Mo Ziqi raised his eyebrows, raised his slender, white, well-jointed hands, took off the jade finger on his thumb, and placed it in the palm of his hand.

"It's her heart."

As he said that, he exerted a little force and heard a "click" sound, and the white jade ring broke into two pieces.

He spread his hands and said, "This is the room where you are raising a foreigner!"

After saying that, he took back his palm and exerted another force. After a burst of shattering sounds, he opened his hand and found that the two jade pieces in his palm had been broken into many small jade pieces.

"This is because you believed Wai Shi's words and concluded that she pushed away your child and beat her wet nurse to death."

Mo Ziqi held his hand again, and after a smaller cracking sound, he opened his hand, and there was only a pool of white powder left in the white palm. He sent the powder in front of Mo Zili and said, "Is there any way you can turn them back into their original thumb rings?"

Mo Zili shook his head: "Fourth brother, what do you mean?"

Mo Ziqi opened the car curtain, scattered the jade foam in his hand, wiped his hands with a clean white handkerchief, and said slowly: "When the ring finger breaks for the first time, you can find a jade craftsman to repair it; When it breaks for the second time, it is difficult to repair, but it is not impossible; for the third time, it has broken into pieces, and no matter how good the jade craftsman is, there is nothing you can do. Just like the relationship between you, it is no longer there. Opportunity to mend!"

Hearing this, Mo Zili's face froze, and then he said: "No, as long as I don't let go, she will still be my Mo Zili's wife. As long as I treat her well, our relationship will ease sooner or later."

Mo Ziqi shook his head and said puzzledly: "Since you care about her so much, why do you still hurt her and doubt her? Have you never thought about the consequences of doing so?"

Mo Zili leaned back in the back seat, closed his eyes, and said painfully: "The purpose of testing her is not only to stop the unpleasant rumors outside, but also to make her grandmother and mother believe her and give up their idea of ​​​​getting divorced." , I have done a lot of things that have hurt the face of Duke Li, and I can’t bear to disobey them and hurt their hearts, so I have to use the simplest and most direct method to prove her innocence to them, as for the harm to her. , I planned to make up for it slowly in the future, but I didn’t expect..."

He didn't expect that the Marquis of Jian'an would have such a strong reaction. His mother-in-law had always been on his side, urging peace but not separation. That's why he felt confident, ignored their feelings, and did that impulsively. If he had known that they would switch sides and side with Xiangyun, he would never do it no matter what he said...

Mo Ziqi looked at his cousin's painful expression and suddenly said curiously: "Have you ever thought about what you would do if the results of the physical examination are not satisfactory?"

"Will not!"

He opened his eyes and glanced at Mo Ziqi, and said firmly: "Your assumption is not valid at all. She will never do anything unworthy of a woman. You are overthinking."

Mo Zili's tone was very bad, but only he knew. He spoke tough, but he didn't think so in his heart. He didn't trust her. When Po Wen gave her a forced physical examination, he had been worried and uneasy, lest she really did something to disappoint him. If things happen, he will definitely die in pain.

She is the wife he is marrying. She should belong to him from head to toe. He will never allow others to get involved with her. He can only love and care for her. In fact, if he hadn't been injured by the carriage last night, he would have been unwell. , he didn't need Wen Po at all, he went to test her himself. In that case, they would be truly husband and wife, and she would never have any other thoughts.

Moreover, he had already planned it. If she was still a virgin, that would be fine. If she was not, he would send people to kill that Situ Changge, and then find a place to hide her where no one can find her. Get up, and as punishment, she will never see another man in her life and can only serve herself obediently!

"Oops, sir, there are so many people in front of us, blocking the road. We can't get through!" The coachman suddenly shouted, interrupting Mo Zili's thoughts.

Mo Zili opened the car curtain and looked out anxiously. Sure enough, not far in front, he saw a large group of people gathered around, not knowing what they were looking at.

"Go down and see what's going on. If there's nothing serious, disperse the people first. If they're entertainers, give them some money and let them disperse..."

Mo Zili gave an order to the boy sitting on the shaft of the carriage. After hearing this, the boy hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and jolted away.

After a while, the boy came back and said: "Sir, there was a death in front of me. It was said that a butcher's wife wanted to elope with another man. The butcher caught up with him and killed the wife and husband with a butcher's knife. Dead, now two corpses are lying on the street, waiting for Yingtian Mansion to come to do an autopsy!"

The boy only gave a brief summary of the matter, but did not say that the woman who was stabbed to death was once the legitimate daughter of Duke Anguo's mansion. However, even if she was the legitimate princess, it was useless. Now Du Wanying has become A bloody corpse...

There was a murder case, and there were two lives. It was obvious that the carriage could not pass. Mo Zili was very anxious, but he had no choice but to say: "Let's take a detour and go through Surabaya Street!"


The coachman agreed, shook off his whip and took a detour.

Because of the detour, they walked an extra half mile. When they arrived at the palace, Duke Li and Mo Qingshan had already entered, leaving only the palace's carriage and its drivers and guards waiting at the palace gate.

Mo Zili jumped away, extremely anxious, fearing that the emperor really summoned them to discuss his reconciliation with Xiangyun, he walked anxiously at the palace gate, wishing he could rush in.

However, although he is the emperor's cousin, there are clear regulations in the palace that foreign men without jobs are not allowed to enter the palace without permission. He has not yet served as an official, and Mo Ziqi is only a fifth-rank governor of Zhongshu Province. , the grade is not enough and cannot enter the palace.

The carriage of Marquis Jian'an Mansion and the guards were also waiting at the palace gate. Mo Zili had no way to enter the palace, so he called the boy and asked him to go to the coachman of Marquis Jian'an Mansion and try to trick him. What did the Marquis of Jian'an do when he entered the palace?

The servant was ordered to go, and he walked into the servants of Jian'an Hou's mansion and started to get close to them. Before he could get anything out of him, the palace door opened and Jian'an Hou came out angrily.

When Mo Zili saw him, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute Marquis Jian'an and said, "Father-in-law!"

Marquis Jian'an glared at Mo Zili fiercely and said angrily: "Boy, my daughter has reconciled with you, and your two families have nothing to do with each other anymore. If you dare to scream again, be careful of my fists that don't recognize anyone!" "

Mo Zili was stunned for a moment. He was stunned and confused. Mo Ziqi stepped forward and said, "Where did the Marquis start talking about this? How did they get divorced so smoothly?"

The Marquis of Jian'an flicked his sleeves and hummed: "I'll ask you!"

After that, I left angrily...

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