Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1333 Mo Zili’s pain (1)

On November 15th, the first year of Shunde in the Jin Dynasty, something happened that shocked the entire capital.

Zhui Feng, the chief guard of the Imperial Palace of the Jin Dynasty, unearthed the skeletons of several monsters from Erlong Mountain in Yuanning County, Qingzhou. The bones of these monsters were extremely huge. One leg bone was bigger than a human being. The skulls of the monsters were even scarier and huge. Not to mention, it actually has two horns.

When the people watching along the way saw the huge bones on the car, they all knelt down in awe and worshiped those bones. Some people spread rumors everywhere, saying that a monster was born and the world was going to be in chaos.

However, before these rumors spread, some guards posted notices with pictures of two-horned monsters in eye-catching places along the way, informing the people in detail what these bones were, so that the people would not be ignorant. It was taken advantage of by someone with bad intentions.

The skeleton was transported to the palace, and when put together, it was exactly the same as Caiwei's previous painting. When all the ministers saw it, they couldn't help but be convinced by the empress's erudition and knowledge. Nangong Yi was also quite proud of it.

Thanks to his wife's profound knowledge, otherwise, thousands of people in Erlong Mountain would have lost their lives in vain because of the ignorance of some important officials in the court, and he would have been burdened with many lives as a result!

Taking this opportunity, Nangong Yi took the opportunity to dismiss several pedantic and important ministers, deprived them of the power they held, promoted several young and promising people, and reorganized the government. The government and the public soon had a new look, and there were new leaders. breath.

Nangong Yi owes all these things to his daughter-in-law. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have found the opportunity to deal with those powerful veterans and take back the power in their hands. To him, to the court, All have great benefits.

At the end of November, Nangong Yi took the Queen Mother, his wife, the princes and princesses of the royal family, and the ministers of the third rank and above to the royal hunting ground for the annual autumn hunt.

In fact, Caiwei does not agree with the activity of autumn hunting. In her concept, every animal has the right to survive. As a high-level animal, humans can just hunt them in order to survive and fill their stomachs. But it is really unethical to deprive them of their right to survive just for fun.

However, she also knows that every society has its own rules of survival. The development of society and the progress of people's ideology require a slow and gradual process. She will work hard to promote the speed of development and progress of this society, but she will not Force him, otherwise it will backfire and be counterproductive.

Nowadays, many of her actions have challenged the authority of this feudal system. For example, she persuaded Nangong Yi to abolish tortures such as Ling Chi and quartering the body with five horses, abolished the unreasonable punishment system that implicated the nine tribes, and abolished the emperor's burial system. These Every decision made caused quite a stir in the court. Some ministers even accused Si Chen of Cai Wei and Nangong Yi of being infatuated with women and allowing women to interfere in government affairs. If the Triceratops incident hadn't helped her save some of the situation, the ministers in the DPRK would still be plausibly impeaching her right now.

Therefore, although she disagreed with the hunting matter, she chose to remain silent and did not further intensify the conflicts between her and her courtiers. At worst, she would just stay there after going to the hunting ground and not go hunting...

On the day of the autumn hunting, Caiwei and Nangong Yi drove together, starting from the palace, from the inner city to the outer city, and finally went straight to the imperial street, exited the capital gate, and headed straight for the hunting grounds.

When the emperor and empress travel, they naturally enforce martial law in advance and clean the streets. There is silence along the way, the people have been dispersed long ago, and there is only the clatter of horse hooves and the rolling of wheels.

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