Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1315 Physical Examination (5)

What's more, he needs Po Wen to come forward and prove Xiangyun's innocence. Only by proving her innocence can his grandmother and mother be relieved of their resentment and make them stop caring about those rumors.

Of course, if the outcome of this matter is another, although he will be disappointed and angry, he will not be willing to let her die or let her live a life of Qingdeng Ancient Buddha. He will find a place Hiding her, no one can find her, including that damn Situ. Only he knows where she is, and she will still be his woman for the rest of her life, whether she wants it or not!

In the room, Xiangyun's cries gradually became hoarse and faint. She seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and was finally subdued by a few stout women who successfully inspected her body.

Po Wen came out with several other women, and said with joy, "Congratulations to the young master, congratulations to the young master, the young lady is still in perfect condition. The old slave has checked carefully, and there is absolutely no problem with the young lady."

Hearing this, a huge boulder pressing on Mo Zili's heart suddenly fell to the ground. He couldn't help laughing, turned around and walked towards the house.

On the kang in the back room, Xiang Yun lay there in despair, still covered with the red peony cloak she had just put on. Her bun was messy and her eyes were dull, as if she had become a shell that had lost its soul.

Mo Zili walked over and sat down on the edge of the Kang. Looking at Xiangyun like this, he whispered: "It's hard for me to do this to you, but if it wasn't like this, you wouldn't be able to clean yourself even if you jumped into the Yellow River." Already..."

"You don't know how unpleasant the rumors outside are. The old lady and the madam have both thought of deposing you. Only by proving your true identity can they stop their thoughts of deposing you..."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't interact with that shopkeeper Situ in the future, you will still be my wife, Mo Zili, and the young lady of Duke Li Guo's mansion. Now, get up and let's go back to the mansion together. With that stable My mother-in-law testified, I expect the old lady and my wife will not embarrass you..."


Xiangyun seemed to have neither heard him nor seen him. She was still lying there motionless. If it weren't for the silent tears in her eyes, it would really make people think that she was dead!

Seeing her like this, Mo Zili felt very distressed. He raised his hand to smooth her messy hair. Before his hand fell, she suddenly screamed sharply, wrapped herself in a cloak, and rolled towards her. He hid in the kang.

"Ah...don't touch me...go away..."

Mo Zili hurriedly stopped and explained: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just want to take you back to my house to see you."

"Thank you, Auntie, thank you, come and save me, drive them out quickly, woo woo woo..."

Xiangyun held her head and huddled in the corner shivering. She cried hoarsely and looked extremely pitiful!

Seeing how excited she was, Mo Zili shut up, glanced at her pitifully, turned and walked outside.

In the yard, Cuiping and Cuilan were still crying. Mo Zili walked out and said in a cold voice: "Go in and serve the young lady well. Don't let her cry anymore. Coax her now. It's just you." the benefits of!"

After Cuiping and Cuilan heard the order, they did not dare to disobey and hurriedly lowered their heads and entered the house.

Xiangyun was really stimulated. She was wrapped in a cloak and huddled in the corner. No one was allowed to approach her. She would yell and jump to her feet when anyone came over. Not to mention Cuiping Cuilan, who couldn't coax her, just Cuilu. I came in with slumped arms and coaxed her for a long time, but she still didn't calm down.

Knowing that Xiangyun's mother, Mrs. Wu, had arrived, Xiangyun felt a little better. Although he was not as panicked as before, he was extremely sad. As soon as he saw Mrs. Wu's face, he threw himself into her arms and burst into tears, as if he was mourning for his heir.

Mo Zili couldn't stay any longer. The elders in the family were still waiting for him to take Xiangyun back for questioning. But with Xiangyun like this, he couldn't bear to drag her back to testify, so he had to say goodbye to Mrs. Wu and be alone. gone back.

Mrs. Wu learned about her daughter last night, and she was so anxious that the corners of her mouth turned into blisters overnight. The Marquis of Jian'an was also extremely anxious, and sent Mrs. Wu to Duke Li Guo's Mansion early in the morning to inquire about the news. , I am afraid that my daughter will really do something unethical, which will make the whole family of Jian'an Marquis Mansion unable to hold their heads up.

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