Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1336 Mo Zili’s pain (4)

The person they were worried about and plotting had now arrived at the royal hunting ground, and was resting in the palace of the hunting ground, all weak and weak. He no longer had the energy to meet the princess, princess, and the rich ladies of the official family.

Just now on the dragon carriage, she was almost torn apart by this man. Her legs were still shaking when she got off the carriage. If Huanqiu and Chunliu hadn't supported her, she would have made a fool of herself in front of everyone!

Hey, it's so embarrassing. Caiwei clenched her fists and kept muttering in her heart. Damn man, it's all his fault!

Lying on the couch, she unconsciously grinded her teeth when she thought of the man who had put her in such a bad situation. Being ravaged by him like this was enough to make her heartbroken. What made her even more dissatisfied was that the man actually acted like he was nothing. Like a child, he went out hunting refreshed and energetic.

Why? Every time after the incident, she abandoned her armor, as if she had been severely injured, but he became more energetic, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. It was obvious that he had been moving, and several hours of strenuous exercise did not stop him. How could this happen if she was not even the slightest bit tired?

Could it be that this is the driving force of men?

She thought angrily as she fell into a deep sleep. Her vitality was severely damaged and she needed a good rest...

In the Daguo Temple on the outskirts of Beijing, Wu Xiangyun, the daughter of the Marquis of Jian'an Mansion, knelt in front of the tomb of Grandma Xie in plain clothes, burning paper money while listening to the nuns reciting the "Panama of Rebirth".

It had been a month since she returned to her parents' home, and this was her first time out. When she first returned to her parents' home, she was depressed from the humiliation she had suffered before. She fell seriously ill and lay in bed for half a month before she got up. During this period, Even Grandma Xie was unable to attend the anniversary of her death. Now that her health has improved, she informed her mother and came to the temple to perform rituals for her.

Before coming, Jian'an Marquis Mansion had sent someone to notify the abbot of Daguo Temple. The abbot did not dare to neglect. He closed the temple three days ago and ordered the nuns to clean it carefully. All the temples were scented with incense, so as not to disturb the young ladies of the Marquis Mansion. It's a shame to come here.

At this moment, the abbot, wearing a robe of ghasa, led the nuns, beat the drums and cymbals, shook the bells and pestles, issued ultimatums to invite the Buddha, offered a meal and paid tribute to the leader of the altar, the protector of the gods, saying, "Nanny Xie, you will be in bliss early."

The religious services were complicated, Xiangyun came early in the morning, and it was not over until almost noon.

Xiangyun ordered Cuiping and Cuilan, who were accompanying him, to pay fifty taels of silver and then go to the clean Zen room in the backyard to rest.

In the afternoon, they also invited the Heavenly King to do repentance, set up a bath to call for death, and worshiped the Three Jewels. In the evening, Cuiping was recovering from a serious illness and was afraid that she would be tired, so he advised her to take a nap in the Zen room until she wakes up. Just confess.

Xiangyun had just recovered from a serious illness and was feeling weak. He had been tired all morning and could no longer hold on. After Cuiping's advice, he followed Cuiping's advice and went to the Zen room in the backyard prepared for pilgrims, preparing to sleep for a while before getting up.

Cuiping and Cuilan waited for Xiangyun to lie down, then quietly left, and went to look for the nun to get some fast food.

After Xiangyun lay down, she fell asleep not long after she lay down because she was too tired. She was sleeping soundly when she suddenly felt itchy on her cheeks, as if someone was touching her again. In a daze, she thought it was an insect crawling again, so she closed her eyes. , raised his hand and hit it.


There was a crisp sound, and her hand hit the other hand. Xiangyun froze for a moment, and then fell asleep.

Someone is coming in!

Someone is touching her!

Oh my God!

She opened her eyes suddenly and sat up suddenly. When she saw the man sitting beside her couch, she was frightened and ran away to the corner of the couch, "Cui Ping, Cui Lan" ----"

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