While Mo Zili was angrily lecturing him, the mother-in-law outside came to report that someone was in the palace and wanted to report that the old man and the second master had entered the palace.

Mo Zili's father, Mo Qingshan, was in poor health, so he never served as an official. If anything happened in the palace, he would usually call the eldest master or the eldest son, Mo Zijing. He rarely specially called the second master in. Now, the eldest master and the eldest son are left alone. The eldest son, if you ask the second master to come in, there must be something important.

After hearing this, the old lady sighed: "It's probably the Marquis of Jian'an Buyi who caused the quarrel in the palace. Alas, these enemies have been fighting since they got married. I'm afraid the quarrel will end now!"

When Mo Zili heard this, he froze for a moment and said, "What does grandma mean by this? My grandson is ignorant, please grandma make it clear."

Bai Shi said: "What the old lady means is that your relationship with the Xiangyun couple is over. Marquis Jian'an must go to the palace to ask the emperor to make the decision and allow you to reconcile. "

"I don't agree with you!"

Mo Zili said decisively, stood up, and walked out quickly regardless of the surprised looks in the eyes of the old lady and the first lady and the second lady.

When he arrived at his grandfather's study, the old slave Liu Zhong who was waiting there told him that the Duke of Guo had already brought the second master into the palace.

When Mo Zili heard this, he turned around and walked towards the stable. He had to try to catch up with his grandfather and the others. If it was too late, after they entered the palace, the emperor promised him to make peace with her, so he really had no chance at all. .

When he arrived at the stable, he happened to see Mo Ziqi's carriage already hitched and being driven out by the driver.

Mo Zili stopped the carriage, climbed in, and said to Mo Ziqi, who was sitting in the carriage, "Fourth brother, I'm in a hurry and want to borrow your carriage."

When Mo Ziqi heard this, he knocked on the wall of the carriage and quietly told the driver, "Let's see Mr. Li off first. I have nothing urgent to do anyway."

The coachman said, "I wonder where Mr. Li is going?"

Mo Zili said: "Entering the palace, no, catching up with the old master and the second master's car."

The coachman flicked his whip and said, "Okay!"

The carriage gurgled forward. Mo Zili was sitting in the carriage, anxious. He kept lifting the curtains and chasing the coachman to tell him to hurry up. The coachman agreed and kept crackling his whip.

Mo Ziqi leisurely played with a delicately embroidered purse hanging from his waist, as if he didn't notice Mo Zili's anxiety.

"Why are you so slow? Hurry up, hurry up!"

Mo Zili urged anxiously, and the driver said with a grimace: "Master Li, this is a street, and people are coming and going. If you go too fast, it will be bad if you hit someone!"


Mo Zili cursed and reluctantly lowered the curtain, eager to jump down and run.

Mo Ziqi raised his eyes and looked at Mo Zili's anxious look, and smiled coldly, as if he was mocking something. After laughing, he continued to lower his head and play with the purse in his hand.

The purse is in the shape of a pomegranate and is embroidered with azure light. The embroidery is the pattern of a lion rolling an hydrangea ball. The little lion is brown and is playing with an hydrangea ball with great interest. The little lion is furry and vividly embroidered. Lively and lifelike.

Seeing this purse, Mo Zili suddenly remembered the purse he saw in her sewing basket when she was at Zhuangzi. She was also embroidering a purse, but unfortunately her needlework was not good, and the purse looked like a bag. It looks like a broken bun, wrinkled, but very cute!

He looked at the purse in Mo Ziqi's hand, and was a little distracted for a moment. The vivid little lion embroidered on the purse looked silly, but very cheerful, somewhat similar to her when she was happy.

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