Sister Wei, is that you?"

Caiwei turned around and saw a middle-aged woman wearing a thin blue pure cotton jacket, holding a basket and looking at her doubtfully.

Caiwei smiled and said, "Auntie, why are you here?"

This woman was the most influential woman in Mujia Village in the past. She was the wife of the patriarch of Mujia Village, Zhou. In terms of seniority, Caiwei should call her aunt.

Mujia Village is poor. For more than ten years, the only women who can afford to wear unpatched cotton jackets are the Zhou family. But now the situation is very different, not to mention the Mu Xiucai family outside. , not to mention Mu Laosan’s family, even Mu Zhongli’s family can now afford to wear silk and satin. It’s a pity that that family suffered a misfortune within a few days. Otherwise, it would have been a long time ago. Come to town and show off!

Aunt Zhou looked Caiwei's outfit up and down, and said in a loud voice: "My dear, no wonder your grandparents said that you are rich in the capital. It seems to be true. Look at these clothes. We don’t have all the tricks here, tsk tsk, I’m afraid I won’t be able to buy them if I don’t have enough money.  "

Caiwei is wearing a thin Sichuan brocade coat with a strand of gold and a hundred butterflies, a colorful tapestry pomegranate green and silver rat jacket, an emerald flower smoke skirt, and a pair of soft-soled embroidered shoes inlaid with purple pearls. The embroidery is brilliant, like a fairy concubine. The total number of this outfit is a thousand taels.

Caiwei smiled modestly and said: "It's not worth much money, it makes aunt laugh. Oh, by the way, aunt is always in good health? How are the patriarchs? How are the uncles, aunts, aunts and sisters in the village?" "

"Everything is fine, everything is fine!"

The patriarch's wife agreed with a smile, her eyes sliding over Caiwei's brilliantly embroidered clothes and then falling on her fair and pink cheeks.

Seeing her looking at her intently, Caiwei smiled and said, "Auntie, I just want to watch what I do? But is there anything dirty on my face?"

"no no!"

Aunt Zhou waved her hands to deny it.

"Auntie thinks you are too good-looking, even better than your mother back then. No wonder your grandfather and uncle came back and said you were going to be the queen!"

When Dafang was mentioned again, Caiwei's heart suddenly moved and she asked, "Auntie, how are my Dafang's family doing recently?"

Aunt Zhou slapped her thigh and sighed: "Hey, what's so good? Originally, your grandparents came back from the capital and brought back a lot of money and two beautiful women. Everyone was envious of them. Who is it? You know, this has led to a disaster. Now your grandfather is dead, and your grandma has only one breath left. She has only a few days to live. A good family, some may die, some may be sick, some may be in jail. Going to jail is almost over."

Caiwei said in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Aunt Zhou said: "Your uncle's family loves to show off. After returning from the capital, he walked around the East Village and West Village all day, bragging that your sisters were going to the palace to become empresses, and that they and the whole family were relatives of the emperor." What."

As a result, I attracted the jealousy of thieves. One night, a group of thieves with their faces covered broke into your eldest family’s house. They took knives and forced them to hand over their treasures. After robbing your eldest family’s treasures, they also took the The two females were also ruined in turn.

Later, there was no money to run the big house in your family. You were used to it and didn't want to go out to work to make money, so you came up with a shameless idea--let the bachelors and scoundrels from nearby villages sleep in their two-bedroom house. She is a female who lives by collecting money from prostitutes.

The two girls were very good-looking, from the capital, and knew how to serve men, so they were very popular. Even several big men in the town came to our village to prostitute them in the dark.

Unexpectedly, a month or two later, all the men who had prostituted the two females were suffering from internal diseases. It is said that Zhang Tuzi, who prostituted the most, was also the most seriously ill, and the birds were all rotten.

Those scoundrel bachelors, who were all vegetarians, had a grudge after being infected with a heart disease, so they got entangled and went to your eldest family's house to smash and beat everyone in the family half to death. They were all smashed to pieces, and the two females were beaten and stripped naked and tied to a tree in the village for everyone to see.

Later, after the two females were released, they saw that there was no way to survive in this area, so they ran away together at night.

Your grandpa was old. He was beaten half to death. He was angry and in pain, and no one took care of his decoction. He died within a few days. Your grandma also fell ill in the accident and never got up. It seems to be getting worse, and I'm afraid I should go back in the next two days. Your uncle originally said he would go to the capital to find you, leave your grandma to your uncle's mother, and take your two brothers alone. , worked part-time at He Yuan's wife's house in Yushu County to earn money. As a result, the three of them stole other people's things and were discovered by their owners. They were sent to the county jail. I also heard that your two cousins ​​also had heart diseases and were languishing in jail. They have to live and die, and no one wants to stay in the same cell with them...

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